
Architecture of the Territory - Constructing National Narratives in the Arab world
English edition
Kaph Books
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Architecture of the Territory examines the role that national narratives have in defining the Arab world through the use of architecture and urban planning, through 30 essays, by contributors of each region.
Azzedine Alaïa - Freedom
English edition
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This book commemorates the long collaboration between couturier Azzedine Alaïa and photographer Arthur Elgort, who, working together, shaped the 1980s and actively contributed to the renewal of the representation of women.
Zineb Sedira - Dreams have no titles
English edition
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The three issues of the periodical charting the artistic journey of Zineb Sedira in the run up to her presentation for the French Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022), gathered in a box set.
Carole Douillard - Body Talks - Interview
bilingual edition (English / French)
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A history of feminist gesture and performance since the 1960s and 1970s in California through an interview conducted by Carole Douillard with art critic Amelia Jones and two pioneering American artists, Barbara T. Smith and Susan Lacy.
Mohamed Bourouissa -
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Since 2003, Bourouissa has been developing a multidisciplinary practice rooted in social reality, working primarily with representations of a contemporary urban environment. This catalogue accompanies the Franco-Algerian artist's exhibition at the Barnes Foundation, which gathers his most significant works to date—including Horse Day, his first project in the USA.
Ismaïl Bahri - Instruments
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jeu de Paume - Monographs
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Instruments is the catalogue accompanying Ismaïl Bahri's exhibition of the same title at the Jeu de Paume. It is also his first monograph. Bahri's oeuvre, which dates back to the 2000s, is like a precise and sensitive record of events and experiments; its often mechanical kinetics are particularly evocative of the film process. His experiments are based on the tiny nuances and minute developments that occur when simple things are brought into contact with each other. They demand an acuteness of gaze that leads one to question the limits of perception and the visible.
The Africans
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Kulte Editions
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At the heart of this book is a solo exhibition of the work of M'barek Bouhchichi in Rabat, and the artist's first attempt at directly confronting the wound of growing up black in Morocco. With contributions by an anthropologist, a filmmaker, and a writer from Africa, this volume puts recent transformations of Moroccan society into perspective. Beyond studying inequality and spatial segregation, what is at stake is the possibility of transfiguring the stigma of racism through art and research.
Kader Attia - RepaiR
English edition
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
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Both an artist's book and Kader Attia's reference monograph, “RepaiR” consists of interviews and texts around Attia's oeuvre, documented through about 1000 b/w reproductions, and the notion of repair, by 13 academics and researchers working in various disciplines. The book also reveals the artist's research and creation process, with a selection of archive texts and images.
Mohamed Bourouissa - Temps Mort
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Artist's book based on the eponymous work by Franco-Algerian artist Mohamed Bourouissa, a series of photographs and a video made with the help of a prisoner from the jail in which he is held, an exchange via SMS and MMS using a mobile phone smuggled into the prison establishment.
Mustapha Benfodil - Le point de vue de la mort
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
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Following the social unrest and immolation acts in Southern Algeria in 2011, writer and journalist Mustapha Benfodil wrote this fictional monologue of a village's mortuary employee to reflect on the wounds of the Algerian society.
Yto Barrada -
French edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
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Reference monograph (available in English edition).
Kaleidoscope - Summer 2012 – “A” is for Africa
English edition
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Kaleidoscope's summer issue is a special edition entirely devoted to art produced in (or related to) the African continent today, from Egypt to South Africa via Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Bouchra Khalili - Story Mapping
bilingual edition (English / French)
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First monograph dedicated to Franco-marocan video-artist's films (installations or movies), dealing with the notions of movement, relation and distance, on the borderline between visual arts, documentary, and cinema.
Kader Attia -
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
BlackJack editions - Monographs & artists' books
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A retrospective of Kader Attia's works from 2005 to 2009, with an interview and various texts.
Adel Abdessemed - A l\'attaque
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
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New monograph on Adel Abdessemed's videos, installations, scultpures and drawings, as a critique of the various guises of oppression and violence in our modern societies, both in Western and Muslim culture. With an interview and an essay.
Kader Attia -
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
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First monograph on the French artist, fully illustrated, with texts, interview and documentation.
French edition
Zamân - Zamân Books
A historical and thematic book that aims to tell the adventure of the Casablanca Art School, through a polyphony of stories, experiences and actors.
Silvia Naef - À la recherche d\'une modernité arabe
French edition
Zamân - Zamân Books
Reissue of a primordial work in the history of the art of the countries of North Africa and West Asia, a major reflection on the artistic currents of the Arab world in the twentieth century which responds more than ever, twenty-five years after its first publication, to the need to decolonize the knowledge.

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