Valentina Tanni

Valentina Tanni is an art historian, curator, and lecturer. Her research is centered on the relationship between art and technology, with particular attention to internet culture. She teaches Digital Art at the Polytechnic University of Milan; New Media Aesthetics at NABA—New Academy of Fine Arts in Rome; Meme Culture & Aesthetics and Digital Media Culture at John Cabot University in Rome.

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Valentina Tanni - Exit Reality - Vaporwave, Backrooms, Weirdcore, and Other Landscapes Beyond the Threshold
English edition
The first attempt to map that ensemble of subcultures, popular narratives, and visual and auditory languages we now recognize as "internet aesthetics".
Valentina Tanni - Memesthetics - The Eternal September of Art
English edition
The first book to draw a comprehensive cartography of the relationship between visual arts and digital culture since the early 2000s, tracing the history of memes "from Duchamp to TikTok."

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