
Loïc Raguénès -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
17.00 8.50 €
The monochromatic prints, drawings and paintings of the “neo-pointillist” artist (monograph).
Laurent Marissal - Pinxit 1997-2003
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
The first opus in the story of the "paintless painter"'s clandestine pictorial actions.
 Jean-Baptiste Bruant & Maria Spangaro - Dispositif sonore pour écouter radicalement les anges (CD)
A musical project in collaboration with hospitalized teenagers as part of a “Culture and Handicap” program.
Bruno Serralongue - Spillovers
no text
80.00 40.00 €
Artist's book (leporello).
Daunik Lazro - Aerolithes (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
A quartet of string and woodwind instruments brings together masters of free improvisation.
Joëlle Léandre - Györ (CD)
The first duo recording of Joëlle Léandre (double bass, voice) and Akosh S. (tenor & soprano saxophones, metal clarinet, tárogató, flute): a wonderful syntonic improvisation in a Hungarian synagogue.
Loïc Raguénès - Vie Nouvelle
no text
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
La Salle de bains
Artist's book: a journey through Tyrol landscapes with Bob Dylan.
Annie Claustres - Hans Hartung - Les aléas d\'une réception
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Inflexion
Fondation Hartung Bergman
Hans Hartung always gave a lot of attention to the filing of his works. This essay on the abstract painter is linked with a specific web site where one will find a rich iconography and documentation.
Frédéric Roux - Copié/Collé - Magazine
French edition
MAMCO - Artists' books
25.00 10.00 €
A "copy and paste" fiction.
Daniel Buren - Prospettive
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This small monograph follows the set-up of Daniel Buren's artistic programs within the corporate spaces of a bank and the ways he conceived simultaneously his site-specificity and his break away from this framework.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Postproduction - Culture as screenplay: How art reprograms the world
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The art of postproduction as a response to the proliferating chaos of global culture in the information age.
Joan Rabascall - My Collection
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
Jannink - Wide Open
This artist's book presents a series of works by Joan Rabascall realized in small plastic TV screens, parodying the kitsch of TV series: a playful journey with the popular culture icons of the XXth century. Full colors photos are accompanied by a text by Masashi Ogura, evoking the determining place of the small screen in Japanese culture.
Michel Onfray - Oxymoriques - Les photographies de Bettina Rheims
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
Philosopher and essayist Michel Onfray analyzes the nature of Bettina Rheims' photos, and develops the thesis of a work which, more than scandalous or sulphurous, introduces new models of representation of our society.
Francis Alÿs - Le centre historique de la ville de Mexico
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
A selection of photos of the town where lives the artist Francis Alÿs.
Isabelle Waternaux - Correspondances
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
25.00 12.50 €
An assemblage of photographs taken from distinct series. The tensions and correspondences resulting from the editorial choices broaden the scope of images (artist's book).
Abdelkader Benchamma - C\'est ici que l\'on met les titres
French edition
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Monographs & artists' books
Pierre Molinier - Je suis né homme-putain - Écrits et dessins inédits
French edition
Writings and drawings.
Yann Toma - Faut-il abolir Ouest-Lumière ? - Trois entretiens avec Yann Toma, Artiste, Président et Citoyen
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Three interviews with the President for life of the Ouest-Lumière Company.
 Bernadette Genée & Alain Le Borgne - Les Impressionnants
French edition
Gathering images and texts, this artist's book sums up two years of work with French disabled war veterans.
Marc Décimo - Le Diable au désert – Ananké Hel ! - suivi de Paul Tisseyre-Ananké : Rires et larmes dans l\'armée !
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An essay on Paul Tisseyre Ananké, the military officer in saharian French colonies and writer, which proposes a linguistic and biographic approach, accompanying the reedition of Ananké's book, denouncing the horrors of the French colonisation in Africa.
Marc Décimo - Le Duchamp facile
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
A new approach of Duchamp's keywords.
Antoine Dufeu - Inch\'menschen
French edition
The first part of a literary trilogy examining the issue of nihilism.
 Lefevre Jean Claude - LJC, éditeur à compte d\'auteur /  La pensée en transparence, l\'insert en tant que lieu d\'exposition du travail de l\'art au travail de Lefevre Jean Claude
French edition
CDLA (Centre des livres d'artistes)
Two texts by Jean-Charles Agboton-Jumeau et Marion Hohlfeldt on Lefevre Jean Claude, with some “inserts” by the artist on divider pages.
Denys Zacharopoulos - Capriccio - Adrian Schiess, l\'œuvre plate
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
26.00 13.00 €
This first monograph (both a study and an essay) highlights the diversity and span of Adrian Schiess' work.
Bernard Dufour - Mes laissées
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A collection of artist's writings about literature, semantics, dreams, poetry, photography, women...
Bernard Dufour - Mes laissées - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A collection of artist's writings about literature, semantics, dreams, poetry, photography... (limited edition accompanied by a hand-enhanced photograph).
Fabrice Hyber - Richesses - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A reproduction of handwritten notes, accompanied with sketches, in which Fabrice Hyber explains his conception of the role of art and artists. The limited edition is accompanied by an unique artwork, made on its case.
Fabrice Hyber - Richesses
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A reproduction of handwritten notes, accompanied with sketches, in which Fabrice Hyber explains his conception of the role of art and artists.
Prospective Game for a sustainable City Project - Venice Architecture Biennal 2004 (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French edition (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
DVD-book including all the exhibition films and discussions of 3 workshops at the 2004 International Biennale in Venice, on the theme of sustainable development and urban metamorphoses (a programme of about 2h).
Claude Lévêque - Installation - 2000-2004 (DVD)
French edition
20.00 10.00 €
Filmed installations and interview.
Jean Le Gac - Dans le vingtième arrondissement - Le Musée Jean Le Gac
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Inside the artist's apartment and studio.
Christophe Fiat - Action ! (7\
An electric rock performance seen as an attempt to free literature from the realm of the book (illustration cover by Thomas Hirschhorn).
72 (projets pour ne plus y penser)
French edition
currently out of stock
This book gives life back to 72 aborted projects by publishing the preliminary works—plans, schemes, drawings, graphics, photographs, writings—kept by invited artists.
Esther Hoareau - Ocean Camp
French edition
An imaginary odyssey through Réunion Island and Antarctica, inspired by the life of explorer Ernest Shackleton.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Postproduction - La culture comme scénario : comment l\'art reprogramme le monde contemporain
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
The art of postproduction as a response to the proliferating chaos of global culture in the information age (also available in English edition).
Nicolas Schöffer -
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph.
Vincent Pécoil - The Purloined Letter
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Frac Franche-Comté - Monographs & catalogues
14.00 7.00 €
Exhibition catalogue (with John Armleder, Maurizio Cattelan, Stéphane Dafflon, Philippe Decrauzat, Sylvie Fleury, Mike Kelley, Bertrand Lavier, Sherrie Levine, Allan McCollum, Sarah Morris, Olivier Mosset, Olaf Nicolai, Daniel Pflumm, Daan van Golden, Kelley Walker, Lawrence Weiner...).
Adelfo Scaranello -
texts in English and French
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
First monograph dedicated to the French architect.
Étienne Bossut - Bidon - Petits dessins 1979-2003
bilingual edition (English / French)
MAMCO - Artists' books
25.00 10.00 €
Drawings by French sculptor.
Jean-Charles Blais - Miracle
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
(last copies available!)
Leporello in a box: a book documenting Jean-Charles Blais' œuvre and a 6,40 meters long work.
Guillaume Leblon -
bilingual edition (English / French)
12.00 8.00 €
Monograph conceived by the artist, documenting a series of exhibitions and Leblon's video works.
Paul-Armand Gette - The Nymphalids
bilingual edition (English / French)
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Monographs & artists' books
Artist's book.
 Anne & Patrick Poirier - Dangerzone (+ DVD)
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book / DVD.
 Bernadette Genée & Alain Le Borgne - Couvre-chefs - Cent trois képis militaires
French edition
More than one hundred images of the inside of kepi hats from legionnaires at the Aubagne Foreign Legion, France (artist's book).
Edouard Boyer - Snowi is not Willem
French edition
This artist's book is part of the Snowi project, a digital bank image of more than 1500 images drawn in the style of press cartoonist Willem by artist Edouard Boyer. Boyer's interest in issues such as authenticity and property in art is the starting point of this project opened to diverse protagonists.
Edouard Boyer - Snowi Journal
French edition
A journalistic treatment of drawings made by Edouard Boyer in the style of press illustrator Willem.
Charles Pennequin - Je me jette (book + DVD)
French edition
Artist's book born from the encounter between Charles Pennequin's texts and the intimate immediacy of Pascal Doury's sketchbooks. The DVD features the film Je me jette as well as four other videos.
Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor - Un échec matrimonial - Le cœur de la mariée mis à nu par son célibataire même (Marcel Duchamp et Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Marcel Duchamp met Lydie Sarazin-Levassor at the end of March 1927. On 7 June, they were married. Francis Picabia acted as a witness and the ceremony was filmed by Man Ray. On 25 January 1928, they divorced. Lydie Sarazin-Levassor tells the story of their marriage, presents us with “her” Marcel, and relates her encounters with Jacques Doucet, Constantin Brancusi, Henri-Pierre Roché, Man Ray and Kiki de Montparnasse, Jean Cocteau, the Ballets Russes, the Duchamp family, Jean Crotti, Mary Rumsey, Katherine Dreier and Robert Desnos, and describes the atmosphere at the Villons' (in Puteaux, just outside Paris), the Picabias' (at Mougins, in the South of France) and the Sarazin-Levassors' (in Étretat, on the Normandy coast).

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