
Reyes Mate - Minuit dans l\'histoire - Commentaires des thèses de Walter Benjamin « Sur le concept d\'histoire »
French edition
Commentary on Walter Benjamin's theses: On the concept of history.
Dora García - Steal This Book
texts in English, Spanish, French
Paraguay Press
currently out of stock
Eleven performance-based projects by Dora García, documented through letters, emails and other elements from the artist's private correspondence with various interpreters of performances, whether they were direct collaborators of simple spectators.
Guillermo de Torre - Ultra-Dada entre deux avant-gardes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
The work of an underestimated writer, a founder of the Ultraism, initiator of Dada in the 1920s Spain.
Astrid Ruffa - Dalí et le dynamisme des formes - L\'élaboration de l\'activité « paranoïaque-critique » dans le contexte socioculturel des  années 1920-1930
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Inflexion
An innovative analysis of Dalí's work which focuses on the cultural History during the 1920's, showing that the Surrealist revolution went hand in hand with radical changes in society.
Daido Moriyama - Far from Home
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
A face-to-face between two of the most significant figures in contemporary photography.
Marie Bovo - Nox
bilingual edition (English / French)
Two contemplative videos inspired by the Divine Comedy, with two series of photographs, images of burning newspapers and views from the rooftops of Cairo.
Miquel Barceló -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
(last copies available!)
This catalogue gathers exhibition views and a selection of works on paper by Spanish painter, with an original text by Edouard Glissant.
Alberto García-Alix - No me sigas... estoy perdido - 76-86 (+ DVD)
French edition
Reference monograph.
Marie Bovo - Night Drippings - Alicante-Marseille-Tokyo
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
A series of night photographs.
Joan Rabascall - My Collection
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
Jannink - Wide Open
This artist's book presents a series of works by Joan Rabascall realized in small plastic TV screens, parodying the kitsch of TV series: a playful journey with the popular culture icons of the XXth century. Full colors photos are accompanied by a text by Masashi Ogura, evoking the determining place of the small screen in Japanese culture.
Tere Recarens - Sportkünstlerin
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
23.00 14.00 €
First monograph devoted to the Spanish artist, between an artist's book and an exhibition catalogue.
Alberto García-Alix - Lo que dura un beso
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
95 duotone photographs by Alberto García-Alix.
This is Yesterday / Esto es Ayer
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
Le Consortium - Collective exhibitions catalogues
(last copies available!)
29.00 6.00 €
Exhibition catalogue.
 Arrabal - Tête de mort dans l\'armoire - Limited edition
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Unpublished bilingual text, silkscreen print on rhodoid enhanced by hand and signed.
Eduardo Arroyo - Saturne ou le banquet perpétuel - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Unpublished text, original lithograph enhanced and signed.
Antonio Saura - Señoritas y caballeros - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Five unpublished short stories, original signed silkscreen print.
Carlos Casas - Kamana (vinyl LP + CD)
sold out
A multiformat release inspired by and channeling the culture and traditions of the Aeta, an indigenous group from the Zambales region in the Philippines, some of the most ancient nomadic and hunter gathering cultures. A sonic exorcism filled with ancestral frequencies, haunted ghosts, and other animistic spirits from the Pinatubo forests, going from the realms of the real to the imaginary, from transcription to syncretism, from concrete to abstract.
 Paloma Wool - 14-14
Spanish edition
sold out
Paloma Lanna narrates the first year of her brand Paloma Wool during which she has collaborated with some of Barcelona's most relevant contemporary artists and photographers.
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané - Animal That Doesn\'t Exist
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
sold out
The first monograph of Daniel Steegmann Mangrané spanning his entire work to-date. Structured around keywords defining the artist's practice, this illustrated edition also features reprinted literary texts.
Roberto Gerhard - Electronic Explorations from his Studio + the BBC Radiophonic Workshop 1958-1967 (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
sold out
During the 1950s and 1960s, Roberto Gerhard gathered a significant magnetic tape collection in his home studio, creating a major repository of early electronic sound recordings of his own works. The pieces on this record present a complex set of challenges for audio restoration, giving at the end a complete understanding of his compositional process and allowing the spirit and vitality of his electronicwork to speak clearly to the listener.
Rosa Codina - Gong!
Spanish edition
sold out
Gong!'s second issue is devoted to stylist and occasional photographer Rosa Codina. Rosa decided to devote the issue to her daughter and everything around her, in a project she entitled Autour de Alia and which she decided to base on monographic content rather than time or technique.
Alberto García del Castillo - Retrospective
English edition
Shelter Press - Books
sold out
Alberto García del Castillo's first novel is a comedy-science-fiction novelette about “faggotry” and the art world; depicting a retour-au-passé in contemporary painting and waving to some of the most beautiful homosexuals on Earth.
Rafa Castells - Schlecker
no text
sold out
Schlecker by Rafa Castells displays a selection of pictures documenting the artist's day-to-day life. This first monograph also stands as an aesthetical essay on the symbolic effects of light and colour—offering a luminous discourse on photography and life.
Mirena Ossorno - Gong!
Spanish edition
sold out
Each issue of Gong! gives carte blanche to an artist to appropriate the space of the magazine. For its first publication, Gong! invited illustrator and fanzine publisher Mirena Ossorno.
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané - Lichtzwang
no text
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
sold out
256 watercolours on sheets of graph paper.
Oriol Vilanova - They Cannot Die / Ells No Poden Morir
trilingual edition (English / Catalan / Spanish)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
Artist's book.
Lara Almarcegui - Ruins in Burgundy - XIX-XXI
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
Artist's book: a singular guide to contemporary ruins in Burgundy.
Kader Attia -
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
sold out
A retrospective of Kader Attia's works from 2005 to 2009, with an interview and various texts.
Dora García - sí/yes/oui/no/no/non
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
sold out
This monograph (somewhere between an artist's book and an exhibition catalogue) provides a complete overview of the Spanish artist's œuvre and an important documentation on each project.

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