
355 titles
Kate Carr - Midsummer, London (CD)
Midsummer, London by one of the world's leading voices in field recording explores the different accents, musics, and other sonic phenomenon of London at locations tracing the river Thames, moving from the outskirts in the west to the outskirts in the east.
Wade Guyton - Five Paintings - 2013-2015
bilingual edition (English / French)
Catalogue dedicated to the series of paintings exhibited at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, Wade Guyton's first exhibition in a French museum.
De l\'autre côté du Grand Verre de Marcel Duchamp (box set)
bilingual edition (English / French)
This special boxed set, numbered 1 to 50, contains Franck Scurti's DVD Ulf Linde – Marcel Duchamp: Certifié pour copie conforme, Pascal Goblot's DVD Richard Hamilton dans le reflet de Marcel Duchamp and Pascal Goblot's book To be Broken / À refaire le Grand Verre, plus a silkscreen print on transparent film.
Julien Blaine - Confidences
French edition
Julien Blaine's rebellious confidences, between the political and the poetic.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Tout commence par un bruit
French edition
A continuation of Jean-Guy Coulange's radio projects and his attempt to "show sound".
Jan Jelinek - Social Engineering (vinyl LP)
Social Engineering brings together thirteen text fragments from so-called phishing emails. Using speech synthesis, they are spoken, sung, and/or transformed into abstract textures. The result is a 36-minute language and sound collage devoted to the dark forces of phishing.
Yoshifumi Hayashi - L\'alchimie du cerveau à la mine de plomb
bilingual edition (English / French)
The first monograph on the Japanese artist of desire.
Marian Zazeela - Dream House 78\'17\
Originally released in 1974 on Shandar, Dream House 78'17" is the second full-length album by La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela. This first-time US edition reproduces the original gatefold sleeve with beautiful calligraphy by Zazeela and liner notes by Young and French musicologist Daniel Caux.
Marian Zazeela - Dream House 78\'17\
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Originally released in 1974 on Shandar, Dream House 78'17" is the second full-length album by La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela. This first-time US edition reproduces the original gatefold sleeve with beautiful calligraphy by Zazeela and liner notes by Young and French musicologist Daniel Caux.
Luca Perciballi - Sacred Habits (CD)
A performance for solo guitar and objects coming on top of a decade-long sonic exploration of the potentialities of the guitar as a pure sound generator by Modena-based composer and musician Luca Perciballi.
 Mondkopf - Waves (Selected Works) (vinyl LP)
The French producer's 9th album features two time-stretched, profound analog-textured pieces based on the physical and emotional swaying motion suggested by its title and recorded during some concerts played in the summer of 2019.
Phill Niblock - Boston III / Tenor / Index (vinyl LP)
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Some of the earliest works by American composer Phill Niblock, including three never before released pieces: "Index" (1969), "Tenor," and "Boston III" (both from 1972). Until now, it's been impossible to encounter Niblock's compositions from earlier than the 1960s, a reality thankfully rectified by the long overdue publication of this LP on Alga Marghen.
 Andrea Caretto & Raffaella Spagna - Bright Ecologies - Experiences, Forms, Materials
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
The first overview of the artistic research of Andrea Caretto and Raffaella Spagna, an Italian artistic duo focused on site specific art project with a sensible attitude to the landscape.
Laurent Marissal - Portrait d\'un terroriste en amateur d\'art
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Al Dante
Conversation on art, real and imaginary, in 13 tableaux between ex-Action directe member Jann-Marc Rouillan and painter Laurent Marissal.
Frédéric Neyrat - Impossessions primitives / L\'Anti-Terre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
In this tête-bêche book, Amandine André's Impossessions primitives, a text identifiable as poetic, meets philosopher Frédéric Neyrat's L'Anti-Terre, singularly opening up the field of possibilities and thought.
Julien Blaine - 2023
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Julien Blaine's new collection of poetic, visual and typographic experiments.
Cyrille Bret - Cynanthropie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
This book takes the domestic dog as an affective standard, a practical horizon and an index of a moral economy specific to the capitalocene.
Robert Cantarella - Les Carrossiers
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Benjamin Fouché - Merveilles du monde
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Inducing daydreams, walking under hypnosis, thwarting curfews.
Charles Pennequin - Dedans
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Reissue of Charles Pennequin's first book, a lengthy text in which the author's writing is characterized by obsessive repetition, a breathless rhythm, a combination of introspective movement and prosaic elements, and a staging of proferation.
Iglika Christova - Penser et créer avec le microcosme - Du dessin d\'observation au « dessin vivant »
French edition
An interdisciplinary investigation by French-Bulgarian visual artist Iglika Christova, an explorer of the microcosm, into the relationship between the mechanisms of the living world and drawing.
Inter - Arts altercapacités
French edition
Inter 143 invites you to explore Mad art, Crip art, disabled art, deaf art, raw art, edible art, situated art and inclusive art: all ways of perceiving, thinking and creating by people with different abilities (physical, intellectual, cognitive, mental, sensory, learning, language and communication skills) or functional diversity.
Chedly Atallah - Matar, Matar, Matar
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
currently out of stock
Initiated by Tunisian artist, architect and scenographer Chedly Atallah, whose practice explores geopolitical changes in the Arab world through history, architecture and mythological narratives, Matar, Matar, Matar is an artistic investigation into the time of representation and memory, with water as a metaphor for remembrance.
Makiko Furuichi - Le vent, la vague, l’étoile
bilingual edition (English / French)
A comprehensive overview of Makiko Furuichi's work, focusing on her special installation for the Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain in Les Sables-d'Olonne.
Charlie Boisson - Mémoire de l\'oublieur
French edition
A contemporary artistic reinterpretation of a vanished craft.
Souleymane Keïta -
bilingual edition (English / French)
The first monographic publication dedicated to Souleymane Keïta (1947-2014), a major figure in Senegalese art.
Jason Kahn - I Smile When the Sound Is Singing Through the Space (CD)
Eight pieces of free vocal improvisation by the duo of Jason Kahn and Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, who have been working together since 2015.
Ulrich Krieger - Eternal City (CD)
Three pieces spanning free improvisation, noise and extended saxophone technique with Ulrich Krieger, one of the masters of contemporary experimental music.
Andrea Taeggi - Nattdett (vinyl LP)
Berlin-based, Italian-born sound artist Andrea Taeggi introduces his debut release on Hands in the Dark records, an album showcasing six mesmerizing and rhythmically intricate electronic compositions.
Kenzō Tange - Architectes des Jeux de Tokyo
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
A presentation of the fascinating architectural legacy of the Tokyo Olympic Games through two iconic buildings, the Yoyogi Olympic Gymnasium and the New National Stadium, highlighting the two world-renowned Japanese architects behind these projects: Kenzō Tange and Kengo Kuma.
Florence Grundeler - Entre
bilingual edition (English / French)
A survey of Florence Grundeler's work, structured according to the different media (canvas, paper, steel, installation) that form the pillars of her artistic development, with two essays.
Scratching at the Moon
English edition
Catalogue of a historical exibition curated by artist Anna Sew Hoy, with support from ICA LA Executive Director Anne Ellegood, Scratching at the Moon presents an intergenerational group of thirteen leading artists in the Asian American community who currently live and work in Los Angeles or have strong ties to the city.
Volume ! - La fin des genres musicaux ? Catégoriser les musiques populaires
texts in English and French
A historicist approach of music genres.
Io Burgard - Le Grand Zinc
French edition
An account of artist Io Burgard's experience in the town of Ugine (archives, concert, residency, exhibition), part fanzine, part punk, part white cube.
Vues & données (catalogue) - 29-3-2024 – 2-6-2024
French edition
The result of a research project revolving around the question of data, headed by artist-photographer Aurélie Pétrel and philosopher Fabien Vallos.
Aurélie Pétrel - 2275 prises de vue latentes [Index-PVL]
French edition
This edition, the fifth volume in the Vues & Données series, includes data from the 2,275 "latent shots" taken by artist Aurélie Pétrel.
Fabien Vallos - Les Banquets (2008-2023)
French edition
currently out of stock
This publication documents the organization of fifty-two banquets (2008-2023) as artistic practice and "social sculpture"
David Simpson - Courir
bilingual edition (English / French)
Photographer David Simpson opens his 30-year archive on Louisiana's rural Mardi Gras traditions.
French edition (texts in English)
The 13th issue of the biannual magazine of the ECAL (Lausanne University of Art and Design), with interviews with Paul Hirsch, Sébastian Strappazzon, Matthieu Gafsou, Lorenza Longhi, Gabriele Garavaglia, Loucia Carlier.
Giuseppe Ielasi - Rhetorical Islands (vinyl LP)
First vinyl edition of Giuseppe Ielasi's archipelago of animated sound sculptures.
Michel Guérin - Aménager l\'espace, orner les lieux
French edition
Three texts by Michel Guérin on the notions of ornament and decoration, at the crossroads of theological, anthropological, aesthetic and philosophical considerations.
Valentina Medda - The Last Lamentation
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
An art project articulated around the issue of migration and diasporas from the Global South that sees the Mediterranean transformed into a place of waiting, suspension, and passing away, a solid space of embodying absence.
 Denseland - Code & Melody (CD)
On their first album since 2017, the Berlin-based trio Denseland (Hanno Leichtmann, David Moss and Hannes Strobl) instead ventures slowly but steadily into unknown territory.
Binta Diaw - Toolu Xeer
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph devoted to the work of the Italian-Senegalese artist Binta Diaw.

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