
Roee Rosen - Vladimir\'s Night
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
The chimerical final work by Maxim Komar-Myshkin, one of the most elusive and tragic figures in Israeli-Russian art.
Transcultural Modernisms
English edition
Sternberg Press - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Based on the findings of an interdisciplinary research project, Transcultural Modernisms maps out the network of encounters, transnational influences, and local appropriations of an architectural modernity manifested in various ways in housing projects in India, Israel, Morocco, and China.
Uriel Orlow - Unmade Film
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
An audio-visual project about the impossibility of a film on the Deir Yassin massacre, exploring the complex ramifications of the place (2 volumes artist's book).
Elad Lassry -
English edition (booklet with Italian translations)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
New monograph.
Alessandro Petti - Architecture after Revolution
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A series of provocative projects by the architectural collective Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency (DAAR) that try to imagine “the morning after revolution.”
Joshua Simon - Neomaterialism
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Neomaterialism explores the meaning of the world of commodities, and reintroduces various notions of dialectical materialism into the conversation on the subjectivity and vitalism of things.
Frank Smith - Gaza, d\'ici-là
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
(last copies available!)
Following the lead of American objectivist poetry, Gaza, d'ici-là is a poetry-testimony based on an official document published by the UN on one of the military operations carried out in Gaza by the Israeli government.
Sharon Lockhart -
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This catalog accompanies the eponymous exhibition at TBA21 in Vienna which consists of a complex installation of videos, photographs, and archival material, composing a subtle and sensuous portrait of the Israeli choreographer, dancer, researcher, and textile artist Noa Eshkol.
 Clegg & Guttmann - Modalities of Portraiture
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The art of portrait.
Keren Cytter - D.I.E. Now - The True Story of John Webber and His Endless Struggle with the Table of Content
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Keren Cytter's choreographic performance.
Omer Fast - 5,000 Feet Is the Best
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Between a critical reader and an artist's book, this publication is dedicated to the eponymous work by Israeli video artist Omer Fast.
Esther Shalev-Gerz -
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Reference monograph.
Akram Zaatari - Conversation avec un cinéaste israélien imaginé : Avi Mograbi
French edition
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
15.00 9.00 €
An imaginary conversation between two filmmakers that evokes memories from the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon, and the way the memory and the testimony inevitably mix fiction and documentary (available in English edition).
Standing on the Beach with a Gun in my Hand - Eternal Tour – Jerusalem
texts in English and French
BlackJack editions - Catalogues
29.00 17.00 €
A set of contributions (archive texts, essays, literary texts, iconographic analysis, art works, interviews ...) by over thirty authors, scholars, writers, journalists, artists, Westerners, Middle Easterners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, to explore the complexities of contemporary Middle Eastern reality.
Edward W. Saïd - Dans l\'ombre de l\'Occident / Les Arabes peuvent-ils parler ?
French edition
BlackJack editions - Pile ou face
17.00 10.00 €
Two both aesthetic and political engaged considerations on the relationship between the West and the Middle East (or more generally between the West and its others), from the figures of exile and the two cultures: three unpublished interviews of Edward W. Said / a deconstruction of a common European view on the Arab world by Seloua Luste Boulbina.
Keren Cytter - Four Seasons / Nightmare
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
Monograph based on two films by Keren Cytter.
Sigalit Landau - One Man\'s Floor is Another Man\'s Feelings
French / English / Arabic / Hebrew edition
Book conceived by the artist, based on the installation she developed for the Israeli Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale.
Miki Kratsman - All about us
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
New works.
Solution 196-213 - United States of Palestine-Israel
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
An anthology of texts proposing a doable solution for the region.
Yona Friedman - Démocratie
French edition
This artist's book is an illustrated and disenchanted reflection on democracy and its imperfections. Using two different colors, the artist dissociates two layers of meanings—the text and the image—while maintaining a close dialectic.
Keren Cytter -
bilingual edition (English / Swedish)
Sternberg Press - Fiction
Six Keren Cytter's scripts for films.
Yona Friedman - Manuels - Vol. 3
texts in English and French
Anthology of Yona Friedman's drawings published from 1975 to 1992 in more than thirty countries and in twenty languages. This last volume focuses on the artist's researches on language, interpretation and improvisation within the urban environment.
Yona Friedman - Manuels - Vol. 2
texts in English and French
An anthology of drawings by Yona Friedman published from 1975 to 1992 in more than thirty countries and in twenty languages.
Keren Cytter - The seven most exciting hours of Mr. Trier\'s life in twenty-four chapters
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
An adventure novel by Keren Cytter, based on a true story told in a televised interview by the Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier
Yona Friedman - Films d\'animation - 1960-1963 (DVD)
French edition
Twelve films created by the artist and his wife between 1960 and 1963.
Yona Friedman - Transmission / Reception
bilingual edition (English / French)
A full documentation on the collaborative project between Yona Friedman and Camille Henrot.
 Markus Muntean & Adi Rosenblum - Make death listen
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First monograph.
 Markus Muntean & Adi Rosenblum - Make death listen
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First monograph, including paintings, many detail views of the paintings, drawings and filmstills (also available in English / German edition).
Ron Arad -
English edition
Dis Voir - Design
Ron Arad has held a position of reference in the world of design since the 1980's. Coming from a sculptural tradition, his work, questioning both aesthetics and modes of production, has transformed the perceptions of professional designers (comprehensive monograph).
Ron Arad -
French edition
Dis Voir - Design
Ron Arad has held a position of reference in the world of design since the 1980's. Coming from a sculptural tradition, his work, questioning both aesthetics and modes of production, has transformed the perceptions of professional designers (comprehensive monograph).
Moshé Castel -
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
78.00 68.00 €
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Michel Tapié and an essay by Howard Morley Sachar.
Moshé Castel -
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
78.00 68.00 €
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Michel Tapié and an essay by Howard Morley Sachar.
Moshé Castel -
German edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
78.00 68.00 €
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Michel Tapié and an essay by Howard Morley Sachar.
Yaacov Agam -
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Yaacov Agam -
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Yaacov Agam -
German edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Naama Tsabar - (Opus 1)
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
Monographic catalogue: for more than a decade, Israeli installation and performance artist Naama Tsabar subverts the gender roles associated with art and music, with a particular emphasis on rock'n'roll.
Roee Rosen - Live and Die as Eva Braun and Other Intimate Stories
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Fiction
sold out
At the heart of this collection of short writings are three provocative texts extracted from important artworks by Rosen, offered here as genre-defying literature at the intersection between reality and fiction, speculative narrative and historical-political critique, humor and eroticism.
Keren Cytter - A-Z Life Coaching
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
sold out
The new novel by Keren Cytter: an incomplete guide for life.
Roee Rosen - The Blind Merchant - 1989-1991
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
An artist book juxtaposing text and image, history and its revision, The Blind Merchant provides the reader with alternative written and drawn narratives to Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice adopting the point of view of Jewish moneylender Shylock.
Yona Friedman - Drawings & Models / 手稿与模型 - 1945-2010
bilingual edition (English / Chinese)
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
sold out
The updated chronological compilation of Yona Friedman's plans, sketches, drawings, models, collages, installations, etc., since 1945: a monumental publication which offers a complete overview of the work of one of the greatest artists-architects and urbanist theoreticians today, in its many dimensions (urban, economic, ecological, cultural, social and political).
Seth Price - Peep-Hole Sheet - OK, Just Send Me the Bill
English edition
Peep-Hole Sheet
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
A “fictionalized adaptation” taken from the audio of Seth Price's Digital Video Effect: “Spills.”
Thomas Keenan - Mengele\'s Skull - The Advent of a Forensic Aesthetics
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
A study in which Thomas Keenan and Eyal Weizman discusses the way that forensic investigation and identification of Joseph Mengele's remains marks a transition, giving way to an "era of forensics", in which things—such as bones—act as the witnesses of past events.
Akram Zaatari - A Conversation with an Imagined Israeli Filmmaker Named Avi Mograbi
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
An imaginary conversation between two filmmakers that evokes memories from the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon, and the way the memory and the testimony inevitably mix fiction and documentary.
Elad Lassry -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Yona Friedman - Drawings & Models - 1945-2010
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
sold out
The chronological compilation of Yona Friedman's plans, sketches, drawings, models, collages, installations, etc., since 1945: a monumental publication which offers a complete overview of the work of one of the greatest artists-architects and urbanist theoreticians today, in its many dimensions (urban, economic, ecological, cultural, social and political).
Seth Price - Price, Seth
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
First monograph, including an essay by Michael Newman as well as Price's own critical take on his practice.
Justine Frank - Sweet Sweat
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
sold out
Erudite, baroque, a dazzling writer and painter but maniacal and all-encompassing in his approach, Roee Rosen keeps erasing the fine line that separates fiction and truth, imagination and reality, just as Sade and Lautréamont have done before him. But this division doesn't exist anymore. What makes his summa erotica erotic is that, for him as for Georges Bataille, pornography is philosophy.

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