
S. M. Eisenstein - Cinématisme - Peinture et cinéma
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
A selection of Eisenstein's writings (new expanded edition).
L\'Art dans la vie - Le constructivisme soviétique dans les textes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
An anthology of the constructivist movement, bringing together newly translated or previously unpublished writings by artists and theorists, accompanied by numerous illustrations and an extensive critical apparatus: this reference volume sheds new light on the multiplicity and diversity of the approaches of constructivism and productivism in the 1920s-30, and provides a major contribution to the studies of the Soviet avant-garde.
Rafael Pérez - Centro de la tierra - Multicolor y cambiante
no text
Rafael Pérez' sketchbook presented in this publication was created in his studio in December 1992 in Dielsdorf, Zurich, as a Christmas present for his wife Ursula. Only minor alterations to the pagination, size and dedication have been made.
Dziga Vertov - Le ciné-œil de la révolution - Écrits sur le cinéma
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Medias/Theories
A collection of texts by Soviet avant-garde filmmaker and theoretician Dziga Vertov, including a critical apparatus and visual documents.
Josef Maria Schröder -
bilingual edition (English / German)
Edition Patrick Frey
First monograph dedicated to the long forgotten German artist Josef Maria Schröder. Starting as a painter during the interwar period, Schröder then developed a ballpoint pen technique with which he produced intensely luminous abstract compositions and portraits of a surrealist/constructivist cast. These late works are featured in this volume, which includes original documents from the artist's estate.
Collectionner, conserver, exposer le graphisme - Entretiens autour du travail de Dieter Roth conservé au Frac Bretagne
French edition
Frac Bretagne
This book discusses preservation and outcomes of design-related objects in artistic collections taking the example of Dieter Roth's works inside the Frac Bretagne's collection.
Lygia Pape - Magnetized Space
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Comprehensive monograph.
Dieter Roth - Die Kakausener Gemeine - Sonntagsbeigabe der Zeitung für Kakausen und Umgebung
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Reprint of Dieter Roth's artist's book published in 1968 in Stuttgart by Hansjörg Mayer.
Dieter Roth - Processing the World
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Frac Bretagne
Dedicated to the complex, proliferative and innovative work of a major figure in the art of the second half of the XXth century, this comprehensive monograph highlights Dieter Roth's creative processes and the way he pushes them to the limit.
Karl Waldmann - Les collages de Karl Waldmann
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
First major publication devoted to the mysterious germano-soviet artist's collages, one of the latest discoveries of constructivism.
Tadeusz Kantor -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
(last copies available!)
A comprehensive overview of Kantor's versatility, from his theater productions and actions to his painterly and sculptural works.
S. M. Eisenstein - Glass House - Du projet de film au film comme projet
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Fabula
An unfinished project by Eisenstein inspired by the deconstruction of traditional architecture and its ideologies.
Dieter Roth - Drawings/Zeichnungen
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
260 drawings from the famous "Copy Books" group of works.
Antoine Pevsner -
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Barbara Hepworth -
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with an introduction by J. P. Hodin.
Antoine Pevsner -
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Antoine Pevsner -
German edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph.
Antoine Pevsner - Limited edition
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Multiples & limited editions
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker, and with an original signed lithograph.
Naum Gabo - Constructions, sculpture, peinture, dessins, gravures
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with introductions by Herbert Read and Leslie Martin, six texts by Naum Gabo, an interview, numerous documents on the history of constructivism including the 1920 Realistic Manifesto reprint, and stereoscopic reproductions, with a pair of special glasses included in the book.
S. M. Eisenstein - Sergei Eisenstein and the Anthropology of Rhythm
English edition
sold out
The unfinished works of Sergei Eisenstein are traversed by aesthetic, anthropological, and political questions. Focusing on the anthropology of rhythm that the Soviet director developed in his Mexican project, Que viva Mexico!, this book also extends its analysis to the film projects Bezhin Meadow and The Great Fergana Canal.
Verena Loewensberg - Druckgraphik / Prints
bilingual edition (English / German)
sold out
Chronological catalogue with 100 major works and an essay by Bernadette Walter.

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