
Michel Gaillot - Multiple Meaning - Techno, An Artistic and Political Laboratory of the Present
English edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
Techno music seen as an experimentation to overcome the sociocultural boundaries instituted in the social space (essay by Michel Gaillot; interviews with Michel Maffesoli and Jean-Luc Nancy).
Michel Gaillot - Sens multiple - La techno, un laboratoire artistique et politique du présent
French edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
Techno music seen as an experimentation to overcome the sociocultural boundaries instituted in the social space (essay by Michel Gaillot; interviews with Michel Maffesoli and Jean-Luc Nancy).
Simone Debout - L\'utopie de Charles Fourier
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An essay to demonstrate Fourier's fundamental role in the emancipation of women and the transformation of society, "for the sake of imagination, of permanent interaction between sensitivity and reason."
Michelangelo Pistoletto -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Magasin
16.00 9.00 €
Catalogue dedicated to the exhibition held by the pionneer of Arte Povera at Le Magasin in 1986 in France. With a text by Franz Kaiser.
What happens between the knots? - (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 3)
English edition
Sternberg Press - A Series of Open Questions
sold out
The third volume of the Wattis Institute's annual reader is informed by themes found in the work of Cecilia Vicuña, including ecofeminism, indigenous forms of knowledge, poetry and politics, dissolution and extinction, exile, dematerialization, regeneration, and environmental responsibility.
La Déconniatrie - Art, exil et psychiatrie autour de François Tosquelles
French edition
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The catalog of the international exhibition initiated at Les Abattoirs reveals a little-known story that was a milestone in 20th century psychiatry and its new links with art brut and modern art, taking as its starting point the career of the Catalan psychiatrist François Tosquelles (1912-1994).
Beatrice Gibson - Deux Soeurs
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
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From Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich to Basma Alsharif and Pauline Oliveros, Deux Soeurs brings together a chorus of voices that explore representations of parenthood, friendship, and disobedience.
The Railway - An Adventure in Construction
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
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The reprint of an unjustly forgotten book edited by renowned historian E. P. Thompson, detailing the experience of socialist British youth volunteers working on constructing the railway from Šamac to Sarajevo in Yugoslavia in 1947.
Oliver Marchart - Conflictual Aesthetics - Artistic Activism and the Public Sphere
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
Oliver Marchart traces trajectories of artistic activism in theater, dance, performance, and public art, and investigates the political potential of urbanism, curating, and “biennials of resistance.”
Jacques Rancière - Marx in the Woods
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
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The first English translation of Jacques Rancière's early philosophical text "The Dialectic of Reason and Private Interest", originally published in 1963. Written under the influence of Louis Althusser, the text is discussing the forms of law in Karl Marx's writings on the "debates on the law on thefts of wood".
Jumana Manna - A Small Big Thing
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
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New monograph.
French edition
Empire - Books
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A collective reflection on cooperative and co-creation artistic practices engaged in the social field.
Cahiers Charles Fourier - Dans l\'orbe du surréalisme – Charles Fourier redécouvert – II. Si grand avec ses faucons et ses étoiles
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
sold out
Second volume of a special issue devoted to the rediscovery of Charles Fourier's oeuvre by the Surrealists. This volume focuses on André Breton's passionate interest in Fourier, through correspondence (Pierre Naville, Georges Sirot, Jean Gaulmier, Émile Lehouck) and texts by Georges Bataille and Raoul Vaneigem.
Thomas Hirschhorn - Maps
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
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Since 2003, Thomas Hirschhorn has produced large drawings of about three by four by himself, or with the philosopher Marcus Steinweg, which he calls "Maps", in which he interacts with colored images, fragments of texts and his own comments. This volume focuses on this particular aspect of his practice.
Clarisse Hahn - Politiques de la présence
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
Monographic study dedicated to director, video artist and photographer Clarisse Hahn. Edited by Nicole Brenez, the publication gathers writings encompassing the variety of her work, from contemporary art to cinema, guerilla groups, and eroticism; conversations with Clarisse Hahn, artists, and art historians; and a series of reproductions of her artworks, photographs, photograms, and videograms.
Armin Linke - Accattone
English edition
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Based entirely on the work of Armin Linke, Accattone #5 explores photography in relation to the major architecture of public and private institutions: the infrastructure of the Roman Empire, neoclassical Athens, the United Nations headquarters, neo-liberal corporate environments and the fragile European institutions in Brussels.
Olafur Eliasson - Green light - An artistic workshop
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
This publication documents Eliasson's Green light project —an artistic workshop for refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, and NGOs, whose goal is to fabricate lamps for fundraising education. It provides testimonies, stories, and memories by Green light participants, founders, and organizers, as well as essays by art historians and theorists.
Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
sold out
This artist's book compiles true propaganda photographs of the Third Reich with stills from actors playing Nazis in Hollywood movies: a radical commentary on our alarming present condition, in which the lines between populist and fascistic politics are increasingly blurring.
I Can\'t Work Like This – A Reader on Recent Boycotts and Contemporary Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
An examination of recent cases of boycotts by artists, presenting their political, ideological, and economic contexts, timelines, statements, as well as interviews.
Kim West - Life on Sirius - The Situationist International and the Exhibition after Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
Exploring the relationship between the Situationist International and the museum.
Spaces of Commoning
English edition
Sternberg Press - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
sold out
This publication is the outcome of a research project pursued by a group of artists, architects, and social theorists, who, in the face of exhilarating politics of accumulation and dispossession, explore commoning as the subject as well as the means of their collective study.
Allan Sekula - Photography at work
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
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Catalogue dedicated to the late American artist: an influential photographer, writer, filmmaker, theorist and critic whose works have been a unique reference in debates and conversations about photography, art and politics for over 40 years. The publication includes a historical and analytical text by curator Marie Muracciole, as well as a 20-page photographic booklet.
Cahiers Charles Fourier - Dans l\'orbe du surréalisme – Charles Fourier redécouvert – I. Avec Simone Debout-Oleszkiewicz
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
sold out
First volume of a special issue devoted to the rediscovery of Charles Fourier's oeuvre by the Surrealists. This volume focuses on the pioneer works of philosopher Simone Debout, including early and recent works, and an unpublished correspondence with André Breton. The issue also features an introduction by Florent Perrier & Gérard Roche, and texts and essays by Charles Fourier, Philippe Audoin, André Breton, Michel Butor, Roger Garaudy, Annie Le Brun, Robert Pagès, Octavio Paz, Raymond Queneau and Alejandra Riera.
Lawrence Abu Hamdan - [Inaudible] - A Politics of Listening in 4 Acts
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Monographic study on the work of artist Lawrence Abu Hamdan on the perception of language, sound, and listening.
Jumana Manna - Ars viva 2017
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Catalogues
sold out
Catalogue of the Ars viva Prize who has been awarded annually since 1953 to young artists living in Germany whose work stands out for its innovative potential and high artistic quality. The recipients of the 2017 prize are Jan Paul Evers, Leon Kahane, and Jumana Manna.
Gustav Metzger - Act or Perish! - A Retrospective
English edition
sold out
The catalogue of Metzger's first extensive overview: divided into sections—each of which is accompanied by a critical text—corresponding to those presented in the exhibition, the publication provides systematic insight into an artistic oeuvre considered as one of the most important in the 20th century (with texts by Mathieu Copeland, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Yoko Ono, Hermann Nitsch…).
Politiques des musiques populaires au XXIe siècle
French edition
Mélanie Seteun - Music and Society
sold out
This collective work aims to demonstrate the relevance of today's popular music in contemporary political action through eight international case studies.
 Metahaven - Black Transparency - The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Built by the design collective Metahaven, the project Black Transparency questions how information is organized globally and what role the concept of transparency occupies within it. This book engages transparency's junctions with design, architecture, and pop culture through Metahaven's research on technology, structures of information, networks and the Internet.
André Salmon - Léon Léhautier, anarchiste pur / Close to you (+ CD)
French edition
Lenka lente
sold out
A text by André Salmon on French anarchist Léon Léhautier, accompanied by a mini-CD containing a piece by Nurse With Wound, Close to You.
Simon Denny - New Management
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
Artist's book.
 Bureau A - Maïden Survey
English edition
sold out
A mapping of ephemeral architecture built during the siege of the Maiden Place in Kiev: a project by Bureau A, Leopold Banchini & Daniel Zamarbide (CH) with Burø, Sergey Ferley (UA), bewteen architecture, design, graphic design and political pamphlet.
Truth is Concrete - A Handbook for Artistic Strategies in Real Politics
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
The possibility of concrete truth as a working hypothesis, for an art that not only represents and documents, but engages in specific political and social situations—and for an activism that searches for intelligent, creative means of self-empowerment.
Initiales - Initiales M.V. (Monte Verità)
French edition
ENSBA Lyon (Lyon National School of Art)
sold out
4th issue of the art and research magazine is dedicated to the “realized” utopia of Monte Verità.
Forensis - The Architecture of Public Truth
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
This book excavates the notion of forensis (Latin for “pertaining to the forum”) to designate the role of material forensics in articulating new notions of public truth. The condition of forensis is one in which aesthetic practices, new technologies, and architectural research methodologies bear upon the legal implications of political struggle, violent conflict, and climate change.
Femmes et anarchistes - Voltairine de Cleyre et Emma Goldman
French edition
BlackJack editions - F. series
sold out
A collection of texts by Voltairine de Cleyre and Emma Goldman, two visionary anarchist women at the turn of the twentieth century.
French edition
Zamân - Zamân journal
sold out
The “Scenario” issue investigates narrative and speculative processes within both poetic and political fields (science fiction, geopolitics, universal and colonial exhibitions…)
Cahiers Charles Fourier - Le phalanstère représenté
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
sold out
Issue devoted to the phalanstery and its (few) representations: a rigorous as well as singular contribution on the traditional ambiguities passing through the relationship between utopia and its image.
Mustapha Benfodil - Le point de vue de la mort
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
sold out
Following the social unrest and immolation acts in Southern Algeria in 2011, writer and journalist Mustapha Benfodil wrote this fictional monologue of a village's mortuary employee to reflect on the wounds of the Algerian society.
T. J. Demos - Return to the Postcolony - Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
Contemporary art and the “colonial present.”
Chantal Mouffe - The Space of Agonism - Critical Spatial Practice 02
English edition
Sternberg Press - Critical Spatial Practice
sold out
A selection of conversations between Markus Miessen and political philosopher Chantal Mouffe.
Dance, Politics & Co-Immunity
English edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
sold out
This volume brings together multidisciplinary essays dedicated to the question of how dance, both in its historical and in its contemporary manifestations, is intricately linked to conceptualisations of the political.
New Relations in Art and Society
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
An anthology on socially engaged art.
Design Act - Socially and Politically Engaged Design Today – Critical Roles and Emerging Tactics
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
A project that presents and discusses contemporary design practices that engage with political and societal issues.
Revolution - A Reader
French edition
Paraguay Press
sold out
A subjective selection by Lisa Robertson and Matthew Stadler of annotated texts by various authors (Edmund Burke, Frantz Fanon, Louise Michel, Donna Haraway, Oscar Tuazon...) about revolution.
French edition
Zamân - Zamân journal
sold out
On “heretical Orientalism”: the Sicilian Inquisition in the 17th century, the works of Bahman Mohassess, Marwan, the poems of Etel Adnan…
Jean-Claude Lutanie - Protestation devant les libertaires du présent et du futur sur les capitulations de 1980
French edition
Editions Lutanie
sold out
Protestation devant les libertaires du présent et du futur sur les capitulations de 1980 ("A protest aimed at the libertarians of the present and the future, about the surrenders of 1980") was published in 1981. It was only signed with the word Incontrôlé ("Uncontrolled"), didn't bear the name of any publisher, and was printed on stolen paper.
French edition
Zamân - Zamân journal
sold out
This issue explores the legacy of the mythological, religious, and scientific figures from modern Orientalism.

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