
Moyra Davey - Gold Dumps and Ant Hills
English edition
25.00 15.00 €
Shot in South Africa in 1992, Moyra Davey's Gold Dumps and Ant Hills is a series of black-and-white photographs of mounds left behind by two types of excavation—one human and one animal. For Davey, the pairings of gold dumps and ant hills “invite not only our imagined associations but, as South African landscapes, our received, politically charged associations as well.” The photographs are presented here in book form for the first time.
Espace art actuel - Shivers
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
This issue addresses the shiver and explores the affective dimension in the field of art. With: Aseman Sabet on Stendhal syndrome; poetic images and waking dreams in contemporary art; the aesthetic shudder, from Nietzsche to Castellucci; Anicka Yi; Myriam Lefkowitz; interview with Sophie Jodoin; the Venice Biennale and Manif d'art 8; reviews and selected publications…
Inter - Risques et dérapages 2/2 + Les nouvelles fables de Fountain – 1917-2017
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Second issue dedicated to the notion of risk in art, together with a booklet celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fountain, the iconic work by Duchamp. The magazine also features tributes to two recently deceased artists, Gusztav Metzger and Felipe Ehrenberg.
Gabriel Saloman - Movement Building - Vol. 1, 2, 3 (2 CD)
Shelter Press - Records
17.00 13.00 €
Double album compiling all 3 volumes of the Movement Building serie, dedicated to Gabriel Saloman's music for contemporary dance.
Gabriel Saloman - Movement Building - Vol. 3 (vinyl LP)
Shelter Press - Records
The conclusion of Saloman's musical trilogy for contemporary dance, this time inspired by a work by choreographer Vanessa Goodman. The bowed guitar, militant percussion and searing guitar eruptions, are joined by distorted guitar, minimalist piano attacks, melancholy guitar melodies, a patina of harsh noise, and a more contemporary approach to drums and bass. (download code included with one additional track).
Tanka G. Tremblay - Le texte à l\'épreuve de la folie et de la littérature
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Les Hétéroclites
A study on the relationship between literature and madness from the 18th century until now.
George Trakas - Du sec à l\'eau - Étude pour Lamelouze
French edition
Captures - Artist's books
Study book made by artist George Trakas in response to a commission issued by inhabitants of the Lamelouze commune in the southern French region of Gard, north of Alès (as part of the “New Patrons” program, initiated and supported by the Fondation de France).
Rodney Graham - That\'s Not Me
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Gathering works from 1994 to 2017, this new monograph focuses on the artist's fictional self-portraits from his lightbox series as well as on his musical production. It includes an iconographic documentation, essays by artists, critics, and curators, and a text by Graham himself.
Geoffrey Farmer - A Way Out of the Mirror
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A complement to the project presented by the Vancouver-based artist at the Canadian pavilion for the 2017 Venice Bienniale, this publication includes over two hundred drawings by Farmer, at once perfectly readable and traumatic, and a glossary compiled by curator Kitty Scott.
Espace art actuel - Digital
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Sculpture in a Digital World: “Digital Fabrications”; “Assembling the Post-Fordist Social Factory”; “Sculptors And Technology: Beyond The Digital”; Null Object: Gustav Metzger Thinks About Nothing by London Fieldworks; Jesse Colin Jackson's Marching Cubes; the 3D Additivist Cookbook; interviews with Grégory Chatonsky & Dominique Sirois, Erika Lincoln; the 6th edition of La Littorale; reviews and selected publications…
Kapwani Kiwanga -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
An in-depth exploration of the Canadian artist's anthropology-based research method in the form of a conversation with Corinna Ewald, Smaranda Olcèse, and Julie Pellegrin (inaugural title of the “Digressions” series initiated by La Ferme du Buisson in collaboration with Captures editions).
Inter - Risques et dérapages 1/2
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
First of two issues dedicated to the notion of risk in art.
Rochelle Goldberg - No Where, Now Here
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
GAMeC Books
Catalogue documenting the Canadian artist's most important works to date and a specially commissionned installation. Her steel structures and ceramic works represent menacing hybrid-species engaged in a role play of predator and prey. Includes an essay by Golberg, texts by critics and curators, and a conversation between art historian Leah Pires and neuroscientist Sara Constantino.
Andrew James Paterson - Collection/Correction
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First survey of the Canadian artist's writings, including a series of new and recent poems, scripts from his videos, and four fictocriticism texts published in IMPULSE magazine between 1980 and 1989.
Inter - Connectivités
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Connectivity and artistic practices.
Espace art actuel - Statue Play
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Anniversary issue concerned with performance acts in relation to the body as sculpture. Featuring essays on immobility in 1990s performance art, the deadpan inertia of the sculpture-body, immobility in the works of Gathie Falk and Megan Rooney, dialogue between the works of Kimsooja and Emma Hamilton, the relationship berween the human body and the object, the “cadaverous sculptures”, an interview with Sylvie Tourangeau, “Event” section, exhibitions and books reviews…
Liz Magor -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This monographic publication delivers an in-depth exploration of Liz Magor's sculpture and installations produced over the course of 40 years.
Alexandre St-Onge - Nude de chose de même
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le laps
This publication is the result of a sound improvisation project by audio artist Alexandre St-Onge. It gathers a collection of hermetic poetry texts and 13 tracks of experimental sounds to download.
 General Idea - A Retrospective (1969-1994)
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Retrospective catalogue (new edition).
Jocelyn Robert - La danse des variables
French edition
Rencontre internationale d\'art performance 2016
French edition
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
A complete survey of performance arts between Canada, Peru, Taiwan, Portugal, Germany, and Slovakia.
Michaël La Chance - Les nouvelles fables de Fountain - 1917-2017
French edition
Intervention - Monographs and artists' books
A dense and enlightening analysis of the “signature” and the development of the story of Marcel Duchamp's Fountain in its historical integration.
Maria Zerres - Considering Dynamics and the Forms of Chaos
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This volume documents two parallel solo shows by Angela Bulloch and Maria Zerres, framed by the notion of entropy.
Inter - La revue comme action
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Art magazines as exhibition objects and spaces.
Espace art actuel - Faces
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Espace is a magazine dedicated to all art forms associated with spatiality. Its 114th issue focuses on the representation of the face in the arts. Contents include an opening text by Jacques Py, “The Native Mask as an Object to Read Identity” by Alexia Pinto Ferretti, “The Double-dealing of the Contemporary Face” by Marion Zilio, “Biometrics, Identity, and the Potential Of the Visage” by Vincent Marquis, “The Face: the Other Of the Portrait?” by André-Louis Paré, “Events” and “Public Artworks” Sections, exhibition reports and book reviews.
Alexandre St-Onge - Vueien (CD)
Errant Bodies - Records & DVDs
Alexandre St-Onge pragmatically captures the ungraspable and hermetic sounds that emerge through the creative process.
Anna M. Szaflarski - Letters to the Editors - A Journal
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The complete issues of Szaflarski's self-produced journal devoted to textual practices.
Espace art actuel - Fetishes
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Special feature on Fetishism (ready-mades, the aesthetics of commodity, Benoît Pype and Kapwani Kiwanga, interview with Musa paradisiaca…), “Events” section honours artist Mathieu Lefèvre, essay by Jean-Alexandre Perras and Érika Wicky on Tate Britain's exhibition “Sensorium,” exhibitions and books reviews…
Inter - Addictions, drogue, création, conscience augmentée
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Counterculture & cyberculture: exploring human potential from psychotropic substances to technological advances.
Gabriel Saloman - Movement Building - Vol. 2 (vinyl LP)
Shelter Press - Records
The second volume in Gabriel Saloman's “Movement Building” series, continuing the release of original compositions commissioned for contemporary dance works.
Inter - Affirmation autochtone
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Canadian native art today
Parachute - The Anthology (vol. 4) – Painting, Sculpture, Installation, and Architecture
English edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
Fourth and final volume of the anthology (1975-2000), focusing on painting, sculpture, installation, and architecture.
Espace art actuel - Counter-monuments
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
This issue addresses the notion of (counter-)monuments with essays on National Identity, Immersion Serving Memory, Optical Protocols, Alexandra Pirici's Soft Power, The Kai Dikhas Gallery, Thomas Hirschhorn, The Memorial to the Victims of Communism…
Quebec-Bangkok - Encounter with Strangers
French edition
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
A critical and visual testimony about a cultural and artistic exchange project between the two cities of Quebec and Bangkok.
Inter - Pauvreté, dépouillement, dénuement
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
currently out of stock
A review of voluntary bareness and simplicity practices in art.
Espace art actuel - Migrations-Borders
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Special “Migrations & Borders” issue: texts by Bernard Schütze, Geneviève Chevalier, and Michael Blum, Milutin Gubash by Chantal T. Paris, François Morelli by Bernard Lamarche, interview with Aram Han Sifuentes, Dominique Sirois-Rouleau's essay on outdoor art, the usual features…
Furniture of the Fogo Island Inn
English edition
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
This unique publication, filled with annotated images, presents an inventory of design, furniture, and textiles produced for Fogo Island Inn. Each piece is a collaborative effort between artisans and craftspeople living on the island and designers from various parts of the world who were invited to engage with the history and communities of Fogo Island and Change Islands in Newfoundland, Canada.
Kent Monkman - Interpellations - Three Essays on Kent Monkman
bilingual edition (English / French)
Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University
Three art historians offer perspectives and analyses on Monkman's work that address history and genre painting, the queered Romantic landscape, the shifting and unfixed subject, race, sexuality, conquest and sovereignty, and modern versus discontinuous temporality.
Patrick Bernatchez - Les temps inachevés
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
Reference monograph: an extensive survey of Patrick Bernatchez's drawings, sculptures, sound installations and films.
Espace art actuel - Forms of Ecology
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Special feature on Ecology, Nicolás Uriburu, interview with Edith Brunette, Kochi-Muziris Biennal, Ariane De Blois on the sculpted body, exhibitions and books reviews…
Inter - Micro-interventions
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
The “micro-interventions” in the public space in the age of social movements and citizen action.
Recréer / scripter - Mémoires et transmissions des œuvres performatives et chorégraphiques contemporaines
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
Between documention and recreation: memories and transmissions of performance art and contemporary dance.
Mark Lewis - Above and Below
bilingual edition (English / French)
Monograph / artist's book based on seven films by the Canadian filmmaker, whose work creates a dialogue between film, photography and painting (with a script by Mark Lewis and an essay by Chantal Pontbriand).
Aidan Baker - The Sea Swells a Bit (2 vinyl LP)
Ici, d'ailleurs… - Mind Travels (records)
First vinyl edition of one of Aidan Baker's masterpiece, first released in 2006. Three long and wonderful ambient titles, plus a live version of the eponymous title as a bonus. The artwork, designed by Francis Meslet, intensifies in the most admirable manner the depth of this dizzying music.
Inter - Organisations artistiques d\'ici et d\'ailleurs
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Intervention - Inter, art actuel
Artistic groups, collectives, and organizations.
Kevin Schmidt - EDM House
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Monograph / catalogue.
Rencontre internationale d\'art performance 2014 (+ DVD)
French edition
Intervention - Catalogues and anthologies
A complete survey of performance arts between Canada, Cuba, Noway, Philippines, and Poland.
Stan Douglas - History and Interregnum - Three works by Stan Douglas
English edition
Archive Books
An embracive and well-documented overview of three works by Stan Douglas covering the emergence of political and multicultural emancipation projects during the Seventies, from Portugal's 1974 revolution and the end of colonialism, to the emergence of multicultural music such as jazz-rock, funk, disco, and afrobeat.
Olivia Boudreau - L\'Oscillation du visible
bilingual edition (English / French)
Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University
28.00 25.00 €
First monograph.

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