
Peter Behrendsen - Nachtflug / Atem des Windes (vinyl LP)
Edition Telemark
24.00 17.00 €
This LP gathers two sound works by Cologne-based radio producer, performer and composer of experimental music Peter Behrendsen. Nachtflug is a live-electronic piece based on the sounds of bats made audible, and Atem des Windes is a text-sound composition inspired by a Taoist text.
Ernstalbrecht Stiebler - Kanon / Torsi (vinyl LP)
Edition Telemark
(last copies available!)
24.00 17.00 €
This LP pairs two organ-based works by German composer Ernstalbrecht Stiebler. More closely associated with his position as a radio editor and producer, Stiebler composes a reductionist music built on minimalist structures and repetitions, and influenced by Minimalism in visual art.
Wilhelm Klotzek - Trefferia
bilingual edition (English / German)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Monograph spanning a decade of works by the multidisciplinary artist Wilhelm Klotzek: The Berlin-based artist embeds his practice around his personal stories from 1980s-1990s Germany with dark and humorous texts that strengthens the interconnection between his visual work and his personal interest with the medium of language.
Josef Maria Schröder -
bilingual edition (English / German)
Edition Patrick Frey
First monograph dedicated to the long forgotten German artist Josef Maria Schröder. Starting as a painter during the interwar period, Schröder then developed a ballpoint pen technique with which he produced intensely luminous abstract compositions and portraits of a surrealist/constructivist cast. These late works are featured in this volume, which includes original documents from the artist's estate.
Eberhard Havekost - Inhalt
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
An overview of the German artist's work, through a selection of paintings from 2006 to 2016.
Helke Bayrle - Portikus Under Construction - 1992-2016
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
Helke Bayrle has—on her own initiative—filmed the installations of exhibitions that have been held at Portikus since the end of 1992. This catalogue features more than 1,000 film stills, a full index of the recorded exhibitions, as well as texts by curators and deans who worked at Städelschule and Portikus over the years.
Stefan Roigk - Sprachmusik (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
A new electro-acoustic composition by Berlin-based artist Stefan Roigk. The radio play like combination of poetic lectures, vocals treatments, concrete sounds and deep vocal drones is based on several live recordings and performances made between 2012 and 2015.
 Selten Gehörte Musik - Tote Rennen Lieder (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
19.00 14.50 €
Fifth part in the Selten Gehörte Musik reissue series: recordings by Dieter Roth and Oswald Wiener, at Mosfellssveit, Iceland, from May 28 to 30, 1976.
Wolfgang Gäfgen - Zeichnungen – Dessins
bilingual edition (German / French)
Immédiats / Analogues
Publication gathering an extensive selection of drawings produced by the German artist since the mid-nineties.
 Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs - Continental Drift
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
Photographic account of the two photographers's automobile trip from Switzerland to Mongolia, through the mystical realms of the East.
Matthias Dornfeld - D647
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This catalogue gives an overview of the works by German painter Matthias Dornfeld, who depicts traditional subjects of classical paintings—landscapes, portraits, still lifes—with a style inherited from naïve expressive painting.
Jan Peter Hammer -
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This is the first monograph detailing the practice of the German artist Jan Peter Hammer. The two essays and the conversation between the artist and Adam Kleinmann address the economic, social and historical tones that characterize Hammer's video installations, as well as his sculptures and neon pieces, which are chronicled from 1993 to 2015.
Judith Hopf - Up
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Hopf's multidisciplinary practice addresses the paradoxes and ridicule that spill form high-minded attitudes toward art making and the faith in technology, professionalism, and efficiency. This catalogue gathers a significant sampling of her works, as well as two essays and an interview.
Surface Tension Supplement - Klangumwelt – Ernst-Reuter-Platz
English edition
Errant Bodies - Surface Tension Supplements
This book presents proposals for the transformation of Ernst-Reuter-Platz, a city square in Berlin. They are the results of a process of auditory artistic research and design developed according to a new radical approach on the relationships between aural activity and environment.
Carsten Höller - Doubt
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
(last copies available!)
Belgian artist Carsten Höller has risen to the fore of the international scene with a practice that revolves around the search for new ways of inhabiting our world. This catalogue features 20 large-scale works––installations, videos, and photographs that play with optics and space.
Thomas Huber - Extase
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
Artist's book containing a selection of 80 erotic drawings and watercolours taken from the 66 sketchbooks that the artist has used since 1972, and never previously published.
 Élise Florenty & Marcel Türkowsky - One head too many / Une tête en trop / Ein Kopf zu viel
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Trilingual monograph investigating five film-projects by the French-German duo. The publication features a series of essays and a high-quality photographic documentation.
Margit Busch - If–Then–Else - Welcome to Transciency – Preis der Kunsthalle Wien 2016
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Publication documenting a project installation by German artist Margit Busch, the joint recipient of the 2016 Kunsthalle Wien Prize. Busch's project sheds light on the meeting points of scientific, philosophical, artistic, and practical discourses.
Johannes Kahrs - Then, maybe, the explosion of a star (2 books box set)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
Two-volume monograph featuring a picture book with a wide selection of portraits, interiors, and landscapes by the German painter, and a book of interview with Xavier Franceschi from Frac Île-de-France.
Olga Lewicka - Cloudility
bilingual edition (English / German)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
With this collage book Polish artist Olga Lewicka draws an illuminating parallel between the visual and cultural history of clouds and the historical development and structures of capitalist and neo-liberal society.
Manuel Raeder - Makulatur - 2010-2016
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A collection of misprinted sheets originating from books designed by graphic designer Manuel Raeder: a “behind the scene” project, which documents the early stage of book production and its conventions.
CRU (Curated Renegade Unidentified)
French edition
The second issue of Frédéric Acquaviva and La Plaque Tournante's audio / video hybrid magazine includes documents on Trevor Wishart, Denis Dufour, Hém-Ish, Ione, Broutin, François Poyet, Johannes Kreidler, Gil J Wolman at work, a film by Frédéric Acquaviva on the late Pauline Oliveros, Silva Gabriela Béju on Henri Chopin and the magazine OU, a set of posters and postcards…
Michalis Pichler - Une Seconde d\'Éternité
no text
Kunstverein Publishing Milano
This Flipbook by Michalis Pichler is a reformulation of the artist's film Une Seconde d'Éternité (d'après un idée de Charles Baudelaire) by Marcel Broodthaers (8mm film, b/w, 1 sec.).
Hans Hartung - Autoportrait
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
Fondation Hartung Bergman
The critical edition of Hans Hartung's autobiographical writings.
Hans Hartung - Autoportrait
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
Fondation Hartung Bergman
The critical edition of Hans Hartung's autobiographical writings.
« L\'esprit d\'un temps » / » Zeitgeist «
bilingual edition (German / French)
Archive Books
The publication sheds light on the 20-year history of the presence of French artists in Germany through the voices of selected representatives of the German art scene (on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Bureau des arts plastiques in Berlin).
Boris Groys - Particular Cases
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
New collection of essays by Boris Groys in which the philosopher discusses the works and artists that influenced his thinking, from Paweł Althamer to Andy Warhol.
Maria Zerres - Considering Dynamics and the Forms of Chaos
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This volume documents two parallel solo shows by Angela Bulloch and Maria Zerres, framed by the notion of entropy.
Daniela Comani - Sunsets
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Edition Patrick Frey
Photographic essay featuring pictures of inactive TV sets: a powerful semiotic reflection on the medium and its design.
Arno Brandlhuber - Legislating Architecture Schweiz
bilingual edition (English / French)
Edition Patrick Frey
A fragmentary reference volume that explores the chronology of architecture-relevant legislation, focusing on Zurich, but looking at controversial legislation across Switzerland.
Hans-Joachim Roedelius - Piano piano (2 vinyl LP)
Song Cycle Records
(last copies available!)
39.00 31.00 €
A stunning collection of quiet and soft piano pieces by the legendary German keyboardist Hans-Joachim Roedelius co-founder of seminal krautrock bands as Cluster and Harmonia. Inspired by the monumental work of Erik Satie, the album was originally released in 1991, and is recommended for fans of Max Richter, Goldmund and Sylvain Chauveau. This first vinyl complete reissue contains the bonus track In Der Dämmerung.
Ingo Niermann - Solution 257 - Complete Love – A novel
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
Set during the 2011 Occupy movement, the tell of a love revolution started by an army of activists willing to bring justice and equality for all on an intimate level.
Werner Durand - Diasporagas - Ancient Trends and New Traditions in Indo-European Music (vinyl LP)
Edition Telemark
An overview of the fruitful long-standing collaboration between Amelia Cuni, specialist of Indian dhrupad singing, and minimalist experimental musician Werner Durand.
Joseph Vogl - De l\'indécision
French edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
An “anti-history” of the indecision in which Joseph Vogl probes the literary figures of Oreste, Wallenstein, Joseph K., Bartleby, or the man without qualities.
Markus Miessen - Crossbenching - Toward Participation as Critical Spatial Practice
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
currently out of stock
The limits of the participatory game in nowadays democracies.
Andreas Tschersich - Peripher
no text
Edition Patrick Frey
Andreas Tschersich's photographic portraits of peripheral areas around the globe capture the uniformity of these transitional spaces that form the hidden face of urbanity.
Annette Le Fort - Phonetic Skin - A Library of Voices (CD)
Errant Bodies - Records & DVDs
An acoustic-phonetic approach of book's corporeality in 38 tracks.
Suzanne Hetzel - 7 saisons en Camargue
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
A notebook illustrated with photographs documenting an installation project inspired by relationships built by the artist with the local people from French region the Camargue between July 2013 and December 2015.
Susanne Kriemann - Duskdust
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
currently out of stock
A photographic artist's book focusing on a former cement factory in Sweden. Kriemann's concern with archaeology, archival materials, and lost narratives is once again affirmed in this publication which came as the result of a residency program in Gotland Island and for which she collaborated with poet Maria Barnas and writer Kirsty Bell, among others.
Josephine Meckseper - 10 minutes after
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
New monograph: Josephine Meckseper's work exposes the paradoxes of consumer culture through the combination of mass-produced objects with images and artefacts of historical and political events.
Manfred Pernice -
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This monographic catalogue focuses on the artist's ongoing Kassetten (cassettes) series, initially begun in 2012. Spanning back to 1996, the book features abundant documentation of the various manifestations of the works, visual references, and other recent sculptures as well as texts by Lulu co-founder Chris Sharp.
 Selten Gehörte Musik - Streichquartett 558171 (Romenthalquartett) (2 CD)
Tochnit Aleph
Part four in the Selten Gehörte Musik reissue series, with a recording by Günter Brus, Hermann Nitsch, Dieter Roth, and Gerhard Rühm originally published as a 3LP-Box by Hansjörg Mayer in 1975. Apart from the group session this edition also includes a duo piano session by Dieter Roth and Hermann Nitsch recorded in Stuttgart in November 1975.
Eva Grubinger - Black Diamond Bay
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
6.00 3.00 €
Eva Grubinger's catatogue Black Diamond Bay explores the idea of psychological landscapes—a physical or mental journey—that evokes ideas of escapism and the search for the self.
K.m Exhibitions / Ausstellungen - 2010-2015
bilingual edition (English / German)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This book is an overview of the exhibition program of Bart van der Heide from 2010-2015, which he realised as the director of Kunstverein München. Each exhibition is presented by a corresponding booklet, containing all texts and images (with Silke Otto-Knapp, Tobias Madison, Keren Cytter, Willem de Rooij, Richard Tuttle, Simon Denny, Rebecca Warren...).
Alexander Kluge - Le raid aérien sur Halberstadt le 8 avril 1945
French edition
Diaphanes - Literature
Filmmaker and writer Alexander Kluge combines fiction and reality to deliver one of the most striking testimonies that have been written about the bombing of German cities by the Allies.
Politique de la mélancolie - À propos de W. G. Sebald
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
This volume brings together essays on the German writer W. G. Sebald (1944-2001), iconographic documents and manuscripts of the author, and a script written by Sebald for a film ever made about the life of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Mario Pfeifer - Approximation in the digital age for a humanity condemned to disappear
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This publication describes the making of a multiple-screen video installation made by Mario Pfeifer while living on Navarino Island, Chile. This anthropological film looks at the life of the descendants of the area's indigenous Yaghan people, and portrays a nation and community that is violently undergoing cultural and religious, social, political and economic transformation.
Nora Schultz - Terminal
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Nora Schultz gathered digital associations made with Google's image search engine, and then asked nine other artists to build a series of textual and visual narratives around her results (an artists' book designed by Keren Cytter).
Reiner Schürmann - Origins
English edition
Diaphanes - Literature
The semi-autobiographical account of the life of a young German in the 1960s, between Germany, Israel, and The United States. First translation of philosopher Reiner Schürmann's only literary work, originally published in French in 1976.
Ingo Niermann - Solution 264-274 - Drill Nation
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
Having furnished solutions for Germany and Dubai, Ingo Niermann takes a new look at what nationhood can mean and accomplish today, finding inspiration, of all places, in North Korea.

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