A journal gathering texts, posters and extracts of three round-table conversations edited and spatilized by the students and the teachers at ÉNSA Versailles and the editors of the magazine Accattone.
Edited by Sophie Dars, Carlo Menon, Galaad Van Daele.
Contributions by Pierre Chabard, Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, Wim Cuyvers, Sophie Dars, école Zéro (Candice Pigeard, Elea Clancier, Eva-Léna Chaudel), éditions Burn⁓Août (Théo Pall), Olaf Grawert, Benjamin Lafore, Yann Legouis, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Caroline Maniaque, Carlo Menon, Galaad Van Daele.