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Rwanda, 1994-2014Histoire, mémoires et récits

Rwanda, 1994-2014  - Rwanda, 1994-2014
A transdisciplinary study on the Tutsi genocide, tackling various issues related to the writing and the transmission of the genocide's history, to its political and judicial dimensions, and to its media and artistic representations.
Edited by Virginie Brinker, Catherine Coquio, Alexandre Dauge-Roth, Éric Hoppenot, Nathan Réra, François Robinet.
Texts by Elizabeth Applegate, Violaine Baraduc, Frédérique Berthet, Marie-Violaine Brincard, Virginie Brinker, Christophe Calais, Jean-Philippe Ceppi, Bruce Clarke, Catherine Coquio, Alexis Cordesse, Laure Coret, Alexandre Dauge-Roth, Jacques Delcuvellerie, Jean-Pierre Dusingizemungu, Marie-Soleil Frère, Marie-Odile Godard, Géraud de Geouffre de la Pradelle, Éric Hoppenot, Jean-Pierre Karegeye, Berthe Kayitesi, Rémi Korman, Isabelle Lafon, Koulsy Lamko, Linda Melvern, Esther Mujawayo, Naasson Munyandamutsa, Gabriel Périès, Nathan Réra, François Robinet, Ornella Rovetta, Kivu Ruhorahoza, Josias Semujanga, Armelle Talbot, Philippe Van Leeuw, Alexandre Westphal, Ariane Zaytzeff.
published in October 2017
French edition
17 x 24 cm (softcover)
544 pages (49 color ill. & 6 b/w ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-84066-924-1
EAN : 9782840669241
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Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014 Rwanda, 1994-2014

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