Art & pedagogy / teaching / education

Anoush Abrar - Young Creatives
bilingual edition (English / French)
ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design)
A hundred black and white portraits of students from ECAL – University of Art and Design Lausanne, made between 2013 and 2016 by photographer and teacher Anoush Abrar.
Penser depuis la frontière - Expérimentations méthodologiques et épistémologiques entre art et sciences humaines
French edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
This publication gathers the outcomes of a research project bringing together sociologists, art historians and artists to investigate the frontier as both a subject and an epistemic framework.
Profanations textiles - Design textile et matière, architecture intérieure, design objet
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
Crossing perspectives on the results of an educational project around textile design and architecture.
Pierre Keller - My Colorful Life
bilingual edition (English / French)
Edition Patrick Frey
Some four thousand Polaroids depicting nearly fifteen years in the life of artist and former director of the Lausanne art school, ECAL. This photographic diary offers an intimate and erotic portrait of Keller, from its time in 1970s New York to trips to South America and Europe. With texts by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Stéphanie Moisdon.
Art & Crisis
English edition
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
Stemming from the Master Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts, this theoretical publication investigates educational processes and what it means to teach and learn fine arts in a city such as Zurich. It also reflects on the field works made by the MFA students in 2017 in Athens, Beirut, and Lesbos.
Project Phalanstère at CAC Brétigny - or “Of museum orgy or mixed omnigamy in composite and harmonic order” Treatise
bilingual edition (English / French)
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
The publication traces the architectural program carried out by par Pierre Bal-Blanc at CAC Brétigny from 2003 to 2015, a series of site-specific projects with both creative and pedagogic purposes, favoring relations with the outside and the local residents.
Beatriz González - 1965-2017
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
currently out of stock
Catalogue celebrating the first European retrospective of the artist and pedagogue Beatriz González: the publication explores 50 years of plural and polymorphic work, inspired by the historical and cultural realities of Colombia. It features a rich selection of images and a critical apparatus which explores the artist's career while revealing the contemporaneity of her work.
Panorama 19 - Roman – L\'élégance, la science, la violence !
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Fresnoy
This new edition of “Panorama” celebrates the 20th anniversary of Le Fresnoy. Showcasing the various works produced by students and invited artists-professors, the program is curated this year by Jean de Loisy. In this catalogue, writer-in-residence Yannick Haenel draws a narrative thread through the fifty works exhibited, like a novel.
Fragments pour Isidore Isou
French edition
Art Book Magazine
Collective study dedicated to the founder of Lettrism Isidore Isou.
Jerome Andrews - La Danse profonde – De la carcasse à l\'extase
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Notebooks (ebooks)
A series of previously unpublished lectures by American dancer Jerome Andrews, from 1968 to 1980.
Sam Thorne - School - A Recent History of Self-Organized Art Education
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A chronicle of self-organized art schools and artist-run education platforms that have emerged since 2000.
Christian Globensky - Comment on devient Bouddha - selon Nietzsche
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
This manual of aesthetics, tinted with humour, provides the key to a happy existence through the unexpected combination of the philosophies of Buddha and Nietzsche.
EnsAD 250
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
Published on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of The French National School for Decorative Arts, this catalogue documents and expands a unique project built around a workshop gathering former and actual students, and an extraordinary exhibition of 250 posters in the Paris metro.
Michel Bernard - De la création chorégraphique
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Research (ebooks)
Collection of essays on dance revolving around the notion of “body.”
Enora Rivière - Ob.scène - Récit fictif d\'une vie de danseur
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Artists' Courses (ebooks)
The fictional biography of a dancer, inspired by interviews conducted by the author with dancers of all origins and age.
René Lesné - 250 Illustres, 1767-2017 - De l\'École royale gratuite de dessin à l\'École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs-Paris
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
(last copies available!)
Anniversary dictionary of the The French National School for Decorative Arts, which brings together the students and teachers who contributed to the reputation of the school, from Rodin to Xavier Veilhan, Martial Raysse, Francis Picabia, Cieslewicz, and Matisse.
Jean-Philippe Antoine - Farces et Attrapes - Inventer les images
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
A collection of essays focusing on the notions of invention and image in art.
No New Kind of Duck - Would I know how to say what I do?
English edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
How to talk about his art as an artist? A series of discussions with Jan Verwoert and artists and composers of the Graduate School at the Berlin University of the Arts. In parallel, the book presents a careful selection of original artistic contributions by the participants.
Nahum Tevet - The Rough Law of Gardens
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
The Rough Law of Gardens documents Olaf Holzapfel and Nahum Tevet's eponymous joint exhibition and explores the intergenerational differences between two unique artists. Both artists' work rejects the global logic of growth and traverses the bounds of sculpture and painting: each of their practices involves ideas to do with materiality, learning, and memory.
Armen Avanessian - Overwrite - Ethics of Knowledge – Poetics of Existence
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
19.00 9.50 €
A critical essay on the state of the academic world, and a call for the development of an autonomous knowledge production.
Misssouri Super School
texts in English and French
Confort Moderne
Taking the form of a choral novel, this publication gathers experimental narratives describing pedagogical experiments pursued by artists and curators.
Azimuts - Travail
texts in English and French
The second volume of the design research journal devoted to work and its mutations.
Maja Bajevic - Power, Governance, Labor
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
New monograph of one of the most important artists rooted in Eastern Europe.
Clara Pacquet - Signature et achevé en soi - Esthétique, psychologie et anthropologie dans l\'œuvre de Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1793)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An essay conceived as an intellectual portrait of the German writer, psychologist and art theorist Karl Philipp Moritz, whose purpose is to investigate the relationships between aesthetics, psychology and anthropology in the second half of the 18th century, and the importance of their simultaneous development for the debates about art after 1800.
Marinella Senatore - The School of Narrative Dance
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
(last copies available!)
Founded by Marinella Senatore, the School of Narrative Dance is an international initiative which proposes an alternative system of education, based on emancipation, inclusion, and self-cultivation. The School implements multidisciplinary projects focusing on storytelling and choreography. This publication documents a workshop at MAXXI, Roma, involving more than 300 people for five months.
Pierre-Damien Huyghe - Azimuts - Du travail
texts in English and French
The first volume of the design research journal devoted to work and its mutations presents a collection of texts by the philosopher Pierre-Damien Huyghe.
L\'éveil et l\'initiation à la danse
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
How to organize introductory dance classes (educational booklet).
Peter Radelfinger - So wohl als ob
German edition
Edition Patrick Frey
This book presents a wide range of artistic working processes that Peter Radelfinger developed and implemented together with students in various disciplines during the many years he taught at Zurich University of the Arts: several series of elementary (to begin with, drawing and performing) exercises, strategies and techniques of working with images, researching, artistic actions and complex artistic projects.
Ré-créations - Les « 1% artistiques » dans les collèges en Seine-Saint-Denis
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Documentation around 17 commissioned artworks set in middle schools, as part of the Percent for Art Program established in the French Department of Seine-Saint-Denis.
Partition(s) - Objet et concept des pratiques scéniques (20e et 21e siècles)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
The history of the emergence and appropriation of the score in extra-musical domains (theater, dance, performance).
Azimuts - Varia
texts in English and French
Interviews with the artist Alain Bublex and the architect-designer-researcher Joseph Grima, a text by the designer and typographer François Chastanet on the graffiti of Los Angeles gangs...
Jacqueline Challet-Haas - Movement Symbolisation Out of Kinetography Laban
English edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
This publication gives an overview of a series of signs stemming from Hungarian dance artist Rudolf Laban's notation system for human movement.
Acquisitions techniques en danse contemporaine
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
Transmitting specific technical skills in contemporary dance (an educational booklet).
La formation musicale des danseurs
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
The musical education of the dancer (an educational booklet).
Jacqueline Challet-Haas - La Symbolisation du mouvement issue de la Cinétographie Laban
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
This publication gives an overview of a series of signs stemming from Hungarian dance artist Rudolf Laban's notation system for human movement.
Michelle Nadal - Grammaire de la notation Conté - Nouvelle présentation du système
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Educational (ebooks)
A presentation of Pierre Conté's notation system and research on dance and movement.
In the Canyon, Revise The Canon - Savoir utopique, pédagogie radicale et artist-run community art space en Californie du sud
French edition
Shelter Press - Books
The artistic and pedagogical experimentations and the alternative networks developed in California from the late sixties.
French edition
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
Diary published to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Summerlake Summer School initiated in 2011 by ESAAA – École Supérieure d'Art de l'Agglomération d'Annecy.
Demain l\'école d\'art - Actes des assises nationales des écoles supérieures d\'art
texts in English and French
Proceedings of the 2015 National conference of the French Schools of Arts.
Céline Ahond - World Wants Words
French edition
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
A series of interviews with artists, an art student and an art school director, which implicitly defines Céline Ahond's own artistic practice.
The Silent University - Towards a Transversal Pedagogy
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
This first comprehensive publication about the Silent University introduces the initiative—a solidary school by refugees, asylum seekers and migrants—and contextualizes it in the wider framework of both radical pedagogy and socially engaged art projects.
Participation - ART for The World – 1995-2016
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Published on the occasion of the twenty-year anniversary of the non-governmental organization ART for The World, this publication presents the prestigious organization's activities during the period 1995 to 2016.
Milieux & créativités
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Design – Misceallenous
ENSAD Nancy (Nancy National School of Art and Design)
An analysis of new collaborative artistic practices interconnecting artists, designers, graphic designers, architects and researchers with different social and economic backgrounds, outside the strict boundaries of the art world.
Fugitive Volumes - Faouzi Laatiris et l\'Institut national des beaux-arts de Tétouan
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Kulte Editions
The group exhibition “Fugitive Volumes” at Mohammed VI museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rabat presents three generations of artists trained at the Tetouan Institut National des Beaux-Arts, and in particular those who have flourished since the 1980s in the orbit of the artist-teacher Faouzi Laatiris, creator of the Volume and Installation workshop at the INBA in 1993. Beyond the documentation on the exhibition, this publication offers a critical and comprehensive archive on the “Ecole de Tetouan” and the history of a contemporary art in Morocco.
Nathalie du Pasquier - Initiales - Initiales N.D.P.
French edition
ENSBA Lyon (Lyon National School of Art)
6th issue of the art and research magazine is dedicated to Nathalie du Pasquier.
Michael Corris - Leaving Skull City - Selected Writings on Art
English edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
A compilation of insightful, first-hand accounts of art making, art criticism, and exhibition organizing from the early-1970s to the present.
Olivia Plender - Rise Early, Be Industrious
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
In specially commissioned essays, as well as interviews, archival material, and new texts by the artist, this first monograph addresses the in-depth investigation of Plender's research and artwork into educational models and their relation to social organization.
Dominique Pasqualini - AAAH… HMMM! - Amplifiez [la défaillance] – Musique en puissance [electric guitar score]
French edition (texts in English and French)
A kaleidoscopic collection of excerpts on music and instruments.
Angela Marzullo - Homeschooling
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Homeschooling (parental education) is at the center of the performance and video work by Angela Marzullo, who, in analyzing critical texts from the '60s and '70s, recreates them involving her two daughters as protagonists. The publication presents a decade of Marzullo's works, highlighting the evocative value and content of images and text.

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