
355 titles
La Fugitive
French edition
A lesbian and queer re-reading of Albertine, a central character in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time. A group show constructed as a portrait of lesbian identity.
Globalisto - A Philosophy in Flux – Acts of an Imbizo
English edition
The continuation and culmination of a vast project, articulated between an exhibition and a symposium, imagined by South African curator Ntshepe Tsekere Bopape (Mo Laudi), inviting 17 artists from Africa and its diaspora and a group of researchers to evoke black aesthetics and propose an alternative vision of a world without borders.
Globalisto - Une philosophie en mouvement – Actes d\'un imbizo
French edition
The continuation and culmination of a vast project, articulated between an exhibition and a symposium, imagined by South African curator Ntshepe Tsekere Bopape (Mo Laudi), inviting 17 artists from Africa and its diaspora and a group of researchers to evoke black aesthetics and propose an alternative vision of a world without borders.
bilingual edition (English / French)
The new adventure of the Musée Mobile (a traveling museum aimed at making contemporary art accessible to those who are far from it, from the earliest age, that has been touring France, Europe and Africa since 2011), in partnership with the Centre Pompidou: the first museum truck dedicated to Europe's largest collection of modern and contemporary art, designed by architect Isabel Hérault and artist Krijn de Koning, travelling to various regions and villages.
 The Rita - Correlations
English edition
currently out of stock
This monograph presents the visual language inseparable from the higly influential sound project of Sam McKinlay, pioneer of the "harsh noise wall" with the multidisciplinary entity The Rita.
Gérard Berréby - Documents relatifs à l\'édition pirate du Traité du style de Louis Aragon par Gérard Berréby
French edition
Gérard Berréby looks back at the first publishing experience of the man who was to become the director of Allia publishing house: the decision, in the early 1980s, to produce a pirate edition of Aragon's book—at the time opposed to any reprinting—, an unprecedented gesture that provoked numerous reactions in the literary world, and raised a number of questions linked to appropriation and self-publishing.
J.J. Zana - Script
English edition
Script is the second book of artist J.J. Zana and a continuation of the series started with Cycles. Composed of fragments, it gathers eleven sections—with a central part telling about his experiments with drugs.
The Tilt of Time
English edition
An exploration of the multifaceted nature of time through the artworks of seven artists, encompassing different artistic approaches and investigations, ranging from the transformation of objects and their meanings over time and history, to the current role of artificial intelligence in the creation of images and its relationship with the visual arts, as well as the geopolitical tensions of the present day.
 Nabuurs&VanDoorn - Greyzones
English edition
Between an artist's book and a art publication, Greyzones is an attempt to grasp the scope and width of the work of artist duo Inge Nabuurs and Erwin van Doorn.
Nasser Rabbat - Critical Encounters
English edition
The second installment in the Dongola Architecture Series, dedicated to the great voices of contemporary architecture in the Arab culture, delves into the life and work of the distinguished Syrian architect and architecture historian Nasser Rabbat.
 Schatterau - Schatterau (vinyl LP)
The debut, self-titled album from German trio Schatterau: 15 elegant miniature pieces made with an old 4-track cassette recorder, offering a lo-fi walk through a patchwork of warm, nostalgic, dreamlike and strangely familiar soundscapes.
François Bayle - 50 ans d\'acousmatique (15 CD + booklet box set)
currently out of stock
François Bayle's luxurious, monumental retrospective box set: 15 CDs covering half a century (1963-2012) of acousmatic creation, accompanied by a 160-page book with various texts, a 2012 interview with Thomas Baumgartner, presentation and annotated catalog of works by Régis Renouard Larivière, and photographs.
Switched On - The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women
English edition
Back in stock! (reprint). The first book dedicated exclusively to the female protagonists of Latin American electronic music.
Jim Dine - Painter\'s Theater 1960–1965
English edition
Two previously unpublished interviews with Jim Dine, about his performances in New York City in the early 1960s, an important period in his career that the artist has so far rarely discussed.
Alexander von Schlippenbach - ... über Ursache und Wirkung der Meinungsverschiedenheiten beim Turmbau zu Babel (2 vinyl LP + DVD + booklet + libretto box set)
currently out of stock
A music drama performed in the Hebbel Theatre Berlin in 1994—a key work from Sven-Åke Johansson & Alexander von Schlippenbach.
Christina Kubisch - Zenger Station (vinyl LP)
New electromagnetic recordings by Christina Kubisch: a suite of pieces focusing on the electromagnetic sound qualities of trams, buses and related infrastructure.
 Kunstkopf - 7 Stücke 1998 (vinyl LP)
A unique 90s Berlin underground artefact by Kunstkopf.
 The Curators - Contact High with The Curators (vinyl LP)
A conceptual punk re-enactment by The Curators.
Agnès Violeau - Pratiquer l\'exposition - Une écologie
French edition
(last copies available!)
An essay on the new challenges facing exhibition curators.
Dan Warburton - Parking (CD)
currently out of stock
Two works recorded 14 years apart, registering the behaviour and characteristics of environmental and instrumental sound resounding within multiple parking garages.
Jan Jelinek - Live in Luxembourg, December 3rd 2021 (vinyl LP)
Four excerpts from a duo concert by Arthur Clees (drums) and Jan Jelinek (live electronics).
Aldo Clementi - Collage (vinyl LP)
Two previously unreleased collages for magnetic tape, both realized at the Studio di Fonologia Muisicale RAI in Milan. These pieces are precious testimonials to Aldo Clementi's intense and ongoing interest in electronic music in the 1960s.
Fred Frith - Guitar Solos / Fifty (vinyl LP)
The remastered anniversary reissue of the guitarist's first solo album, released in 1974, accompanied by a new album made by Fred Frith in similar conditions, celebrating the fifty years that separate them.
Taku Unami - Kindling #1 - Parazoan Mapping #2 (newspaper + digital)
currently out of stock
Kindling #1: Parazoan Mapping #2 by Taku Unami and Eric La Casa is the first edition of an ongoing series of artist-run digital+paper sound-art releases, only available as a newspaper plus digital file.
Alessandro Bosetti - FasFari (vinyl LP)
currently out of stock
FasFari is composed of short vocal emissions that deal with a form of speech before the act of saying, sound particles that invoke meaning without ever fully unfolding it, and barely suggest a body and a biographical identity.
L\'art des charpentiers japonais - Au cœur de l\'architecture en bois traditionnelle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
This volume presents a little-known facet of Japanese culture: the know-how of traditional wooden architecture.
Pascal Goblot - To Be Broken - À refaire le Grand Verre
bilingual edition (English / French)
Over a period of more than ten years, Pascal Goblot undertook a performance based on Marcel Duchamp's The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even, the first stage of which involved making as exact a reproduction of The Large Glass as possible. This book is the pictorial account of that reconstitution.
Ants walk two ways
bilingual edition (English / French)
A collective publication resulting from a research project led by Sophie Orlando and Katrin Ströbel that takes as its starting point the way in which current geopolitical, economic and social changes induce a renewal and adjustment of artistic strategies, by investing, in an intersectional perspective, contextual thinking and feminist, queer and postcolonial thinking in an artistic and conceptual way.
Anne-Sarah Huet - Le Meilleur Système
French edition
Le meilleur système is a hybrid and meta text. At once a poetic collection and a critical reader, nourished by references to genre literature, it explores the narrator's dissociative affects and her experience of racial passing.
Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf - Mauvaises herbes
French edition
A new literary work by Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf, Mauvaises herbes is an alphabetical list of undesirable plants, a poetic lexicon of Quebec flora, where composite and colorful terms accumulate in an incessant enumeration.
Marie-Douce St-Jacques - Une entrée
French edition
A cinephilic, emotional and memorial journey: page after page of cinema tickets—exhumed from the past, preserved until now and published here for tomorrow—retrace fragments of artist Marie-Douce St-Jacques' cinephilic itinerary, and tell the story of a discreet struggle against oblivion and indifference.
Yoann Thommerel - Écrire un avis
French edition
Writer Yoann Thommerel seizes on the rating codes to which we are now subjected for the smallest of our daily gestures to hijack them, deconstruct them and make them the basis of resolutely digressive culinary commentaries, between a diary oriented towards gastronomy and the uninhibited reinvention of a Gault & Millau guide stripped of its prescriptive logic.
Ulyap Songs - Beyond Circassian Tradition (book + 2 vinyl LP)
bilingual edition (English / Russian)
58.00 53.00 €
Ulyap is a village in the Caucasus, where one can find an enormous number of accordion and harmonica players. "Ulyap Songs: Beyond Circassian Tradition" represents an attempt to document ancient bards' chants and their entanglement with popular rural heritage as well as post-Soviet culture during modern times, through a critical prism.
Ulyap Songs - Beyond Circassian Tradition (book)
bilingual edition (English / Russian)
Ulyap is a village in the Caucasus, where one can find an enormous number of accordion and harmonica players. "Ulyap Songs: Beyond Circassian Tradition" represents an attempt to document ancient bards' chants and their entanglement with popular rural heritage as well as post-Soviet culture during modern times, through a critical prism.
Ulyap Songs - Beyond Circassian Tradition (2 vinyl LP)
Ulyap is a village in the Caucasus, where one can find an enormous number of accordion and harmonica players. "Ulyap Songs: Beyond Circassian Tradition" represents an attempt to document ancient bards' chants and their entanglement with popular rural heritage as well as post-Soviet culture during modern times, through a critical prism.
 0 Propos - Zéro propos. Zéro titre (2 vinyl LP)
A double vinyl of sound poetry composed by the duo Gaël Bandelier & Gilles Furtwängler.
Anne Le Troter - Le Corps Living Room (vinyl LP)
currently out of stock
A sound performance inspired by Merce Cunningham, in which a group of speakers seek to escape from society, to retreat by mimicking the objects that surround us in the forest.
Arts et Espace
French edition
Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil, Julien Berthier, Sylvie Bonnot, Alain Bublex, Raphaël Dallaporta, Elsa De Smet, Johan Decaix, Bertrand Dezoteux, Jill Gasparina, Benoît Géhanne, Éléonore Geissler, Michel Gouéry, Juliette Green, Gaspard Maîtrepierre, Aurélie Pagès, Élise Parré, Simon Ripoll-Hurier, Noémie Segol, Chloé Silbano, Barbara Soyer, Stéphane Thidet...
Olivier Sévère - Oasis
French edition
Artist's book: a "cinematographic" display of previously unpublished visuals by Olivier Sévère, reflecting the phenomenon of mirage, the appearance and disappearance of images, and the presence and absence of water. A text by anthropologist Sophie Brones accompanies the narrative of these Tunisian desert landscapes.
Patricia Favreau - Écoute voir
French edition
A collection of 16 poetic texts primarily written for orality.
Anna Gaïotti - Je vomis du nez, le sang bleu de la nuit
French edition
A book of poetic texts by the performance artist, choreographer, musician and writer.
François Salmeron - Itinérances écologiques - Art, éthique et environnement
French edition
A critical and ethical reflection on contemporary art and ecology, based on long-term research into the work of some twenty international artists committed to environmental issues.
Carmen Diez Salvatierra - Matinées sans police - suivi de Guerre
text in French and Spanish
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Written with a sensitive ear to the present, Matinées sans police reveals a relationship with the world in which the intimate and the extimate assert themselves in all their political dimensions.
Jean-Marie Gleize - Je deviens (séances)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
This latest book—part of a ten-volume series that began with Léman in 1990—takes up and redistributes the elements of an investigation whose main material is autobiographical. The author restores an imaginary "childhood" that he writes about in a poetic attempt to understand it, and never ceases to "become".

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