
Alfio Tommasini - Via Lactea
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
Agricultural landscapes and portraits of the Swiss Alps: a fascinating visual study of the relationship between humans, animals and topography in the context of a rapidly changing agriculture and dairy industry.
Soggetto nomade
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Female identity through the images of five Italian women photographers, 1965-1985: a reflection on identity and its representation in recent history.
Alessio Bolzoni - Action Reaction
English edition
Flash Art - Flash Art Publishing (books)
The series of photographs plastered by Alessio Bolzoni over twenty six billboards in sixteen different locations across the city of Milan.
Manolo Laguillo - Pseudopanorama
trilingual edition (English / Catalan / Spanish)
IF Publications
(last copies available!)
New monograph / artists' book.
Laurence Bonvin - Aletsch Negative
bilingual edition (English / French)
A photographic journey with a documentary and sensory approach in the center of the ice giant Aletsch, the biggest glacier in Europe (a series of 60 negative photographs taken on the Aletsch glacier, with four texts by interdisciplinary authors on the glacier: glaciologist Jean-Baptiste Bosson, art historians Federica Martini and Joël Vacheron and writer-researcher André Ourednik).
Giovanna Silva - Imeldific
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Giovanna Silva explores the architectural heritage of the Philippines, illustrating the relationship between architecture and history, through the architectural exuberance of a power long marked by corruption and nepotism.
Nanna Debois Buhl - Cloud Behavior
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
A study of clouds through photographs, drawings, essays, and interviews.
Eliott Waldis - Vigilancia
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Lendroit éditions
A compilation of photographs of Mexican vigils, "casetas de control" or "casetas de vigilancia", taken from February to June 2018. These control booths, which were captured in the residential areas of Mexico City, govern free movement. This book is a true repertory which reveals an aesthetics of urban space and architectural functionalism.
Paul Pouvreau - Alphabet
French edition
Lendroit éditions
A photographic alphabet.
Yayoi Kusama - Love Forever
French edition
currently out of stock
The first publication to provide an overview of Kusama's early performative activities, with unpublished photos and forgotten works from private collections.
Joseph Szabo - Hometown
English edition
Damiani - Photography
49.00 40.00 €
A slice of 1970s Americana in the suburbs of Long Island, from one of the era's most iconic documentarians.
Andreas Züst - Pursuit of Wonders
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
From 1970s to his death in 2000, scientist, artist and art collector Andreas Züst spent time in Greenland, photographing ice in its most diverse forms. This publication gathers a selection from this extensive collection, alongside contextual essays.
Michele Lombardelli - California
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
A collection of photographs and drawings retracing the founding Californian experience of the artist.
Grégoire Alexandre - >°GuΣ
no text
The Drawer - Books
A collaboration between Christophe Brunnquell (Purple art director) and Grégoire Alexandre (photographer) who recompose fashion imagery by dressing their models with images taken from the archives of Vogue Paris, thus creating new ambiguous icons.
Michael Schmidt - Photographies 1965-2014
French edition
Jeu de Paume - Monographs
The first major monograph dedicated to Michael Schmidt (1945-2014), a central figure in contemporary German photography.
Puissance du végétal et cinéma animiste - La vitalité révélée par la technique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
A collective and transdisciplinary study of the representation of plants and their powers to reflect on the question of animation, cinema, photography and, more broadly, image, in the Anthropocene era and in the context of the "vegetal turn" at work in the human sciences as well as in contemporary art.
Paolo Gioli - Impressions sauvages
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Monographs
Retrospective monograph of the photographer and filmmaker Paolo Gioli, an active member of the Italian avant-garde of the 1970s: an overview of his work, with a dozen essays, an interview and the artist's writings.
Annette Kelm - Tomato Target
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A comprehensive look at the unique artistic work of German photographer Annette Kelm and the visual idiom she has developed over the course of her career.
Sammy Baloji - Ce qui fut et ce qui sera
French edition
currently out of stock
This collective book devoted to the work of Sammy Baloji explores how the artist, born in the DRC in 1978, attempts to “restore defeated connections”. How to think about the memory sifted through colonial violence? What effects does the mining of yesterday and today in Katanga and elsewhere have on the project of a common future? How does form make history beyond erasure?
Joyce Campbell - On the Last Afternoon - Disrupted Ecologies and the Work of Joyce Campbell
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Monographic catalogue examining the forcefield of relations artist Joyce Campbell has activated between photography, philosophy, ecology, material history, science fiction, and the care and reading of sacred and symbolic landscapes, over the course of her near three-decade career.
Mariana Castillo Deball - Kaleidoscopic Eye
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
New edition of an artist's book first published in 2009, gathering essays, short stories and images (leporello ). The publication reflects the artist's long-term critical interrogations on archives, historiography and institutions.
50JPG - Osmoscosmos
bilingual edition (English / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
currently out of stock
Exhibition catalogue of the sixth Triennal 50JPG – 50 Days for Photography in Geneva, exploring the relationships between eros and cosmos.
Jacques Berthet - Rumeur sur la ville
bilingual edition (English / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
Photo documentary set in a deserted Geneva during the G8 counter-summit in 2003. The series stages the abandonment of the urban space and its transformation through the deployment of defense barricades.
Caio Reisewitz - Altamira
English edition
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
This photographic publication documents the ecological and human devastation caused by the construction of the Belo Monte dam in the Amazon.
Charlie Engman - MOM
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
First monograph by Charlie Engman, the rising star of fashion photography: a vast series of pictures (500 images) of his mother, made over the course of more than a decade. With texts by Rachel Cusk and Miranda July.
 Huber.Huber - Widersprüchliche Bewegungsreize / Contradictory Motion Cues
trilingual edition (English / German / Spanish)
Edition Patrick Frey
A new artist's book that goes far beyond the mere reproduction of photographs and masterfully reflects huber.huber's artistic practices in the special medium of the book.
Federico Patellani - Stromboli 1949
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Time Travel
In the spring of 1949, while they were shooting “Stromboli” on the island of the same name, Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini began a love affair which was to cause a scandal. The great photographer Federico Patellani documented the development of the film as well as life on the island.
Giovanna Silva - UN
English edition
A photographic diary by Giovanna Silva guiding us through the United Nations Office headquarters in Geneva.
Dash Snow - Selected Works From 2001 To 2009
no text
This Zine contains a selection of Dash Snow's critical Dada-esque collages, which range from cum-glittered tabloid covers starring Saddam Hussein to straight text pieces to sculptural works composed of items like books and skeletal fragments; and a smattering of the photographs and Polaroids that originally made Snow famous outside of street art culture, where he began writing graffiti.
Jacopo Benassi - Coco 7 - Stillleben (box set)
no text
Le Dictateur Press - Artists' books & editions / catalogues
A limited-edition box set documenting the seventh and penultimate episode of COCO, the project that brings together video art and music by artist and designer Federico Pepe and artist and photographer Jacopo Benassi.
Jack Pierson - Tomorrow\'s Man 5
English edition
Bywater Bros. Editions
The fifth volume in Jack Pierson's famed Tomorrow's Man series associates archival material and works by contemporary artists in a collage-like design to produce an exploded vision of the current visual landscape, draped in vintage homoeroticism and glamour.
Yves Gellie - Collection Maison Bernard, Fonds de dotation
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
22.00 11.00 €
The third title in a series of publications dedicated to artists' residencies at Maison Bernard, a masterpiece of organic architecture carried out in the 1970s by Antti Lovag in association with Pierre Bernard. The book documents a site-specific project by photograph Yves Gellie, a work on light and perception.
Roger Eberhard - Human Territoriality
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
A collection of photographs of former border regions around the globe and down through the course of human history.
Yves Drillet - Garçon de Café
French edition
Nouveau Palais
A book of photographs and texts showing young people in their precarious work uniforms, drawing up a sensitive social chronicle of the precariousness of work among this generation.
Marco Anelli - Artist Studios New York
English edition
Damiani - Photography
50.00 40.00 €
The crucible of creation: portraits of New York artists in the intimate seclusion of their work spaces.
Alexandre de Mortemart - Quest
English edition
Damiani - Photography
58.00 45.00 €
A clothbound collection of Alexandre de Mortemart’s richly textural black-and-white cityscapes.
Jeremiah Dine - Daydreams Walking
English edition
Damiani - Photography
72.00 55.00 €
Jeremiah Dine's illuminated vision of New York street life.
Toilet Paper - ToiletMartin PaperParr (book)
no text
Toilet Paper
Damiani - Toilet Paper
currently out of stock
The large-format book celebrating the collaboration between Toilet Paper and Martin Parr.
Mimi von Moos - Die Verwandte - Aus dem fotografischen Nachlass der Anne-Marie von Wolff
German edition
Edition Patrick Frey
This publication brings together a selection of family photos taken between the 1930s and 1950s by amateur photographer Anne-Marie von Wolff. A fascinating, powerful work, brought to light by her great-grandniece, artist Mimi von Moos.
Daniela Comani - Planet Earth - 21st Century
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
currently out of stock
A collection of 360 postcards of cities from all around the world, made with screenshots from 3D software Apple Maps and Google Earth.
Carlo Levi a San Costantino Albanese - Archivi della Basilicata – Vol. 2
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
Three multidisciplinary essays—from cultural anthropology to photography analysis—based on visual archives documenting the visit of writer, painter and politician Carlo Levi to an Albanian community in Southern Italy (second volume in the series “Archivi della Basilicata”).
Luc Ferrari - Through the lense of B&L Ferrari - Pictures 1 – Politics
no text
Maison ONA
A selection of pictures shot in the '70s by Luc and Brunhild Ferrari, organized by thematics, to be kept as a treasure, to display, or to send as postcards.
Luc Ferrari - Through the lense of B&L Ferrari - Pictures 2 – Women & Flowers
no text
Maison ONA
A selection of pictures shot in the '70s by Luc and Brunhild Ferrari, organized by thematics, to be kept as a treasure, to display, or to send as postcards.
Luc Ferrari - Through the lense of B&L Ferrari - Pictures 3 – Cars
no text
Maison ONA
A selection of pictures shot in the '70s by Luc and Brunhild Ferrari, organized by thematics, to be kept as a treasure, to display, or to send as postcards.
Luc Ferrari - Through the lense of B&L Ferrari - Pictures 4 – Legs
no text
Maison ONA
A selection of pictures shot in the '70s by Luc and Brunhild Ferrari, organized by thematics, to be kept as a treasure, to display, or to send as postcards.
Brunhild Ferrari - Through the lense of B&L Ferrari - Pictures 5 – Women & Flowers 2
no text
Maison ONA
A selection of pictures shot in the '70s by Luc and Brunhild Ferrari, organized by thematics, to be kept as a treasure, to display, or to send as postcards.

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