Cover versions in popular music.
Covers are ambiguous objects that run through all popular musics, with a variety of forms and functions: homage, parody, learning practice, means of emancipation, exercise in style, roots of a new aesthetics, fan identification, commercial hijacking, plundering, constitution of a musical tradition, means of belonging to a musical culture. By their ambivalence, covers are a promising entry to the study of popular musics, questioning their creative process as well as their cultural dimension.
Volume! The French journal of popular music studies is the only peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of contemporary popular
music. It is published biannually by the
Editions Mélanie Seteun, a publishing association specialized in popular music. The journal is in French with some non-translated articles in English.
Volume! was established in 2002 under the title
Copyright Volume! by
Gérôme Guibert, Marie-Pierre Bonniol and
Samuel Etienne, and obtained its current name in 2008.