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War Milk (vinyl LP)

Pangea De Futura - War Milk (vinyl LP)
The debut studio album from the Montreal supergroup Pangea de Futura, an octet that has been exploring since 2019, the many ways of—slowly—constructing massive textural musical shapes and droning tribal post-rock ambiances.
Each track simultaneously encapsulates its structure emerging from and within a flux, alongside its impending entropy, creating a suspended moment. This intense experience is crafted through the combined rhythmic contributions of Aidan Girt, Eric Craven, Samuel Bobony, the merging brass arrangements of Véronique Janosy, Reüel Ordoñez, Neboysha Rakic, the electronic textures provided by Charles Bussières, and the intense drones / soundscapes created by Eric Quach's guitar playing.
Pangea De Futura is an octet supergroup lead by Eric Quach aka Thisquietarmy, comprised of many veterans of the Montreal music scene, including three drummers, guitar, synth & brass players (involved in bands such as Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Silver Mt. Zion, Fly Pan Am, Some Became Hollow Tube, HRSTA, BLD, Black Givre, Exhaust, Hanged Up, Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche...).
2024 (publication expected by 3rd quarter)
EAN : 5411867335580

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