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Fielding (vinyl LP)

Omnimal - Fielding (vinyl LP)
A live recording on giant acoustic horns installed on a cliffside in the French Alps, playing with the echoes inherent to the site.
Fielding was recorded live at la Ferme de Faï, in November 2016 after the Dôme association invitation for Echo festival. Record made with the help of Joaquim Brissaud, Julien Dessailly and Ernest Bergez.
In the Maraize valley (French Alps), 3 giant horns (bass, middle and treble) are connected to an amplification system. They face a concave cliff spanning more than 80 hectares, which accentuates the echos inherent to the site. The horns are oriented towards precise points of the cliff in order to create an optimal echo. In 1991, Jacques Chataignier, noticing the particular resonance of the site, decided to create a dedicated acoustic system in situ. Construction work on the horns started in 1994. It was made possible by the continued presence of volunteer builders from the association Villages des Jeunes, under the tutelage of sound engineer, Michel Stievenart, who designed the plans. The acoustic system was completed in 1997 with the construction of the bass horn. The recording was realized with 2 omnidirectional and 2 hypercardioid microphones placed at different heights facing the cliff.
Published with Mont Analogue.
2024 (publication expected by 4th quarter)
vinyl with artprint in deluxe PVC sleeve

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