
José M. González García - Métaphores du pouvoir
French edition
An essay of political philosophy in which José M. González García examines the role of the metaphor in politics throughout history.
Jonathan Beecher - Victor Considerant - Grandeur et décadence du socialisme romantique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
A critical biography.
Virginia Woolf - Trois Guinées
French edition
BlackJack editions - F. series
19.00 9.50 €
New translation of Virginia Woolf's book-length essay published in 1938.
Peter Galison - Objectivité
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
The story of objectivity, by two of the greatest historians of science today.
John Cage - Other People Think
English edition
A transcript of the earliest of John Cage's extended writings.
Guido Guerzoni - Apollon et Vulcain - Les marchés artistiques en Italie (1400-1700)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A pioneering and masterly study of the history of art markets in Italy (covering the fields of painting and scultpure, but also architecture, applied arts and performing arts), which demonstrates the possibility of an economic history of art linking social or political mechanisms and symbolic or patrimonial issues.
Joseph Masheck - Le Paradigme du tapis - Prolégomènes critiques à une théorie de la planéité
French edition
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
The carpet paradigm: critical prolegomena to a theory of flatness (an original and stimulating analysis of an essential concept of modern art history).
Juliet Fleming - Graffiti et arts scripturaux à l\'aube de la modernité anglaise
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
35.00 28.00 €
The unknown and disregarded literary arts of sixteenth century England (graffiti, tatoos, writing on clothes or ceramics...): a startling new perspective of early modern literature and cultural history.
David Antin - John Cage sans cage
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Motion Method Memory
(last copies available!)
Two talks about John Cage and the concept of structure by American poet, critic, linguist and performance artist.
Ben Kinmont - Prospectus 1988-2010 - Quarante-deux pièces
French edition
Forty-two project descriptions by Ben Kinmont.
Une anthologie de la revue Texte zur Kunst de 1990 à 1998
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
An anthology of reference texts published in the German magazine "Texte Zur Kunst" between 1990 and 1998.
Ed Ruscha - Huit textes / Vingt-trois entretiens - 1965-2009
French edition
JRP|Editions - Lectures Maison Rouge
Writings and interviews.
Lev Manovich - Le langage des nouveaux médias
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
Espace multimedia Gantner
French translation of Manovich's major book The Language of New Media, the first systematic and rigorous theory of new media.
Lewis H. Morgan - Le castor américain et ses ouvrages
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
First translation in French of the study on American beaver by a pioneer of ethology and anthropology in the US, an avant-garde and surprisingly relevant work in an age of global ecological crisis.
Giulio Marzaioli - Cadrans
French edition
Prose poetry work by Italian writer and artist Giulio Marzaioli.
Jean-Christophe Ammann - En y regardant mieux
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Figures
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
The collection of texts on contemporary art by Jean-Christophe Ammann.
Svetlana Alpers - Velázquez est dans les détails
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History –
A new approach to Velázquez' work, from the analysis of the "small characters" who haunt his paintings.
Hans Belting - La double perspective - La science arabe et l\'art de la Renaissance
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History –
A conference on the invention of perspective, Arab science and the art of the Renaissance.
Clara Elliott - Strangulation blues - Poèmes post-punk et Leçons d\'Exorcisme   – 1978-1985 – Suivi de Poèmes inachevés – 1986-1987
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The complete poetic works of singer and musician Clara Elliott, member of punk collective Crass.
Reyes Mate - Minuit dans l\'histoire - Commentaires des thèses de Walter Benjamin « Sur le concept d\'histoire »
French edition
Commentary on Walter Benjamin's theses: On the concept of history.
Nicolas Bourriaud - The Radicant
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
15.00 7.50 €
Nicolas Bourriaud's most recent essay: a radicant thought extended to modes of cultural production, consumption and use, against the multiculturalist critical model.
Alfred Gell - L\'art et ses agents - Une théorie anthropologique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
First translation in French of a major work by British social anthropologist.
Katharine Park - Secrets de femmes - Le genre, la génération et les origines de la dissection humaine
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
The central role of female body in the history of anatomy, beyond the historiographical "taboo" around the religious prohibition.
Stéphane Bérard - L\'Enfer
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A modernized translation of Dante's Inferno.
Brian O\'Doherty - White Cube - L\'espace de la galerie et son idéologie
French edition
JRP|Editions - Lectures Maison Rouge
Inside the white cube.
Jochen Gerz - L\'Anthologie de l\'art
French edition
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
The "Anthology of art" established during more than a year a ground of exchange on Internet for artists and art critics worldwide, being interested in the relations between art, its theoretical discourse, the conditions of its production and its distribution. This work collects the contributions.
Richard Deacon - Water Under the Bridge
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
An artistic reflection on Deacon's project for 2008 Saragossa International Exhibition, on the theme of water and its associated elements.
Richard Deacon - Water Under the Bridge - Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
An artistic reflection on Deacon's project for 2008 Saragossa International Exhibition, on the theme of water and its associated elements. The limited editon of the book contains an original and unique drawing signed by the artist.
Danièle Roussel - L\'Actionnisme viennois et les autrichiens
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Bibliothèque art action pensée
Viennese Actionism was one of the strongest effort of the 1960's to develop contemporary art and a forerunner of what is now widely known as Performance Art. Danièle Roussel interviewed not only the former actionists (Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch, Günther Brus, Rudolf Schwarzkogler) but also some journalists, politicians, historians and witnesses of that time.
Horst Bredekamp - Les coraux de Darwin - Premiers modèles de l\'évolution et tradition de l\'histoire naturelle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Œuvres en sociétés
A major contribution, by German philosoph and art historian Horst Bredekamp, to the current debate on the 'tree of life' in evolutionary biology. The essay deals with the aesthetic and political dimension of the coral, in Darwin's system a model of anarchic evolution which opposes the hierarchical metaphor of the tree.
Keren Cytter - The seven most exciting hours of Mr. Trier\'s life in twenty-four chapters
English edition
Sternberg Press - Fiction
An adventure novel by Keren Cytter, based on a true story told in a televised interview by the Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier
Erik Boulatov - Tableau et peinture
bilingual edition (French / Russian)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Russian painter's writings.
Erik Boulatov - Tableau et peinture - Limited edition
bilingual edition (French / Russian)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Russian painter's writings, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Jannis Kounellis - La Perdita del punto di vista
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A journey through mythology, antique civilizations and cities which are cradles and of Jannis Kounellis's own artistic reflection.
Furio Jesi - La fête et la machine mythologique
French edition
Two essays in which the Italian philosopher proposes a study of the concept of festivity.
Richard Thomson - La République troublée - Culture  visuelle et débat social en France (1889-1900)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
This brilliant work studies the notion of modernity as it's been defined at the end of the XIXth century, especially through the analyse of the links between the visual culture and several main social debates of the time such as sexuallity, urban crowd, riots and social control mechanisms, the Republic and the Church, nationalism and militarism.
T. J. Clark - Une image du peuple - Gustave Courbet et la révolution de 1848
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Art as a social practice through Gustave Courbet's œuvre and political commitment.
Neil McWilliam - Rêves de bonheur - L\'art social et la gauche française (1830-1850)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A thoroughly investigation of the social role of art articulated by the French left during the July Monarchy and Second Republic.
Daniel Birnbaum - Chronologie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A philosophical essay on time, phenomenology and beyond by the curator and art critic, around the works of Stan Douglas, Eija-Lisa Athila, Doug Aitken, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Tacita Dean, Darren Almond, Tobias Rehberger, Pierre Huyghe and Philippe Parreno.
Diedrich Diederichsen - Argument son - De Britney Spears à Helmut Lachenmann : critique électro-acoustique de la société et autres essais sur la musique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A collection of texts about music (from Britney Spears to Helmut Lachenmann, passing through Matthew Herbert, The Melvins, Terre Thaemlitz, Stan Douglas etc.), gathered from the numerous publications of the famous art and music critic and including many previously unpublished texts.
Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor - A Marriage in Check - The Heart of the Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelor, Even (Marcel Duchamp and Lydie Fischer Sarazin-Levassor)
English edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Marcel Duchamp met Lydie Sarazin-Levassor at the end of March 1927. On 7 June, they were married. Francis Picabia acted as a witness and the ceremony was filmed by Man Ray. On 25 January 1928, they divorced. Lydie Sarazin-Levassor tells the story of their marriage.
Markus Lüpertz - Le Dieu des voleurs - Limited edition
bilingual edition (German / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
An excerpt of Markus Lüpertz's working pad: drawings, sketches, poetry and reflections on the artistic creation, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Roman Opalka - Vis-à-vis  d\'une toile « non-touchée » - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Roman Opalka explains a pictorial work about the existence of the artist himself (the limited edition of the book contains a signed and unique photograph of a section of the artist's bust).
Hugo Ball - Dada à Zurich - Le mot et l\'image (1915-1916)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
A critical counterpoint to the famous Tzara's cronic published in the Dada Almanach, by the founder of the Cabaret Voltaire.
Markus Lüpertz - Le Dieu des voleurs
bilingual edition (German / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
An excerpt of Markus Lüpertz's working pad: drawings, sketches, poetry and reflections on the artistic creation.
Roman Opalka - Vis-à-vis  d\'une toile « non-touchée »
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Roman Opalka explains a pictorial work about the existence of the artist himself.
Dick Higgins - Postface - Un journal critique de l\'avant-garde
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
Dick Higgins, one of the main figures of Fluxus, points out the particularity of poet-artists who, since German and English Romanticism, have refused to make distinctions between what is sonorous, visual and written.
Yayoi Kusama - Manhattan Suicide Addict
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
26.00 15.00 €
First French translation of the Kusama's psychedelic novel, published first in 1978 during the exile of the artist in New York.
Gottfried Honegger - Homo scriptor
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
Honegger' eclectic writings since 50 years.

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