
Founded in 1978, Jannink Editions turned to contemporary art in the early 1990s with a new concept: giving artists a voice. Rather than specialist writings, it is now directly the actors of the artistic scene who explain their works.
Bringing together the greatest names in contemporary art—Christo, Gilbert & George, Antonio Saura, Baselitz, Panamarenko, Villeglé, Arman, Opalka, Soto, Adami…—Jannink Editions publish, along with their writings, an original signed work included in the books in bibliophile editions.
At the same time, they publish collections of prints, offering artists the opportunity to try their hand at imposed themes, as well as works of photography.
Fabrice Hyber - Richesses
French edition
A reproduction of handwritten notes, accompanied with sketches, in which Fabrice Hyber explains his conception of the role of art and artists.
Bathroom Manners
bilingual edition (English / French)
26.00 8.00 €
82 photos taken in bathrooms (Bettina Rheims, Araki, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Bertrand Desprez, Giselle Freund, Pierre & Gilles...), with an essay by Jean-Claude Kaufmann, half-way between voyeurism and sociological commentary
Geneviève Asse - Notes par deux - Limited edition
French edition
Geneviève Asse's reflections on her pictorial and graphic work (limited edition accompanied by a numbered and signed stencil).
Miguel Chevalier - L\'Algorithme pixélisé - Limited edition
French edition
A sound poem and a digital art index by a pioneer of virtual art. The artwork accompanying this limited edition comes in the form of a CD-Rom containing an algorithm that creates a unique work for each copy.
Gloria Friedmann - Play-Back  d\'Eden - Monologue d\'une artiste face à un primate naturalisé – Limited edition
French edition
Gloria Friedmann writes about the main questions raised by its work: nature, animal kingdom and ecology; work and war, the origins of mankind and art. Limited edition with a felt-tip drawing printed on a restaurant tablecloth paper and enhanced by hand.
Gloria Friedmann - Play-Back  d\'Eden - Monologue d\'une artiste face à un primate naturalisé
French edition
Gloria Friedmann writes about the main questions raised by its work: nature, animal kingdom and ecology; work and war, the origins of mankind and art.
Miguel Chevalier - L\'Algorithme pixélisé
French edition
A sound poem and a digital art index by a pioneer of virtual art.
La critique hostile à Gauguin
French edition
A selection of unfavourable articles on Gauguin.
Jan Fabre - Je marche pendant sept jours et sept nuits - Limited edition
texts in English, French, Italian, Dutch
A metaphoric poem in prose. Limited edition accompanied by an original artwork, sand and pencil collage, signed and unique for each copy.
Jan Fabre - Je marche pendant sept jours et sept nuits
texts in English, French, Italian, Dutch
A metaphoric poem in prose.
Georg Baselitz - Ce que tu n\'es pas est un autoportrait - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition, accompanied by a numbered and signed etching, printed by Niels Borch Jensen in Copenhagen.
Georg Baselitz - Ce que tu n\'es pas est un autoportrait
French edition
Baselitz returns on his own history and on his conception of the painting, on self-portraits, inversed paintings, his reference artists, German painting...
Christian Bonnefoi - De l\'in- à l\'ex en passant par l\'ob- - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, painting on paper, unique piece.
Bertrand Lavier - Random - Limited edition
French edition
A selection of public discussions by Bertrand Lavier. Limited edition accompanied by a unique work for each copy (acrylic painting on paper).
Bertrand Lavier - Random
French edition
A selection of public discussions by Bertrand Lavier.
Pierre Bettencourt - Petit dictionnaire de la pensée mammifère - Limited edition
French edition
Born in 1917, a friend of Dubuffet, Michaux and Jean Paulhan, Bettencourt was a writer, before being a publisher. This book, gathering thoughts and aphorisms through the definitions of a choice of words, reveals the artist (limited edition with an original serigraphy signed by the artist.
Philippe Perrin - Nice is nice - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, signed original work (original lithograph signed and enhanced, as well as a collage), unique for each copy
Jesús-Rafael Soto - Lettre du Venezuela - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished story illustrated with a virtual work in original signed lithograph.
Claude Viallat - Toros Bravos
French edition
A series of drawings by one founder of Support-Surface.
Pierre Bettencourt - Petit dictionnaire de la pensée mammifère
French edition
Born in 1917, a friend of Dubuffet, Michaux and Jean Paulhan, Bettencourt was a writer, before being a publisher. This book, gathering thoughts and aphorisms through the definitions of a choice of words, reveals the artist.
Bernard Aubertin - Rouge - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text. Black monochrome, unique piece made with a spatula, dated and signed by the artist.
Aurelie Nemours - Option avec blanc - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, signed original woodcut, unique for each copy
 Panamarenko - Modèle jouet de l\'Espace - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, signed original collage, unique for each copy
 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Most common errors
bilingual edition (English / French)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude rectifie the most comon errors about their work and about their life.
 Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Most common errors - Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
Christo and Jeanne-Claude correct the most common errors about their work and about their life. This publication features an original litograph signed by the artists.
La Critique hostile à Picasso
French edition
A selection of unfavourable, violent, conformist, sceptic or narrow judgments on Picasso, published in French and international newspapers (Le Figaro, The Daily Mail, Les Lettres françaises, Life...) between 1917 and 1973.
Philippe Cazal - Les litanies
French edition
Artist's book.
Daniel Buren - L\'Ineffable - A propos de l\'œuvre de Ryman
French edition
Daniel Buren writes on his friend Robert Ryman to highlight some questions raised by his oeuvre and by his own work.
Daniel Buren - L\'Ineffable - A propos de l\'œuvre de Ryman – Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text accompanied by a leaflet with 8.7 cm stripes.
Noël Dolla - Le trou du Louvre - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text accompanied by an original monotype on a lead sheet, signed and unique for each copy.
Peter Klasen - L\'Image la ville - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text with an original and unique collage with airbrush, signed by the artist.
Georges Noël - Les Tribulations d\'Ambroise Ferrocarill ou Le Voyage Palimpseste - Limited edition
French edition
Georges Noël tortures writing, plays with movement and shape to express feelings and invisible symbols. “Grafting of living on the intuitive”, his palimpsests indicate a new communication path. As Ambroise Ferrocarill, Georges Noël reveals himself in this unpublished text (with an original silkscreen print signed by the artist).
Gérard Titus-Carmel - Coupe réglée - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text. Each copy includes a fragment of a set executed by stencil with the number of the plot taken by hand written by the artist.
Enrico Baj - Inactualité de l\'art et pataphysique suivi du Manuel de survie - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, signed original artwork, unique for each copy
Jean Le Gac - Je t\'écris - Limited edition
French edition
Jean Le Gac delivers his personal mailing. The original work included in the book is a letter from the artist, accompanied by a photo addressed personally to the reader.
Jean Messagier - Tous les pollens du monde - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, lithography, enhanced with pastel for each copy and signed.
Jean-Luc Parant - Et je fais des boules - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, signed original work, unique for each copy
Peter Stämpfli - Pneupeneupneupneupneupneupneu - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text with an original and unique artwork on Rhodoid, signed by the artist.
Claude Bellegarde - Blancheur de la couleur - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text. Original and unique painting for each copy.
Ben Vautier - Manifeste d\'Art Total - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, original signed silkscreen print.
 Arman - Complément d\'objet - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text, original accumulation signed, unique.
Pol Bury - La gravité des images - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text. Original intaglio etching signed.
Marie Chamant - Le Palais des glaces - Limited edition
French edition
An unpublished text inspired by the motifs of the labyrinth and the mirror, with sections written backwards. Accompanied by an original signed artwork on mirror.
Larry Bell - Fraction - Edition de tête
bilingual edition (English / French)
Unpublished text, signed original work, unique for each copy.
Jean Dewasne - Tenue de rigueur - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text with an original silkscreen print signed by the artist.
Jacques Villeglé - Un homme sans métier - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text illustrated by a unique original signed lacerated poster.
Valerio Adami - Lettere non scritte - Limited edition
French edition
Five unpublished short stories illustrated by an original lithograph signed by the artist.
Gilles Aillaud - Mise au point - Limited edition
French edition
Unpublished text with an original silkscreen print signed by the artist.
 Arrabal - Tête de mort dans l\'armoire - Limited edition
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
Unpublished bilingual text, silkscreen print on rhodoid enhanced by hand and signed.

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