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Pierre Leguillon - –Tifaifai
An octagonal artist book.
Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, Rotonde Balzac, Paris, in 2013.
Pierre Leguillon (born 1969 in Nogent-sur-Marne, France, lives and works in Paris) is an artist, curator, and writer who has become known for transforming the slide-lecture format into an enlightening, poetic, and witty form of performance art. His “Diaporamas”—slideshows composed of the artist's snapshots—suggest through juxtaposition unexpected connections and new classification systems. Leguillon also makes enigmatic assemblages and dioramas exploring the work and careers of artists such as Diane Arbus, Ad Reinhardt, George Ohr, and Jean Dubuffet. Leguillon's work has been featured at institutions around the world, including at Moderna Museet (Malmö, Sweden, 2010), Musée du Louvre (Paris, 2009), and Artists Space (New York, 2009). He published the journal Sommaire between 1991 and 1996, and his writing has appeared in publications such as Purple, Artpress, and Journal des Arts.
Graphic design: Pierre Leguillon and Manuel Raeder.
published in October 2013
no text
15,2 x 15,2 cm (softcover)
16 pages (16 color & b/w ill.)
ISBN : 978-3-943514-15-5
EAN : 9783943514155
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–Tifaifai –Tifaifai –Tifaifai
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