Art & war / violence

Nida Sinnokrot - Palestine Is Not a Garden
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Through Sinnokrot's agriculture research platform Sakiya, and other ongoing projects that span moving image, sculpture, and socially-engaged practice, Palestine Is Not a Garden examines the potential to develop counter-strategies that effectively decolonial the social, political, economic, and narrative structures that goven relationships to nature in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Afterall - Palestine and the World
English edition
Following documenta 15's cascading logic, this issue then branches out, on the one hand, towards further engagements with Palestinian art and visual culture as a way to fend off ongoing erasure and, on the other, towards new understandings of geographies of art practices and histories.
Ines Weizman - Avant et après - L\'architecture du désastre
French edition
Eyal and Ines Weizman explore the history of the before-and-after image, from its origins in 19th-century Paris to today's satellite surveillance.
Bernhard Rüdiger - Horizon of Forms - The Living Languages of Contemporary Art
bilingual edition (English / French)
ENSBA Lyon (Lyon National School of Art)
This book brings together Bernhard Rüdiger's theoretical texts on the questions of language and form in contemporary art, seen from the perspective of the possibility of thinking them within the paradigm of shock or awe.
Larissa Reisner - The Decembrists
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
The first English translation of Larissa Reisner (1895-1926)'s writings on the Decembrist uprising.
Darja Bajagić - It Takes an Island to Feel This Good - 60th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
bilingual edition (English / Montenegrin)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The catalogue of Darja Bajagić's exhibition for the Pavilion of Montenegro at the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, 2024.
Jérôme Zonder - Drawings 2013-2023
bilingual edition (English / French)
United Dead Artists
A chronological dive into a decade of production from one of the major representatives of contemporary drawing, with over 500 images and an essay by Catherine Francblin.
Chedly Atallah - Matar, Matar, Matar
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
La Maréchalerie
currently out of stock
Initiated by Tunisian artist, architect and scenographer Chedly Atallah, whose practice explores geopolitical changes in the Arab world through history, architecture and mythological narratives, Matar, Matar, Matar is an artistic investigation into the time of representation and memory, with water as a metaphor for remembrance.
Ali Cherri - Dreams of a Dreamless Night
English edition
Lenz Press
The publication is the first institutional monograph on the multimedia practice of artist and director Ali Cherri. It aims to highlight the constellation of ideas, themes, and formal concerns running through his most recent, highly significant projects.
Ixmucané Aguilar - Fraitaxtsēs sores tsîn ge ra≠gâ - Ondjembo yo Null Vier
English edition
Archive Books
A complete documentation on a multimedia exhibition by Berlin-based artist Ixmucané Aguila, giving voice to voiceless descendants of victims of genocide in Namibia.
Pierre Guyotat - Pierre Guyotat et l\'Algérie
French edition
A collective work to highlight the unique perspective of Pierre Guyotat, one of the greatest authors of the French language and a major figure in the memory of the Algerian conflict, on the war of independence and post-independence Algeria.
Leone Contini - Human Pelvis, Bitter Radish
English edition
Reliable Copy
This publication features a project by Leone Contini looking into the canned food available during the war of Caporetto in 1917 and especially its iconography. It brings together an essay by the artist along with reproductions of a selection of his drawings.
Fatma Bucak - While the Dust Quickly Falls
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A project by artist Fatma Bucak that considers the relationships between political violence, environmental destruction, and climate change.
Christine Bergé - L\'image en cours - Tarkovski Ristelhueber
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A parallel dive into the images of filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky and photographer Sophie Ristelhueber.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - Guernica / Ukraine
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
A complete light on the unpublished work given by Jean-Pierre Raynaud to Ukraine, a modern version of Picasso's Guernica, a universal symbol of the denunciation by art of the horrors of war, whose exact monumental dimensions the French conceptual artist now takes up in order to realize, almost a century later, the counterpart according to his own aesthetic codes.
Robert Bonaccorsi - La Bataille du riz de Gilles Aillaud  et la « Salle rouge pour Le Vietnam » - Itinéraire d\'un tableau singulier
French edition
An essay by Robert Bonaccorsi on Gilles Aillaud's highly unusual painting "La bataille du riz", illustrated by a portfolio containing the historical documents mentioned in the text, from museum archives or the author's own collection.
Hjalmar Linder - Bourgeois with a Heart - The Class Suicide of Hjalmar Linder
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
First English translation of the 1918 pamphlet against the prison camps by the Finnish land owner Hjalmar Linder (1862-1921), which will lead to his class disgrace and death.
Ben Sakoguchi - Oranges – Pancartes – Cartes postales (4 booklets)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Three series of works that the Californian artist of Japanese origin has been producing since the 1970s, plus a text, in four booklets.
Traces de guerre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Perceptions
An multidisciplinary approach of the war by its traces.
Enrico Peressutti - URSS 1941
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Time Travel
The photographs and drawings, mostly unpublished, made by the Italian architect back from the Russian front in 1941.
Rwanda - L\'atelier de la mémoire – Des archives à la création
French edition
A workshop for the memory of Rwanda.
Seloua Luste Boulbina - Alger-Tokyo - Des émissaires de l\'anticolonialisme en Asie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Al Dante
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
A transversal vision of the affirmation of a global Afro-Asian South through the anti-colonial resistance and war diplomacy of Algerians in Asia and Japan, bringing together history, politics, political philosophy, and poetics.
In the Face of War - Ukraine 2022
English edition
At the time of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Yevgenia Belorusets, Nikita Kadan, and Lesia Khomenko answer an age-old question: what is art to do in the face of war? (the culmination of Yevgenia Belorusets's war diary, alongside monumental work by Nikita Kadan, and Lesia Khomenko).
Le paysage après coup
French edition
A collective research on the memory of the places to the test of wars and conflicts through representations of landscapes, as they are reworked by means of contemporary art, cinema or literature.
Jean Kempf - Les conquérants de l\'inutile - Photographes de conflits américains au tournant du XXIe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Al Dante
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
American conflict photographers at the turn of the 21th century.
Charbel-joseph H. Boutros - The Sun Is My Only Ally
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First monograph.
Charbel-joseph H. Boutros - The Sun Is My Only Ally
French edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First monograph.
Liv Bugge - Structural Magic
English edition
New monograph.
Thomas Hirschhorn - The Purple Line
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Conceived entirely by the artist on the occasion of the homonymous solo exhibition at MAXXI, Rome, this volume documents Thomas Hirschhorn's research on Pixel-Collage, an impressive cycle of works realized between 2015 and 2017.
Denise Bertschi - State Fiction - The Gaze of the Swiss Neutral Mission in the Korean Demilitarized Zone
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
currently out of stock
The artist Denise Bertschi highlights the little-known Swiss presence between the two Koreas in the aftermath of the war in 1953, and questions the supposed neutrality of the country.
Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli - A Season in Slemani
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
A series of artistic residencies in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Ueno Chizuko - Une idéologie pour survivre - Débats féministes sur violence et genre au Japon
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Délashiné!
First translation into French of a work by the Japanese sociologist and feminist Chizuko Ueno, who questions the relationship of women to historical tragedies, violence, war and terrorism, rejecting all forms of violence, both state and domestic, as well as domination.
Hito Steyerl - De l\'art en duty free - L\'art à l\'époque de la guerre civile planétaire
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
A caustic diagnosis of the situation of the current art, by one of its major protagonists.
Le phototexte engagé - Une culture visuelle du militantisme au XXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
An original multidisciplinary study of the text-image pair in its political dimension, from the militancy of the early twentieth century to the struggles for "visibility" of minorities.
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Digital and data technologies are actively transforming the archives of contemporary warfare. Bringing together a range of scholarly perspectives and artistic practices, (W)archives investigates digital archiving as an integral technology of warfare and how artists respond to these changes.
Cold Revolution - Central and Eastern European Societies in Times of Socialist Realism, 1948-1959
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Socialist realism and the relationship between the visual culture of the 1950s and the geopolitical "climate" of the time.
Marius Loris Rodionoff - Procès-verbaux
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
This poetic document is based on the archives of the personal procedure files of a military court in Algeria between 1954 and 1963. These files are exempt archives that the author, also a historian, was one of the first to consult. In line with objectivist literature, this book gives one the opportunity to read the words of French justice in Algeria.
Ceija Stojka - The Paper is Patient
English edition
Paraguay Press - Monographs and catalogs
The work of Ceija Stojka (1933-2013) is considered today an invaluable testimony on the deportation and the holocaust of the Romani people during the Second World War. For the very first time, this publication considers equal to her graphic work the notes she wrote on the back of her drawings and paintings.
Heba Y. Amin - The General\'s Stork - Research/Practice 02
English edition
Sternberg Press - Research/Practice
The General's Stork explores historical accounts of biblical prophecies, colonial narratives, and the politics of technological warfare in the Middle East from a bird's eye view.
Marianne Vitale - The World, the Flesh and the Devil
bilingual edition (English / French)
Editions Lutanie
A project developed by American artist Marianne Vitale around the history of an American hospital built in France during the First World War (with an essay by Rachel Valinsky).
Brian Massumi - Ontopouvoir - Guerre, pouvoir, perception
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
An original theory of power based on a dense and insightful inquiry into the consequences of the "Global War on Terror" and the security state, up to the imposition of neoliberal logic and the overflowing of the media made viral.
Lucia Piccioni - Art et fascisme - Peindre l\'italianité (1922-1943)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A reconstruction of the vast network of images and texts that give shape to Italian fascist totalitarianism.
Hermann Nitsch - Traubenfleisch (2 vinyl LP)
Tochnit Aleph
currently out of stock
Presenting the first perfomance of Hermann Nitsch's grand and large-scale “Traubenfleisch” symphony.
Mihai Barabancea - Falling on Blades
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
Photographer Mihai Barabancea portrays the underworld of post-Soviet Romania and Moldova: a set of subjects and scenes revealing the crude reality of the streets, zeroing in on moments of ruthless rawness and keen poignancy.
Diego Tonus - Never Again
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This book revolves around the cycle Topography of Terror, initiated by artists Elisa Caldana and Diego Tonus in 2017, and presents the making-of process behind Topography of Terror (19.12.2016) and Never Again, the first two episodes of the cycle.
Jane Jin Kaisen - Community of Parting
English edition
Archive Books
Reference monograph: the most comprehensive introduction to the Korean artist's postcolonial and feminist approach.
Sammy Baloji - Ce qui fut et ce qui sera
French edition
currently out of stock
This collective book devoted to the work of Sammy Baloji explores how the artist, born in the DRC in 1978, attempts to “restore defeated connections”. How to think about the memory sifted through colonial violence? What effects does the mining of yesterday and today in Katanga and elsewhere have on the project of a common future? How does form make history beyond erasure?
Michael Rakowitz - I\'m good at love, I\'m good at hate, it\'s in between I freeze - Research/Practice 01
English edition
Sternberg Press - Research/Practice
The inaugural publication of the “Research/Practice” series focuses on an artistic research by Michael Rakowitz on the aftermath of a canceled show by Leonard Cohen initially scheduled in Palestine.

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