
353 titles
Loren Rush - Dans le Sable (vinyl LP)
The first new album in over 40 years by American composer, pianist, and digital audio pioneer Loren Rush: Bay Area experimentalism meets 20th century classical modernism.
Michel Surya - Principes pour une littérature qui empeste - Matériologies V
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
The fifth and final part of Michel Surya's Matériologies: literature and thought to the test of the pandemic virality.
Xavier Gayan - Roland Gori - Une époque sans esprit (DVD)
French edition
An intimate portrait of the psychoanalyst Roland Gori, of his thought and his fights against the commodification of health, education and culture.
Jean Dupuy - J\'idée - Variations sur Jean Dupuy (book + DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), DVD original version, English / French subtitles
A portrait of Jean Dupuy through a film by Gilles Coudert and a collection of unpublished texts.
Aurélie Pétrel - Exagraphie - Photographic Scores (2003-2018)
English edition
currently out of stock
First monograph on artist and photographer Aurélie Pétrel.
Résonances - Le Louvre à La Réunion
French edition
The Louvre invites itself to Reunion Island: a dialogue between the collections of the island's five museums and those of the Department of Graphic Arts.
Aurélie Pétrel - Exagraphie - Partitions photographiques (2003-2018)
French edition
First monograph on artist and photographer Aurélie Pétrel.
Gérard Traquandi - Ici  là (2 volumes)
French edition
Drawings and paintings.
Delphine Renault - Le wanderer, le repère et l\'horizon
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
First monograph of the French-Swiss artist Delphine Renault, presented by a critical essay by Karine Tissot.
Christopher A. Williams - On Perpetual (Musical) Peace? (vinyl LP)
A project by contrabassist, composer and theorist of experimental and improvised music Christopher A. Williams, inspired by Kantian proposals for perpetual peace, applied to collective musical composition and performance.
 Maciunas Ensemble - YoplaBoum + Permanent Wave (2 vinyl LP + CD)
Five rare pieces from the minimalist "rhythmic drone" period of the early 1980s of the ensemble founded by Paul Panhuysen, Remko Scha and Jan van Riet, reissued for the first time.
Wolfgang Seidel - Music is not language. Neither is it painting. Just music. (vinyl LP)
A posthumous duo LP featuring text and music by Conrad Schnitzler, music by Wolfgang Seidel, and artwork by Matt Howarth.
Jean-Luc Poivret -
French edition
A counter-plunge into the thousands of annotated books in the personal library of the painter Jean-Luc Poivret.
Julie Coutureau - SNI
French edition
An experimental and phonetic poetic adventure, a literary rhizome.
Unglee Izi - SW1 - Sécurité du premier monde – Tracteur directrice de l\'A.S.M.A
French edition
A collection of texts written over a period of fifteen years during the night, introduced by a photographic series by Jacques Patillot, between reality, portraits of friends, poetry, fiction and autobiographical insert.
José Esteban Muñoz - Cruiser l\'utopie - L\'après et ailleurs de l\'advenir queer
French edition
First French translation of José Esteban Muñoz's field defining work—an intellectual inspiration for a generation of LGBTQ scholars.
Jérôme Noetinger - Outer Blanc (vinyl LP)
A musical encounter between two important and uncompromising figures in contemporary experimental music in France.
Jérôme Noetinger - Outer Blanc (CD)
A musical encounter between two important and uncompromising figures in contemporary experimental music in France.
Laurent Marissal - Brecht & Brecht
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Al Dante
Portraits in 22 tableaux based on the works and words of Bertolt & George Brecht.
Emmanuèle Jawad - Interférences
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Interférences is composed of three series of poems, constructed like textual photographs. The material of this poetry crosses collective memories (protests against the Gulf War...), social news and intimist inserts, in a logic of telescoping and/or blurring of data.
Vincent Lafaille - Il a fallu apprendre à lire dans le noir
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Vincent Lafaille reinvents a poetics built on the rhythm, sometimes hesitant, staggering, of walking, in a fragmented narrative that is rooted in the time of social movements (from 2016 to 2020) where the question of how to reinvest our cities and our lives—our present—raised.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil des autres
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A long poem that questions our being in the world with a freedom that is both new and timeless, as if these words came from the origins.
Jean-Luc Parant - Soleil des autres - Limited edition
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Limited edition, numbered from 1 to 20 and signed, contains an original artwork by the author.
Grégory Granados - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
French designer Gregory Granados imagines the ideal shape of a vase/flower pot for a dancing plant. His discreet and subtle research questions the connection between the shaping of a given material and the sound it emits, investigating the acoustic properties of glass.
Inter - Pratiques du silence, du son et de l’oralité
French edition
Practices of silence, sound, and orality, between concrete poetry, performance and sound art.
Michaël La Chance - Les inventeurs de vacarmes - Théorie et pratiques de la performance
French edition
A collection of Michaël La Chance's observations and reflections on performance art in Quebec and on the international scene.
Pierre Escot - PIOTR
French edition
Written in one night, at the age of 21 by Pierre Escot, Piotr is the possible inner monologue of an actor, struggling with the omnipresence of his character, alternately heroic or cruel. A fight with himself, with his double, both inspiring and paralyzing. A text that Denis Lavant created in a reading at the Théâtre Ouvert in 1989 and who signs the afterword here.
Mathilde Ganancia - Bilan de parcours
French edition
A journey in the land of absurdity made by weird and often futile heroines, YouTubers who are losers and extremely unproductive manageresses...
Eden Tinto Collins - Bonne arrivée ou la Numination
French edition
currently out of stock
A crazed narrative of entasy, a free-fall plunge into the vortex of digital introspection and poetic-cum-militant blackness.
Marie-Christine Vernay - Danse la vie, danse la ville - Histoires de Guy Darmet
French edition
A history of dance in Lyon and in France over the last 40 years through the story of the various lives of Guy Darmet, director for 30 years of the Maison de la Danse and initiator of the first International Dance Biennale.
You Got to Get In to Get Out - The Never-ending Sound Continuum
English edition
currently out of stock
You Got to Get In to Get Out. The Never-ending Sound Continuum is one of the elements that integrate an homonymous curatorial research project that takes place at La Casa Encendida (Madrid) based on the vision of techno as a cultural, social, historical and material entity by curators Sonia Fernández Pan and Carolina Jiménez.
Maria Chávez - De la technique - Processus aléatoires sur platine
French edition
This book is a documented and illustrated manual of the turntablism practices developed by Maria Chávez over many years. It encourages experimentation and personal research through numerous examples and detailed instructions.
Vincent Epplay - Unholy Movie (book + K7)
French edition
Unholy Movie is an edition inspired by the films of Vincent Epplay, associated with an original fiction of Daniel Foucard. An audio K7 is included.
Alessandro Bosetti - Didone (vinyl LP)
16.50 12.50 €
A "poly-autobiographical" musical combinatory poem inspired by the life stories of a group of musicians whose testimonies Alessandro Bosetti has collected, exploring the shifting and multiple dimension of identities through voice expression, between electro-acoustic research, jazz and experimental opera.
Louis Schild - Engamblant
French edition
This edition, printed in serigraphy, delivers the reworked transcription of a recorded interview between musicians Jacques Demierre and Louis Schild, in which the notion of surveying and measurement is examined, among other things and in a conversational manner (with a musical transcription and a contribution from the playwright Michèle Pralong).
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
105.00 50.00 €
Bundle (special offer for the purchase of six issues of the contemporary art journal about sound).
Jeremiah Day - “If It\'s For The People, It Needs To Be Beautiful,” She Said
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
First comprehensive monograph.
Thomas Tilly - Codex Amphibia (Phonotaxis) (CD)
A new interpretation of the explosive frog breeding phenomenon.
French edition
First issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, devoted to the challenges of contemporary decor.
Fabien Vallos - Essai sur l\'image latente / PVL
French edition
A short essay on the concepts of "latent images" and "latency" based on the philosophy and history of the work of French artist Aurélie Pétrel.
Souffles - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
The new wave of French and international design: an account of research on the glass vase conducted at the International Research Center for Glass and Plastic Arts, showcasing the work of the ten designers who were awarded the grand prize in the Design Parade Hyères competition, organized each year by the Villa Noailles.
Hubert Renard - Catalogue raisonné - 1969-1998
bilingual edition (English / French)
The first complete inventory of Hubert Renard's work, between 1969 and 1998, includes all finished works, paintings, sculptures, installations, unique or multiple pieces.

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