Rab-Rab: Journal of Political and Formal Inquiries in Art

Rab-Rab: Journal of Political and Formal Inquiries in Art is an independent non-profit art journal, published in Helsinki by Rab-Rab Press under the direction of Sezgin Boynik and Gregoire Rousseau. The aim of "Rab-Rab" is to support the discursive position in art, by publishing writings of artists and as well the non-conventional writings of scholars involved in art practices. The point of departure is the thesis that the convergence between form and politics has a strong transformative effect; it changes both the understanding of artistic inquiry and methodologies of scientific research.
Rab-Rab: Journal of Political and Formal Inquiries in Art
English edition
Contributions by Milena Solomun, Ben Watson and Jair Rohm Parker Wells, Ghassan Halwani, Doruntina Kastrati, Kaisa Lassinaro, Sezgin Boynik, and Rastko Močnik. Includes as supplement the first translation of Walter Benjamin's text on Lenin, translated and annotated by Esther Leslie.
Rab-Rab: Journal of Political and Formal Inquiries in Art
English edition
The fifth issue of Rab-Rab: Journal of Political and Formal Inquiries in Art includes stories about nation traitors, fierce masses, socialist women struggles, love-forms, psychedelic counter-revolutionaries, workers unions, Brecht fiddlers, jazz surrealism, Soviet trains, and anti-fascism.

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