Alberto García del Castillo
Alberto García del Castillo writes genre fiction and nonfiction about communities and
queer, performs his own and other people's writings, and collaborates in multiple configurations. He has published his writing in
Girls Like Us, co-edited
Midpoint (Théophile's Papers, 2016) and his two novels
Merman (2017) and
Retrospective (2014) were published by
Shelter Press. Alongside Marnie Slater, is co-curator of Buenos Tiempos, Int.
English edition
Shelter Press - Books
A queer travelogue of a boating voyage on Belgium's inland waterways with merman and singer Steev Lemercier in the company of Chanel and Dolce, who are a cat and a dog, during the first months of their friendship with the author. With photographs by César Segarra.
English edition
Shelter Press - Books
sold out
Alberto García del Castillo's first novel is a comedy-science-fiction novelette about “faggotry” and the art world; depicting a retour-au-passé in contemporary painting and waving to some of the most beautiful homosexuals on Earth.