Graphic design / typography

Sonia de Puineuf - Télégraphes de l\'Utopie - L\'art des avant-gardes en Europe Centrale 1918-1939
French edition
Empire - Books
A wide-ranging discursive study of the cultural geography of the Central European avant-garde between the wars.
Faire – To look at things - Mechanical Translations
bilingual edition (English / French)
Empire - Faire magazine – To look at things
This double issue of the critical graphic design journal examines the origins of the automation and mechanization of translation and writing.
bilingual edition (English / French)
The fifth issue of the annual graphic design journal, dedicated to image and print techniques.
French edition
Soldes Almanac
An illustrated almanac on arts, science, and society, dedicated to the wise men and the fools.
Katharina Schilling - Sand is Water You Can walk On
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The artist book Sand is Water You Can walk On by Katharina Schilling brings together the series of paintings of the same name with texts by the authors Eva Hegge, Miriam Stoney and Sophia Eisenhut. In her series of works, Schilling refers to Gothic illuminations, an early form of painting that tells of a time before the concept of the subject.
Faire – To look at things - A calculated approach: Norm\'s unreasonable reasonableness
bilingual edition (English / French)
Empire - Faire magazine – To look at things
The 46th issue of the critical graphic design journal is devoted to the Zurich-based graphic design studio Norm.
L\'Art dans la vie - Le constructivisme et le productivisme russe dans les textes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
An anthology of the constructivist movement, bringing together newly translated or previously unpublished writings by artists and theorists, accompanied by numerous illustrations and an extensive critical apparatus: this reference volume sheds new light on the multiplicity and diversity of the approaches of constructivism and productivism in the 1920s-30, and provides a major contribution to the studies of the Soviet avant-garde.
Jean-Michel Wicker - Logorrhea
bilingual edition (English / French)
The fruit of a long-term project, this artist's book focuses on the written word and language in Jean-Michel Wicker's work.
Magali Reus - KOOL - A Type Specimen
English edition
Lenz Press
An artist's book built around KOOL ("cabbage" in Dutch), a new font designed by Magali Reus, winner of the seventh edition of the Arnaldo Pomodoro Prize for Sculpture.
Arts, écologies, transitions - Un abécédaire
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
An "ABC of the arts in transition" examining the ecological turn of the arts, the outcome of long-term collective research into the fundamental elements running through the art world and, more generally, the aesthetic and social universe in the current ecological crisis.
Julien Blaine - 2023
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Julien Blaine's new collection of poetic, visual and typographic experiments.
Bea Schlingelhoff - The Crooked - Typefaces for Baseless Rumors
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
This artist's book by Bea Schlingelhoff gathers together 366 capping phrases used for kōan practice.
French edition (texts in English)
ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design)
The 13th issue of the biannual magazine of the ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design), with interviews with Paul Hirsch, Sébastian Strappazzon, Matthieu Gafsou, Lorenza Longhi, Gabriele Garavaglia, Loucia Carlier.
Littérature et design - Visualités et visualisations du texte en régime numérique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Figures
New visualities and visualizations of literature in the digital age: the possible contributions of design thinking to literary theory.
Nieves Notebook (2 notebooks)
no text
Nieves Notebook produced by Moleskine is a lightweight, flexible paper companion for everyday notes and sketches.
Michel Majerus - What looks good today may not look good tomorrow - The Legacy of Michel Majerus
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A record of a symposium on the legacy of the late Luxembourgish artist Michel Majerus (1967-2002).
 Dexter Sinister - yksihW kcalB
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
The 15-year history of the production of a "German scotch" Black Whisky, made by Dexter Sinister together with Stahlemühle, a distillery set up by former publisher, Christoph Keller
twen [1959–1971]
French edition
Bureau Brut
A spectacular insight into the work of art director Willy Fleckhaus for the German magazine twen, which in the 1960s was arguably the world's most influential magazine in terms of visual daring and graphic innovation, and remains an essential reference for many contemporary practitioners.
Andrew Barker - La typographie des Penguin Classics
French edition
Bureau Brut
The most comprehensive case study ever written on the crucial subject of text typography, by one of the major representatives of this discipline.
Out of the Grid - Italian Zine 1978-2006
English edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
currently out of stock
Out of the Grid presents a critical selection of 100 Italian zines from 1978 to 2006 that display a broad spectrum of social, political, aesthetic, and technological changes in the use of language and communication strategies across the territory of self publishing.
 Anni\'s - Repetition, repetition,
no text
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A publication compiled, edited and designed by Danish graphic artist Anni's, based on research into the uses of the grid.
Manuel Raeder - Agenda 2024
no text
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Bom Dia's new Agenda offers a different font designed by Studio Manuel Raeder for each month. It provides you with a fun way for new beginnings and to take notes and make sketches. This years Agenda can function on a daily basis as a notebook, or be used for hanging as a wall calendar.
Décor - Trans
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
The third issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, placed under the complex and ambivalent sign of "TRANS", covering the various ways of transgressing (identity, textuality, coding, training, etc.).
bilingual edition (English / French)
The fourth issue of the annual graphic design journal, dedicated to image and print techniques, with Atelier Murr, Atelier National de Recherche Typographique, Juanma Gomez, Julien Van Anholt, Alexis Dandreis, Sébastien Esteban Desplat, Amélie Dumont, Les Artisans du Regard, Maximage, Fraser Muggeridge, Our Polite Society, Éloïsa Perez, La Perruque, Roman Seban.
Warja Honegger-Lavater - Pictograms
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
A previously unpublished collection of 60 ink pictograms by the early progenitor of the artist's book genre (new edition).
Pierre Escot - Carmin Profond
French edition
Vroum - Editions
The transposition of an exhibition into a book format, spatialising concrete poetry on the page (artist's book).
Écrire avec et sans - LabBooks
French edition
isdaT (Higher Institute of Arts and Design of Toulouse) - Research Series
Publishing as a discursive process and the book as a device of (re)formulation and enunciation: the culmination of a research program aimed at extending the notion of writing to all dimensions of editorial practice.
Nicolas Ballet - Shock Factory - Culture visuelle des musiques industrielles (1969-1995)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Misceallenous
A vast study of the visual culture of industrial music during its development in Europe, the United States and Japan, from the 1970s to the 1990s, a global culture that goes beyond sound experimentation to cross different media (graphics, film, performance, video), in a close dialogue with the heritage of modernity and under the growing influence of technologies.
French edition (texts in English)
ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design)
The 12th issue of the biannual magazine of the ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design), with Atlas Studio, Eurostandard, Nathalie Herschdorfer, Elisa Medde, Jonathan Olivares, Samuel Spreyz, Manon Wertenbroek.
LSD - A DIY Issue
bilingual edition (English / French)
LSD (Le Signe Design)
Le Signe – National Graphic Design Center - LSD
The third issue of Le Signe Design (the Cahiers of the National Graphic Design Center) is about DIY practices and is based on the work of Gilles de Brock, graphic designer who became a ceramic tile manufacturer.
Keiichi Tanaami - Pleasure of Picasso
no text
A selection of Tanaami's Picasso's series.
Michele Mari - Le copertine di Urania
Italian edition
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
A journey through the history of the pioneering Italian science fiction magazine Urania since the early 1950s.
Eric Schrijver - Copiez ce livre - Un manuel sur le droit d\'auteur et les communs culturels, par et pour les artistes
French edition
Les commissaires anonymes - Stimuli
An artist's guide to copyright, written for makers.
Adriano Spatola - Vers une poésie totale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Undoubtedly one of the most important texts on the out of book poetry, both a documentary sum and a manifesto to underline the major role that the poetry and the poets have occupied and occupy in the whole of the transformations that have upset the the contemporary art field, considered by the amateurs and the researchers like a true bible.
French edition
Soldes Almanac
An illustrated almanac on arts, science, and society, dedicated to the wise men and the fools.
Heads Together - Weed and the Underground Press Syndicate, 1965–73
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
A glorious design herbarium of marijuana ads from the great underground magazines of the 1960s and '70s.
Jacques Donguy - Essai sur la Poésie numérique - Ou vers un élargissement du langage
French edition / excerpts translated into English
Les presses du réel – Literature – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
An international essay (France, USA, Brazil, etc.) on digital poetry, from the first attempts to generate text on the computer to the most contemporary developments and the problems posed by artificial intelligence.
Faire – To look at things - Volume 12 (#42-43-44-45)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Empire - Faire magazine – To look at things
Issues 42 to 45 of the critical review dedicated to graphic design.
Manuel Raeder - Agenda 2023
no text
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The BOM DIA weekly planner for 2023, offering a different font designed by Studio Manuel Raeder for each month.
 Y5/P5 - Sous-bocks
no text
United Dead Artists
Legend of the graphzine and the graphzone, Y5/P5 draws zombies, skeletons, ghost trains, nightmare memories, rubber spiders in the subways at night. This book gathers his famous drawings on coasters, which he often made for a beer or a few cigarettes.
Alan Courtis - Discographisme maison / Homemade record sleeves
French edition / texts in English and Spanish
Discographisme maison / Homemade record sleeves is a project collecting and assembling a series of record sleeves. They were all reworked and customized by unknown artists who used the original cover as a support or a source of inspiration... This collection echoes an intimate, marginal and overlooked experience, which can be replaced in the history of iconography and pop music.
Marie Pellaton - Flore des friches urbaines
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A new and expanded edition of the reference flora, the result of 20 years of studies and floristic surveys on a multitude of urban wastelands, allowing, through 600 photographs and 800 original drawings, to recognize and name some 300 silent plants that we come across every day: a methodical herbarium of the wastelands which constitutes a true guide to biodiversity, beautiful and playful, accessible and rigorous..
Faire – To look at things - Volume 10 (#39, 40, 41)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Empire - Faire magazine – To look at things
Issues 39 to 41 of the critical review dedicated to graphic design.
French edition (texts in English)
ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design)
The 11th issue of the biannual magazine of the ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design), inaugurating its new formula, with NORM, Feng Li, Marco De Mutiis, Zachary Lieberman, Maïwenn, Lionel Baier, Abel Ferrara...
Arts Factory - 25 ans au cœur de la scène graphique
French edition
Abbaye d'Auberive
A panorama of the contemporary underground graphic scene, at the crossroads of drawing, comics and illustration, through the exhibitions, the numerous collective projects and the works of more than fifty international artists associated with the history of the mythical Parisian gallery Arts Factory (from Nine Antico to Willem through Charles Burns, Stéphane Blanquet, Hervé Di Rosa, Kiki & Loulou Picasso, Killoffer and Pierre La Police).
bilingual edition (English / French)
The third issue of the annual graphic design journal, dedicated to image and print techniques, with Atelier Martial, Benrido, Erwin Blok, Lorenz Boegli, Kévin Bray, Alex Chavot, E + K (Élise Gay & Kévin Donnot), Rémi Forte, Nelly Gable & Annie Bocel, Ivan Murit, Peso Pluma, Service Local, Charles Villa, Jan De Vylder & Inge Vinck.
Décor - Vulgaire
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
The second issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, devoted to the question of the vulgar, explores through creations, portfolios, interviews, fictions and theoretical texts the polysemy of this word which embodies all the tensions of our time.
Grégoire Romanet - Hobby
bilingual edition (English / French)
A project of digital images-sculptures by graphic designer and scenographer Grégoire Romanet: the achievement of a work of research, collection and transformation of a visual matter resulting from the commercial web, led during two years.
Jan-Christopher Horak - Saul Bass - Autopsie du design cinématographique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Design – Misceallenous
The first book to examine the life and work of the fascinating figure of Saul Bass, exploring the designer's revolutionary career and his lasting impact on the entertainment and advertising industries.

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