Art & travel / displacement / exile / migration / nomadism

Cultures of the Curatorial - Hospitality – Hosting Relations in Exhibitions
English edition
Sternberg Press - Cultures of the Curatorial
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This publication analyzes, from the perspective of hospitality, the curatorial within the current sociopolitical context through key topics concerning immigration, conditions along borders, and accommodations for refugees.
Hercule Florence - Le Nouveau Robinson
French edition
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
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Through a series of scientific contributions and archives, this publication recounts the extraordinary character that was Hercule Florence—an explorer, an inventor and an artist, considered one of the inventors of photography.
Leon Kahane - Ars viva 2017
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
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Catalogue of the Ars viva Prize who has been awarded annually since 1953 to young artists living in Germany whose work stands out for its innovative potential and high artistic quality. The recipients of the 2017 prize are Jan Paul Evers, Leon Kahane, and Jumana Manna.
Giovanna Silva - Syria - A Travel Guide to Disappearance
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
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Taken at the height of the Assad days, the images of the photographer Giovanna Silva overlap in this publication with Syrian tourist guides' images and texts, creating a net of intended and unintended relationships and time interconnections.
Volume! - Avec ma gueule de métèque
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Mélanie Seteun - Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
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If France is a land of immigration, what about its variété genre? This issue of Volume! aims at tracing the French paths of artists of foreign origin—those who integrated the legacy of chanson française, and those who left a mark on their community by singing exile. As a protean form of expression, variété is an ideal object to observe the ways in which immigrant and foreign identities have been moulded in post-1945 popular music.
Michael Höpfner - Canto di strada (2 books)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
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The exhibition Canto di strada placed Fulton's & Höpfner's work side by side identifying a common ground for comparison in a 14-day walking journey through the Supramonte and Gennargentu mountains in Sardinia. The artists undertook separate journeys, experiencing a total immersion in the harsh environment without even meeting each other. Their respective approaches have been documented in two separate booklets.
Francesca Berardi - Detour in Detroit
English edition
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
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The decay of Detroit and its people's resistance in words and photographs (photographs by Antonio Rovaldi).
Mario Bellini - USA 1972
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Time Travel
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Mario Bellini and his “Kar-a-sutra” space-mobile take a wild photographic ride in America during the seventies.
 Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs - The Great Unreal
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
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During a period of three years, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs traveled several months through the United States, working “on the road” on The Great Unreal, a photographic work dealing with reality and the fabrication of reality.
Bieke Depoorter - I Am About To Call It a Day
no text
Edition Patrick Frey
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Artist's book.
Giorgio Andreotta Calò - Prima che sia notte
English edition
Archive Books
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Built as a black-and-white film sequence, this first monograph dedicated to the artist includes preparatory sketches, unpublished pictures, critical essays and an interview retracing the artist's work, with a focus on a 2012 site-specific installation Before Night Falls at MAXXI.
 Momus - Solution 214-238 - The Book of Japans
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
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The rehabilitation of the idea of the “far.”
Bouchra Khalili - Story Mapping
bilingual edition (English / French)
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First monograph dedicated to Franco-marocan video-artist's films (installations or movies), dealing with the notions of movement, relation and distance, on the borderline between visual arts, documentary, and cinema.
Ingo Giezendanner - Baku & Back
no text
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A journey to Azerbaijan documented in 176 drawings.
Aux anges
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
sold out
A set of anonymous texts and bikers images collected by Olivier Mosset.
Rita Ackermann - Marfa/Crash - Parking Accidents
no text
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Issue #7 of THE international with Rita Ackermann, featuring drawings, collages, photographs and new paintings that were inspired by and created during Rita Ackermann's stay in Texas.
Victor Charreton - Itinéraire d\'un peintre voyageur
French edition
sold out
Monograph dedicated to the post-impressionnist painter's landscapes.
Jens Haaning - The Refugee Calendar
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
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Haaning's project consists in a wall calendar similar in format and lay-out to the colorful ones you can buy in bookstores an shops. Instead of using popular images, it presents photographs of refugees, either alone or in small groups.

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