Artist's writings

Georges Appaix - Post-scriptum
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Notebooks (ebooks)
The French choreographer looks back on his career in a very personal text, both playful and poetic.
Soun-Gui Kim - Encounters with Soun-Gui Kim - Writings, 1975-2021
trilingual edition (English / French / Korean)
The first collection of the Korean-French artist's writings, interviews (with Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy, Nam June Paik...) and essays on her work.
 Tong Yi Xin - Manuel d\'amour environnemental
bilingual edition (French / Chinese)
Palais de Tokyo - Catalogues & artist's books
A collection of poems by Chinese artist Tong Yi Xin.
Louise Bourgeois - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
currently out of stock
Marie-Laure Bernadac, a leading expert in Louise Bourgeois's work, invites nine artists from both sides of the Atlantic (Tracey Emin, Camille Henrot, Jenny Holzer, Rachel Whiteread...) to share their views of this major artistic figure of the 20th century.
Félicie Bazelaire - Bien à toi
French edition
A poetic story written in the form of an unanswered correspondence by the musician Félicie Bazelaire.
Jason Kahn - Soundings (book + CD)
English edition
Editions (Jason Kahn)
A collection of 77 texts by Jason Kahn, each text written in response to a field recording made by the sound artist in Zurich in February-March 2020 (CD with the 77 sound recordings included): a poetic and sonic cartography that reflects the constitution of the place by the way it "sounds".
N. Katherine Hayles - Parole, écriture, code
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – ArTeC
How the impact of code on everyday life has become comparable to that of speech and writing.
Vanessa Safavi - Alien Armpit
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Alien Armpit brings together short texts and images that the artist Vanessa Safavi made between 2013 and 2022.
Alessandro de Francesco - And Agglomerations, of Trees or E agglomerati, degli alberi o
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A bilingual text by Alessandro De Francesco that blurs the boundaries between art and poetry.
Alice Neel - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
At the invitation of Fabienne Dumont, seven artists from both sides of the Atlantic cast an eye on the work of American painter Alice Neel (1900-1984).
Liam Gillick - A Max De Vos
English edition
A novel by Liam Gillick.
Richard Hertz - Jack Goldstein et la CalArts Mafia
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
The fascinating story of Jack Goldstein, the beginnings of CalArts, and some of the illustrious fellows who, in the 1970s and 1980s, led the transition from conceptual art to the Pictures Generation, paints an uncompromising picture of the art world then and now.
Raoul Ruiz - Notes, Recollections and Sequences of Things Seen
English edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Fictions
Meditations on cinema and method.
Raoul Ruiz - Notes, souvenirs, choses vues
French edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Fictions
Meditations on cinema and method.
Pati Hill - One Thing I Know
English edition
Daisy editions
One Thing I Know is Pati Hill's third novel, first published in 1962, when she was forty-one and had just given birth to her first and only child. It is the last novel she wrote before claiming to "quit writing in favor of housekeeping".
Claude Closky - Entretien sur l\'art
French edition
This text is the script of a performance by Claude Closky, which took place in February 2022 at the Pernod Ricard Foundation. Invited by Jill Gasparina to an Interview on Art, Claude Closky twisted the exercise by writing a text-partition, based partially on interviews given by the artist since the 1990s.
Alina Popa - Unsorcery
English edition
A collection of writings by Alina Popa and Florin Flueras written over a seven-year period (new expanded edition).
Praneet Soi - Urban Kitsch
English edition
Reliable Copy
Urban Kitsch, originally written in 1996, explores the forms of vernacular visual culture that emerged in the city of Baroda following the liberalisation of the Indian economy.
Nouria Behloul - Poetry is the only way out of here
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
currently out of stock
A collection of poems by Nouria Behloul written between 2011 and 2021.
Shirley Jaffe - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
At the invitation of Frédéric Paul, nine artists from both sides of the Atlantic cast an eye on the work of American abstract painter Shirley Jaffe (1923-2016).
Marcel Lods - Éduquer à l\'architecture moderne
French edition
Transcripts of unpublished lectures and writings by the French architect-urbanist Marcel Lods (1891-1978).
John Latham - Recueil de contradictions
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dedicated to John Latham's heterogeneous and paradoxical practice, this book highlights the artist's contradictory relationship with knowledge and language, through a selection of translated texts and images of some of his projects, all articulated around a glossary.
Yann Beauvais - Agir le cinéma - Écrits sur le cinéma expérimental (1979-2020)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
An anthology of the theoretical and critical texts on experimental cinema and moving images written by Yann Beauvais in parallel with his films and his activities as programmer and curator.
Wilfried Wendling - I (also) wonder
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
An unpublished text by Luc Ferrari from 1982, in which he expresses some of his hopes and concerns about what would become La Muse en circuit that same year. Forty years later, the present director Wilfried Wendling wrote a text in echo.
Colin Roche - The Book of Numbers
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
Diary of a journey of introspection.
 Mochu - Nervous Fossils - Syndromes of the Synthetic Nether
English edition
Reliable Copy
A surrealist anticipation novel by the Indian artist.
Pushpamala N - Sculptor\'s Notebook
English edition
Reliable Copy
In Sculptor's Notebook, originally written in 1985, the artist Pushpamala N evaluates the artistic practice that she had been developing until then.
Hanns Zischler - Heiner Müller – The Battle/Tractor / Die Schlacht/Traktor - Basel 1976
bilingual edition (English / German)
A look back at the collaboration and intellectual exchanges between Harun Farocki, Hanns Zischler and Heiner Müller.
Claude Closky - Deux mille vingt-deux
French edition
CDLA (Centre des livres d'artistes)
A collection of twelve octosyllabic sonnets to accompany us throughout the year. The rhythm of the verses directly echoes the passage of time, days, weeks, months.
Simon Moretti - Crocodile Cradle
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A project for which artist Simon Moretti invited fifty-one artists to supply a text that they had written or found, to be considered as part of a collaborative artwork to represent their thoughts in the current charged moment in history.
Kazuki Tomokawa - Try Saying You\'re Alive!
English edition
Blank Forms - Books
A memoir by Kawasaki-based writer and musician Kazuki Tomokawa, Try Saying You're Alive! offers a semi-fictionalized account of the vibrant Tokyo underground that he has been at the center of since the 1970s.
Martha Wilson - Journals
English edition
mfc-michèle didier - Monographs, editions & artist's books
A selection by Martha Wilson of pages from her diaries that document her experience as a woman and artist between 1965 and 1983 (limited edition, signed by the artist).
Annie Descôteaux - Matières premières
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le laps
Through short poetic texts that are both humorous and insightful, Quebec artist Annie Descôteaux speaks to her ever-evolving art practice and relationship with the physical world, while also incisively critiquing the institution.
Claude Rutault - déca-l\'âge
French edition
Walden n
décal'âge is a manuscript, reproduced here in facsimile, between intimate writings, working reflections, and diaries of thought. We find in it Claude Rutault's style, his familiarity with literature, the meditative density of his daily reflection.
Johanna Laakkonen - They Inhabit While Working
English edition
Archive Books
A collection of texts by the artist and quotations through which Jaana Laakkonen develops reflections on her own practice and on the challenges of her work.
James Bishop - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
Eight artists, among the many who have been profoundly marked by the work as rare as it is decisive of James Bishop (1927-2021), share their perspectives on the American painter.
Anni Albers - Du tissage
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art
Written by one of the pioneers of twentieth-century textile art, Anni Albers' 1965 seminal text offers a brilliant meditation on the art of weaving, its history, tools, and techniques, and its implications for modern design (new expanded edition, with three critical texts and color illustrations).
Laurent Marissal - Brecht & Brecht
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Al Dante
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Portraits in 22 tableaux based on the works and words of Bertolt & George Brecht.
Vincent Broqua - Malgré la ligne droite - L\'écriture américaine de Josef Albers
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
The essential place of writing in the work of Josef Albers (1888-1976), one of the most important artists, painters and educators of the 20th century.
Mathilde Ganancia - Bilan de parcours
French edition
A journey in the land of absurdity made by weird and often futile heroines, YouTubers who are losers and extremely unproductive manageresses...
Eden Tinto Collins - Bonne arrivée ou la Numination
French edition
currently out of stock
A crazed narrative of entasy, a free-fall plunge into the vortex of digital introspection and poetic-cum-militant blackness.
Maria Chávez - De la technique - Processus aléatoires sur platine
French edition
This book is a documented and illustrated manual of the turntablism practices developed by Maria Chávez over many years. It encourages experimentation and personal research through numerous examples and detailed instructions.
Ion Grigorescu - Diaries and Dreams - 1976-1979
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Second volume of Ion Grigorescu's translated diaries, assembled like a small literary and art-historical sensation of the period between 1976 and 1979.
Riccardo Arena - LuDD! - Topografia della Luce
Italian edition
Kunstverein Publishing Milano
A metaphysical poem divided into 21 chapters inspired by a series of researches performed among Iran, Armenia, and Ethiopia.
Richard Tuttle - Stories I-XX
English edition
Discover Richard Tuttle as story teller and writer: first publication of 44 short stories by the artist paired with 22 sculptural works from the "Stories" Series.
Simon Hantaï - Transatlantique
bilingual edition (English / French)
ER Publishing
Seven American artists share their invaluable perspectives on the decisive work of Simon Hantaï.
Jenny Odell - Inhabiting the Negative Space
English edition
Sternberg Press - The Incidents
Artist and writer Jenny Odell speaks about the role of design and observation in a fully virtual commencement ceremony for Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

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