Artists' books

Piero Gilardi - Piccolo Manuale dell\'Espressione con la Gommapiuma
Italian edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
Artist's book: a pamphlet designed as a DIY guide on making works with foam rubber.
Henning Bohl - Namenloses Grauen
bilingual edition (English / German)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Artist's book conceived around the works presented in a series of exhibitions held in 2012-2013 (Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Pro Choice / L'Ocean Licker, Galerie Meyer Kainer, Casey Kaplan).
Markus Schinwald -
bilingual edition (English / French) / texts in English and French
15.00 5.00 €
After he transformed the whole nave of the CAPC Museum into a mechanical theatre, Markus Schinwald conceives an elegant and sophisticated artist's book that reflects this physical and mental adventure through preparatory prints, film dialogues, and a series of stickers alternating exhibition views and reproduction of works.
Lili Reynaud-Dewar - Interpretation
bilingual edition (English / French)
Paraguay Press
Artist's book: the last part of a complex project initiated in 2010—an exploration of the intimate legacies of Sun Ra's peculiar body of work (texts by Diedrich Diederichsen, Anthony Elms, J. Griffith Rollefson...).
Andreas Fogarasi - Panorama
bilingual edition (English / Turkish)
12.00 5.00 €
This 3.5 meters-wide artist's book documents and extends a multifaceted installation by artist Andreas Fogarasi—at once a panoramic view of Istanbul, a public platform, a dysfunctional look-out and a touristic attraction.
Andro Wekua - Dreaming Dreaming
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Artist' book (Andro Wekua's recent works).
Frédéric Teschner - H A V R E
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book by graphic designer Frédéric Teschner (leporello).
 Captain Cavern - Psychic Murder Show
no text
United Dead Artists
A fragmented & paranoïac narrative starring psychic murders and Disney's character Pete.
Damon McCarthy - Rebel Dabble Babble
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artist's book.
Stéphane Le Mercier - Ulisses
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book based on James Joyce's Ulysses.
Valentin Carron -
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artist's book.
Giasco Bertoli - Tennis Courts II
no text
currently out of stock
Artist's book.
Jeff Ladouceur - Amen
no text
(last copies available!)
Artist's book.
Jan Verwoert - Animal Spirits - Fables in the Parlance of Our Times
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
“Animal Spirits: Fables in the Parlance of Our Times” is an artist's book by Michael Stevenson and Jan Verwoert which expands upon the themes of this earlier document and re-examines them more specifically in the light of our current times.
Ingo Giezendanner - Zzz Züri
no text
The 3rd drawing novel in Ingo Giezendanner's travelling book trilogy.
Ruth Buchanan - The weather, a building
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This new artist book by Ruth Buchanan charts three narratives associated with the life of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, which acts as an example of the tension between what is contained in libraries and how it is contained.
Thierry Tillier - Principe d\'incertitude - Que faire ?
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A surrealist, erotic and political assemblage of texts, quotes and images with which Thierry Tillier, heir to the great tradition of artistic collage, exposes his libertarian vision of contemporary art.
Matthieu Saladin - Opinions
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book.
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Bulletins of The Serving Library
Sternberg Press
Devised by Stuart Bailey, Lars Bang Larsen, Angie Keefer, and David Reinfurt, this bulletin is based on Larsen's just-completed PhD dissertation at the University of Copenhagen, A History of Irritated Material: Psychedelic Concepts in Neo-Avantgarde Art. The idea was to contrive a popular version of his academic thesis by editing it psychedelically.
Le Dictateur
no text
Le Dictateur
Le Dictateur Press - Le Dictateur
After three years of waiting, perhaps the most beautiful issue of Le Dictateur, with twenty series of specially commissioned works by international artists and some astonishing features: an editorial tour de force, between artists' magazine, book-object and paper sculpture.
Thierry Tillier - Principe d\'incertitude - Que faire ? – Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A surrealist, erotic and political assemblage of texts, quotes and images with which Thierry Tillier, heir to the great tradition of artistic collage, exposes his libertarian vision of contemporary art (limited edition accompanied by an original and unique collage, signed).
 Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet - Attraction étrange
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artists' book.
Marc Bauer - The Collector
bilingual edition (English / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
Artist's book (a series of drawings on paper, on aluminium, as well as some wall drawings, dealing with spoliation of artworks in France under the German occupation).
Niek Van de Steeg - The House of the Raw Matter (box set)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Deluxe editions
Numbered and signed book presented in a porcelain casket created by Niek van de Steeg, accompanied by a numbered and signed original drawing.
Beatrice Gibson - The Tiger\'s Mind
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
22.00 11.00 €
The project initiated by artist and filmmaker Beatrice Gibson and typographer Will Holder, based on the eponymous score written by Cornelius Cardew in 1967.
Herman de Vries - Infinity in finity
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book (infinity in finity, endlessly repeated).
Charlie Stern - The Hacker Grail
bilingual edition (English / French)
A modern reinterpretation of the subject of the Holy Grail (artist's book).
Euan Macdonald - We Already See So Much
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Artist's book: a collection of 85 landscape drawings and sketches by Euan Macdonald that were produced over a three year period in many parts of the world.
Ursula Mayer - Gonda
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Taking the form of a ciné-roman, this book, based on Ursula Mayer's 16mm film of the same name, with a screenplay written by Maria Fusco, experiments in cinematic and linguistic registers through polyphonic monologue.
Philippe Terrier-Hermann - The American Tetralogy
bilingual edition (English / French)
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
30.00 17.00 €
A staging of reality that questions the fictionality of cinema (casting in order of appearance: Douglas Booth, Ashley Hinshaw, Nana Agyapong, Béatrice Rosen, Sharon Stone, Roxane Mesquida, Nicole Garcia...).
Benjamin Sabatier - Do It Yourself de A à Z
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Benjamin Sabatier shells over the alphabet the founding principles of his work.
Susanne Bürner - Euville
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Artist's books
Artist's book.
Alejandra Riera - Enquête sur le/notre dehors (Valence-le-Haut) < 2007 - ... > - à la date du 24 avril 2012
French edition
Captures - Artist's books
An image of collective thought concerning the place in which we live.
Benjamin Sabatier - Do It Yourself de A à Z - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Benjamin Sabatier shells over the alphabet the founding principles of his work. This limited edition is accompanied by a can compression, a unique signed piece.
Joël Hubaut - Sophisme
bilingual edition (English / French)
Frac Franche-Comté - Alphabet series
Artist's book: Joël Hubaut's ABC (“a compressed, unprecise mini ABC of the art of living for the young generations in art schools in particular and for everyone else in general”).
Jérôme Saint-Loubert Bié - Beauregard, le 5 juillet 2012
French edition
Frac Bretagne
currently out of stock
Luxurious artist' book printed in 5 colors (silver ink on black paper), between document, archive and artwork: a subtle exploration of the history of an institution under reconstruction that also bares the internal architecture of the book itself.
Bei Dao - There must be someone to rewrite love
bilingual edition (English / Chinese)
WDPress / Éditions Moon Rainbow
(last copies available!)
Poems by Bei Dao / iPad Drawings by Francesco Clemente, created exclusively for this book.
Lourdes Castro - Album de naissance
Editions du Griffon - Multiples & limited editions
Artist's book conceived as a family album with prints of drop shadows, produced by Lourdes Castro in 1972. The second edition features 17 plates of silksreen prints, collages, and photographs, numbered and signed.
Daisuke Ichiba - Romance mûre
no text
United Dead Artists
“Romance” mûre is a dark cartoon influenced by various elements of Japanese folklore (supernatural creatures, samurai), J-Horror and Otaku countercultures, art brut and collage. The strips are invaded by coral and plant forms and depict a world of young schoolgirls struggling with monsters, rotten or decapitated bodies, ghosts...
Jef Geys - Kempens Informatieblad - Air de Paris Special Edition
French edition
currently out of stock
Anti-catalogue in form of a newspaper in which the artist analyses and documents preliminary works and art pieces exhibited at Air de Paris gallery in 2014.
Jef Geys - Kempens Informatieboek
French edition
currently out of stock
An artist's book / coloring book exploring various themes (world, body, masculinity, dream, the great priestesses of art history, objects, home).
 Július Koller & Květa Fulierová - Amo Amare
English edition
14.00 8.00 €
This publication is dedicated to the romantic conceptualization, in Július Koller's work, of his lover and partner Květa Fulierová (artist's book).
David Hominal - Through the Windows
texts in English and French
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
52 notes on paper documenting the artist's daily life in Berlin between 2010 and 2012, and several reproductions of paintings, sculptures, collages, drawings and silkscreen prints.
Marc Elsener - Bärte aus dem Jenseits
no text
Edition Patrick Frey
Artist's book.

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