
Resurgent Nahda - Arab Exhibitions in 1930s Jerusalem
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
Kaph Books
The cultural and political legacies of the the 1933 and 1934 Arab Exhibitions in Jerusalem.
 Winter Family - On Beautiful Days (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
Winter Family's 4th album tells a lot of stories; that of the musicians themselves and their loved ones, those of their territories, of their life in Jerusalem, Paris or Lorraine; that of women, "witches", conspiracy myths; that of capitalist and colonialist Europe; that of the blindness and violence of Israeli society and the indoctrination of its population; that of the occupation of Palestine; that of eternal lockdown and a laboratory rat; and maybe yours, too.
 Winter Family - On Beautiful Days (CD)
Sub Rosa
Winter Family's 4th album tells a lot of stories; that of the musicians themselves and their loved ones, those of their territories, of their life in Jerusalem, Paris or Lorraine; that of women, "witches", conspiracy myths; that of capitalist and colonialist Europe; that of the blindness and violence of Israeli society and the indoctrination of its population; that of the occupation of Palestine; that of eternal lockdown and a laboratory rat; and maybe yours, too.
Mor Demer - A choreographic lesson for the faint of Heart and poets of the here the now the yet to come
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication presents research conducted by choreographer Mor Demer over two years, in the frame of the exerce MA in choreography and performance (National Choreographic Center of Montpellier / Occitanie). Against the backdrop of her artistic process, Mor Demer unfolds a reflection on the production and configuration of choreographic materials, as well as on the body and the practices and fictions of which it is composed.
Tami Amit - Last Night I Met Snow White
bilingual edition (English / French)
MER. Books
First monograph dedicated to the pictorial work of Israeli artist Tami Amit.
Mayan Toledano - No Mames
English edition
Damiani - Photography
A photographic tribute to the LGBTQ creative youth who is currently contributing to Mexican culture.
Roee Rosen - Kafka for Kids
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press
Publication based on Roee Rosen's film Kafka for Kids, a cross-generic film combining a fiction drama with a documentary and a musical. The law as a central motif in Kafka's writings, and the fact that the film, supposedly, addresses children, lead to an exposition of the complex and troubling ways in which childhood is legally defined in the Palestinian occupied territories.
Tamar Hirschfeld - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
An artist's book dedicated to the "bestiary of objects" designed by Israeli-born artist Tamar Hirschfeld during a two-year residency at the Cirva (International Glass and Visual Arts Research Centre) in Marseille, rooted in the culinary imagination of everyday life in France and Provence.
Ran Slavin - Shapeshifter
bilingual edition (English / Hebrew)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The first comprehensive publication documenting Israeli artist and experimental cinematographer Ran Slavin's work.
Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger -
bilingual edition (English / French)
A journey through the painted work of the Israeli artist, writer, visual analyst, psychoanalyst, philosopher and feminist theorist, through a set of reproductions and texts by Jean-François Lyotard, Nicolas Bourriaud, Noam Segal, Amelia Jones, Precious Okoyomon and Bracha L. Ettinger herself.
Maya Dunietz - Root of Two
English edition
X Artists' Books
A retrospective of immersive performances and installations with which the Israeli sound and visual artist, composer and musician explores the physicality of sound.
Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger -
bilingual edition (English / French)
A journey through the painted work of the Israeli artist, writer, visual analyst, psychoanalyst, philosopher and feminist theorist, through a set of reproductions and texts by Jean-François Lyotard, Nicolas Bourriaud, Noam Segal, Amelia Jones, Precious Okoyomon and Bracha L. Ettinger herself.
Israel Martínez - Dead People Whispering to Us
English edition
Errant Bodies - Errant Edition
A poetic, "necropolitical" view of sociality in Mexico.
Ella Littwitz - Facts on the Ground
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Monograph dedicated to the corpus with which the Israeli artist explores, like an archeologist, the historical and geopolitical dimensions of territorialization, colonization, migration and transgression of borders, from issues related to the history of its country of origin.
Gili Tal - Spaces for Reflection
English edition
Lenz Press
 Absalon - Absalon Absalon
bilingual edition (English / French)
Paraguay Press - Monographs and catalogs
A rereading of the prematurely interrupted work of the Franco-Israeli artist Absalon (1964-1993) through the notions of body, performance and illness, detaching him from the architectural and post-minimal field in which he has often been included, proposing new interpretations via a selection of works by other artists of his generation and a network of conceptual and formal affinities.
Tal R - Garbage Man
no text
Tal R's collages from his eclectic collection of images and objects (artist's book).
 Winter Family - Chevaliers - Music for a dance piece by Paco Dècina (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
Winter Family's new album, a composition for a dance piece by Italian choreographer Paco Dècina (pipe organ, piano, voice), partially recorded in St Martin church of Maxéville, France.
Noa Yafe - Beyond the Distance – A Distance
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An overview of the Israeli artist's photographic production.
Seth Price - Zero Bow Childreeen (vinyl LP)
currently out of stock
For his Spike edition, the artist Seth Price created an 8-track LP. The LP's back cover features a photo of the artist's last-minute Halloween costume from 2018, when he dressed as the Marciano Museum, his spooky masked persona foreshadowing the grisly detail that the museum would close, after laying off its entire staff for their attempt to unionise, almost exactly one year later.
Roee Rosen - Desire and Dust
English edition
Sternberg Press
In this book, the animation of commodity objects magically ties together erotic frolics and political horrors: from a DC07 vacuum cleaner to a detention center for refugees, from little irons, socks and sweaters, to the particulars of post-Soviet power, and Vladimir Putin.
Michael Rakowitz - I\'m good at love, I\'m good at hate, it\'s in between I freeze - Research/Practice 01
English edition
Sternberg Press - Research/Practice
The inaugural publication of the “Research/Practice” series focuses on an artistic research by Michael Rakowitz on the aftermath of a canceled show by Leonard Cohen initially scheduled in Palestine.
Oreet Ashery - How We Die Is How We Live Only More So
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Publication documenting the award-winning web series Revisiting Genesis by Oreet Ashery. This documentary fiction on mourning in the digital age explores complex issues such as gender and death, digital reincarnation, and women artists.
Ilit Azoulay - No Thing Dies
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This catalogue stems from an eponymous project on the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. The artist brought out an impressive photographic recension of artifacts, revealing the forgotten stories and fascinating polyphony of the museum's collections.
Assaf Gruber - The Storyseller
English edition
Archive Books
Monograph dedicated to the films of the Israeli artist Assaf Gruber. Articulated around eight conversations related to the films' production, this publication reflects an important theme in Gruber's work: what effects can art have on individuals far removed from the artistic field.
Antonio Grulli - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Diary
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
A travel diary / a screenplay.
Ami Shavit - Yom Kippur 1973 (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
17.00 12.50 €
A previously unheard masterpiece of Israeli multimedia artist Ami Shavit, inspired by the Yom Kippur war, in Sub Rosa's Early Electronic Music series.
Katja Lee Eliad - Map Maker Like Lyrical
English edition (texts in English and French)
Katja Lee Eliad's Map Maker Like Lyrical offers a retrospective view on the self-taught artist's work over the past two decades. The extensively illustrated book is accompanied by two essays by Valentina Iancu and Anca Verona Mihuleț and a conversation with the artist by Nicolas de Ribou, aiming to map the coordinates of a tortuous journey.
Gabriele Basilico - Free Zone 2006
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Time Travel
In 2006, film director Amos Gitai invited Gabriele Basilico to undertake a journey retracing the locations of the shooting of Gitai's film Free Zone, on the demilitarized zone between Israel and Jordan. This publication follows this unique photographic project.
Keren Cytter - The Brutal Turtle
English edition
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
Second in a trilogy of children's books, The Brutal Turtle tells the story of a Turtle wandering in the desert, trying to reach the animal farm. Facing cruel obstacles during his journey, he becomes angry and terrorizes the farm's people once he arrives at the farm. A tale on power's relativity, hate, violence, and on the importance to be nice.
Keren Cytter - The Furious Hamster
English edition
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
The last in a trilogy of children's books, this publication tells the story of a hamster stuck between the pages of a book. Wishing to escape to discover the animal farm, he will find the help of his own fleas. A story about caring and learning, by artist Keren Cytter.
Israel Martínez - Resounding Roar
English edition
Errant Bodies - Doormats
A polyphonic work of creative resistance, this publication by sound and visual artist Israel Martínez reflects on the present state of Mexico and its regime of narco-politics through artistic works, interviews, notes, images, and collaborations with fellow writers, curators, activists and artists.
Nahum Tevet - The Rough Law of Gardens
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
The Rough Law of Gardens documents Olaf Holzapfel and Nahum Tevet's eponymous joint exhibition and explores the intergenerational differences between two unique artists. Both artists' work rejects the global logic of growth and traverses the bounds of sculpture and painting: each of their practices involves ideas to do with materiality, learning, and memory.
Alex Israel -
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Monograph dedicated to the Californian artist, whose work takes the city of Los Angeles as both iconographic source and main subject. This well documented and illustrated publication offers a chronological overview of Israel's heterogeneous projects—paintings, flashmobs, a brand of eyewear and its related advertising, a talk-show, interviews, webseries, sculptures, a movie—each introduced by a short text from the artist.
Yael Bartana -
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First comprehensive monograph dedicated to the work of Yael Bartana: a comprehensive overview of the artist's films, installations, performative projects, photographs, and sound works of the past 15 years. The publication highlights her fascination with the ways in which social rituals shape both individual identities and collective memory.
May Hands - A.E. Abstract Existence
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Cura. - Cura.books
This volume documents a series of site-specific works by four artists looking at existence from an abstractionist point of view.
Emily Jacir - Translatio
English edition
Uniting the artist with two scholars of the Medieval Mediterranean, John Lansdowne and Christopher MacEvitt, this volume illustrates the movement of objects, images, people and places between Palestine and Italy.
Yona Friedman - Slide Shows (3 books box set)
trilingual edition (English / French / Chinese)
Slide Shows is a three-volume box set, with over 1.500 original drawings and texts in which Friedman gives his own personal understanding of the multiple ways of thinking the world through a series of “cartoons.”
Keren Cytter - Terminal
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Nora Schultz gathered digital associations made with Google's image search engine, and then asked nine other artists to build a series of textual and visual narratives around her results (an artists' book designed by Keren Cytter).
 Alhena Katsof & Dana Yahalomi - Solution 263 - Double Agent
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
A political and artistic performance manual revolving around the double agent figure
Eran Schaerf - Frequency-Modulated Scenario
English edition
Archive Books
A textual and visual account of Schaerf's FM-Scenario, an inter-media project using the Internet as a production site for generating content for further media. The core of this project is a fictitious radio station, moderated by a computer program meant to guaranty his listener full freedom of speech.
Keren Cytter - Peep-Hole Sheet - A Drivel
English edition
Peep-Hole Sheet
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A drivel is a short story wrote by Keren Cytter in a style reminiscent of Witold Gombrowicz, though its meaning gets lost in the continuous intertwining of characters, their stories and their memories.
 Winter Family - No World (book / CD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
No World is an original piece in an audio book composed from daily images, sounds and texts collected through the Internet, songs, poems, interviews and field recordings created by Winter Family between 2011 and 2014 while living between Paris and in the Caribbean neighbourhoods of Brooklyn, NYC.
Uri Aran -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First monograph.
Ilit Azoulay - Finally Without End
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
New monograph.
Israël Quellet - Sounds From There (CD)
Sub Rosa
14.00 10.50 €
A complex and mysterious work by Swiss electro-acoustic artist Israël Quellet for symphonic bass drum, symphonic tympanies, organ, tibetan horn, homemade horn, triangle, tubular bells, shocks inside the church, anvil metal tank and church bells. A challenging listen, but so rewarding.
Edward W. Saïd - Le Classisme : une introduction [extrait]
French edition
<o> future <o>
A re-appropriation of Edward Said's Orientalism by Joe Scanlan.
Yona Friedman - Blvd Garibaldi - Variations on Yona Friedman (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), DVD in original version with English / french subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Variations on...
Box set including a book and a film on DVD.
Yael Bartana - Inferno
English edition
27.00 14.00 €
Documentation of Inferno, a prophetic short film on the inauguration and the destruction of a replica of Solomon's Temple in São Paulo

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