
355 titles
 Artemisia - Word for Word
trilingual edition (English / French / Italian)
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“Reading” of the famous Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1633) painting Judith et Holopherne by contemporary artists(Buren, Kosuth, Paolini, Sonneman, Twombly...); texts by Roland Barthes, Eva Menzio and Léa Lublin.
Richard Tuttle - Five by Seven - Nine Works by Richard Tuttle
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Five by seven, nine works by Richard Tuttle for Yvon Lambert.
René Denizot - Une empreinte n\'est jamais seule - Niele Toroni
French edition
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A critical text on Niele Toroni's work, with exhibitions views and documents.
Robert Barry - It is… It isn\'t…
English edition
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Artist's book.
Lawrence Weiner - 7 (vinyl EP)
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Vinyl EP record.
Daniel Buren - Limites critiques
French edition
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1970 artist's book: Buren explains and positions his work with commented plans.
Hans Hartung - Aquarelle 1922
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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Hartung's early watercolor works on paper (33 tipped in full page color illustrations, under boxset).
Pierre Denan - Je
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Artist's book: a series of procedures to follow, which substitute for all forms of religious and ideological injunction.
Pierre Denan - Dragon Eye
no text
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Artist's book: a series of patterns drawn from the library of a vectorial drawing software, homothetically reduced to the dimensions of the book to rectangles of different sizes, laid out over the pages as in an urban map.
Pierre Denan - Hot & arty
no text
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Artist's book: compositions with borrowings, alterations, quotations as well as original propositions, functioning on a binary mode.
Pierre Denan - J. Christ
no text
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Artist's book: 37 Christs photographed in as many Roman churches.
Pierre Denan - More
no text
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Artist's book: a selection of patterns cut out from fashion magazines, details of clothes, accessories, as well as figures, landscapes, words.
Pierre Denan - Poulet Poulet
no text
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Artist's book: 37 foodstuffs photographed in high angle shots, lit by electric light.
Pierre Denan - R. Thomas
no text
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Artist's book: portrait of a young soldier reproduced exactly on each page of the book.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Cinétisme
A selection of René Berger's lectures and the proceedings of a symposium he had organized around art, technology and communication.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Cinétisme
A critical history of VideoArt Festival Locarno.
bilingual edition (English / French)
New monograph of the Beninese painter.
English edition
A survey of Leeds School of Arts Fine Art Student Gallery activities, an experimental and open site caring for the art it stages.
John Cornu -
bilingual edition (English / French)
a panoramic view of John Cornu's practice since 2006, with thirty-eight works accompanied by thirty-eight texts by historians, curators, conservation experts, art critics, and contemporary artists, with as many different approaches and possible readings.
English edition
New monograph, based on Saskia Holmkvist's film Margaret (Back Translation), weaving together staged scenes, documentary elements and archival footage, exploring the recent history of Belfast through a series of tonally diverse scenes, by turns comic, elegiac and speculative.
English edition
Weekly Planner I & II by Silje Iversen Kristiansen is two individual pocket-books filled with drawings. The drawings records in a fragmented way her subjective experience of life in time and space. Each book covers the span of a year, always starting in May and ending in April. In addition to the drawings, the books contain a text by Jan Verwoert that reflects upon the subject at hand.
This edition by Walter and Jan Verwoert pairs an 7" record featuring 6 pieces of sound poetry with facsimiles of the 6 collages used as scores for the recordings.
French edition
The fifth issue of Typologie, a collection of design books about ordinary objects, is dedicated to the camping tent.
Vojtěch Kovařík -
English edition
This first monograph invites the reader to explore the fascinating universe of Czech artist Vojtěch Kovařík, who paints surreal worlds populated by figures from classical Greek and Roman mythology.
French edition
This collective publication explores the question of Earth rights through the interdisciplinary prism of socio-environmental humanities in relation to contemporary art.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
Aesthetics of breathing: new ways of getting to know the air we breathe and developing a sensitive culture of air qualities.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Al Dante
An essay on the birth of artistic manifestos in the 19th century, from Jacques Louis David to Gustave Courbet.

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