
Nero is a publishing house specialized in the production of artist's books, editions, and catalogues commissioned by museums, foundations and private collections. Based in Rome, Nero also works in curating, art direction and consulting for cultural projects and contemporary art.
Honza Zamojski - Rise and Fall of the Middlemen
English edition
Artist book: a visual and poetic investigation of the enigmatic figure of the "Middleman", combining short punchlines and full-page illustrations, which are wryly reminiscent of Kafka's fictional world. The publication comes with a cardboard puppet, to be screwed and assembled.
Alice Guareschi - Je m\'appelle Olympia
no text
A series of 16 photographs documenting an action for house lights performed by Alice Guareschi at the Olympia Music Hall in Paris (leporello).
The Rainbow Book
English edition
currently out of stock
The reprint of a cult book of post-1968 psychedelic culture:, an encyclopedia of the cultural and artistic manifestations of the rainbow first published in 1975 in Berkeley, California, on the occasion of The Rainbow Show exhibition held at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
 Salvo - Io sono Salvo - Works and Writings 1961-2015
English edition
A monograph conceived as a self-portrait: the story of the artist's career through works and writings from 1961 to 2015, collected in chronological order to illustrate the ever-evolving, organic nature of Salvo's activities, which constantly interacted with the history of art.
MUdec United - Rainbow
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
MUdec United, the new publication of the MUDEC – Museo delle Culture di Milano, one of the Italian leading institutions, is a book-zine dedicated to interdisciplinary research on world cultures. The first issue addresses the themes explored with an exhibition project composed of different stories related to the rainbow as a natural, cultural, spiritual and human phenomenon.
Abbas Zahedi - “ ”
English edition
A conversation between Eva Wilson and the 2022 Frieze Artist Award Abbas Zahedi, around the core concepts of "translation and transplantation".
Lina Pallotta - Porpora
English edition
A photographic portrait of Porpora Marcasciano, human rights activist, writer, sociologist and honorary president of MIT (the Italian Transgender Identity Movement).
The Mediterranean - A Round Sea
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
A body of essays and artworks, edited by Marina Folkidis, about artistic production in the Mediterranean terroir.
Philippe Malouin - Steel Works
English edition
An overview of the Canadian designer's creative process.
Luca Trevisani - Walking loaves
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
An artist book by Luca Trevisani, overwriting in the mode of a palimpsest Piero Camporesi's Bread of Dreams, an Italian cult classic of "food" anthropology.
Massimo Bartolini - Hagoromo
English edition
The most complete publication ever dedicated to the Tuscan artist.
Simone Forti - Oh, Tongue
English edition
A new revised version of the notebook of the legendary American dancer, artist and choreographer Simone Forti in which she shares her poetry as well as her thoughts on dance, the body, writing, the state of the world.
Diego Perrone - Run-up - Grasso
English edition
An artist book celebrating the first five issues of Grasso magazine.
Paolo Cirio - Monitoring Control
English edition
currently out of stock
Combining art and activism, semiotics and capitalism, art and finance, control and subversion, Monitoring Control by Paolo Cirio represents a critique of the social manipulation imposed by new technologies, while examining the counter-control that individuals can implement to dismantle these forces, sabotage them, and protect themselves.
 Destroyers/Builders - Rooted Flows
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the work of Destroyers/Builders (Linde Freya Tangelder), as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers.
Kostas Lambridis - Rooted Flows
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the spectacular and baroque work of Kostas Lambridis, as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers.
Mario Rizzi - Bayt / بيت
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
A complete overview of the vast cinematographic project of the Italian artist and director around the "Arab Spring".
Zineb Sedira - Les rêves n\'ont pas de titres
French edition
The three issues of the periodical charting the artistic journey of Zineb Sedira in the run up to her presentation for the French Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022), gathered in a box set.
Pierre Bal-Blanc - The Continuum Was Performed in the Following Manner - Notes on documenta 14
English edition
An in-depth ex-post reflection on Documenta 14 by one of its curators, Pierre Bal Blanc, with the contribution of Adam Szymczyk.
Cao Fei - Supernova
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
New monograph.
Nicola Samorì - Lucìe
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Neglected, abandoned, forgotten women: a series portraits, mostly female, constitutes the fulcrum of this book on Lucìe, the project by Nicola Samorì exhibited at Mart in Rovereto.
Julien Carreyn - L\'espace des arts
no text
Julien Carreyn captures the singularity and strangeness of a cultural center during a residency.
Global Tools - When Education Coincides with Life – 1973–1975
English edition
Global Tools 1973–1975 documents and narrates the story of the eponymous experience of Radical Design and its multidisciplinary school program "without students or teachers."
Thomas Hirschhorn - The Purple Line
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Conceived entirely by the artist on the occasion of the homonymous solo exhibition at MAXXI, Rome, this volume documents Thomas Hirschhorn's research on Pixel-Collage, an impressive cycle of works realized between 2015 and 2017.
Zineb Sedira - Forms of Desire - Algiers
English edition
The first of three issues of a periodical charting the artistic journey of Zineb Sedira in the run up to her presentation for the French Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022).
Zineb Sedira - Les formes du désir - Alger
French edition
The first of three issues of a periodical charting the artistic journey of Zineb Sedira in the run up to her presentation for the French Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022).
Wolfgang Scheppe - Taxonomy of The Barricade - Image Acts of Political Authority in Paris, May 1968
English edition
An iconographic taxonomy—researched, conceived, and ideated by Wolfgang Scheppe, also author of the book's final essay—that traces the state and police visual control through almost 500 images from the May 1968 police archives in Paris.
The Missing Planet - Visions and re-visions of Soviet Times
English edition
The history of Soviet and post-Soviet art from 1970 to the present through the essays of thirty authors and the works of more than fifty artists.
Shifting Views on Italian Art
English edition
A critical analysis of the format of the curatorial residency as a research model.
Julien Carreyn - Le Moulin des Ribes
English edition
A bucolic pictorial / photographic project by Julien Carreyn around a French watermill.
Simone Forti - News Animations
English edition
A reference book containing all the transcripts of Simone Forti's News Animations.
Angelo Plessas - Experimental Education Protocol III
English edition
The report of the third edition of The Experimental Education Protocol, an alternative educational model imagined by the artist Angelo Plessas, organized in the form of a sailboat cruise in the Aegean Sea.
Marialba Russo - Public Sex
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Marialba Russo's collection of photographs of Italian porno film posters from the 1970s, questioning both the view of the original images and their later exhibition.
Chiara Fumai - Poems I Will Never Release, 2007-2017
English edition
First retrospective monograph: an essential resource for any in-depth critical study of Chiara Fumai's work and thought, including a first systematic analysis of her oeuvre.
Liu Xiaodong - New England
bilingual edition (English / Chinese)
The volume New England brings together a series of portraits by Liu Xiaodong of homonymous subjects. The project represents the artist's search to portray a generation of young Chinese professionals who have moved to London to try and follow their dreams.
Protext! (2 volumes)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The possible role of weaving as a transgressive practice, as a weapon of protest and sabotage.
Micol Assaël - Λ (Lambda)
English edition
Λ (Lambda) is an artist book by Micol Assaël which collects a series of 72 drawings made by the artist starting in 2011 as a reflection on light.
Rä di Martino - Afterall (A Space Mambo)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Publication based on the eponymous futuristic / dystopian project of the Italian artist and film-maker.
Sara Enrico - The Jumpsuit Theme
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The series of works developed by Sara Enrico around the concept of the textile jumpsuit.
Insufficient Armour
English edition
A body of essays and visual contributions by radical theorists around the prosthesis and the "augmented body" issues.
Soggetto nomade
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Female identity through the images of five Italian women photographers, 1965-1985: a reflection on identity and its representation in recent history.
Riccardo Benassi - Morestalgia
English edition
Monograph / artist's book.
Boris Rebetez - Common Tales
bilingual edition (English / German)
Retrospective monograph.
Marcin Rusak - Encoded Symbols
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the work of Marcin Rusak, as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers.
Roberto Sironi - Encoded Symbols
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the work of Roberto Sironi, as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers. The activity of the Italian designer unfolds through highly symbolic projects, based on his personal interest in anthropology and ethnology.
 Am Nuden Da - Let\'s Not Dispute The Useless. …
English edition
The content of this book is the result of a series of solo exhibitions; staged outside of any gallery space, visually undocumented, and taking place without visitors.
Claire Scanlon - “ ”
English edition
Around 1999, artist Becky Beasley began writing to her former tutor, Claire Scanlon, who kept her letters but never replied. Years later, in 2016, the two began to intermittently record their conversations, now as friends.

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