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Painting beyond ItselfThe Medium in the Post-medium Condition

 - Painting beyond Itself
Basée sur un colloque organisé à Harvard en 2013, une exploration historique et théorique de la peinture comme médium privilégié de la modernité.
In response to recent developments in pictorial practice and critical discourse, Painting beyond Itself: The Medium in the Post-medium Condition seeks new ways to approach and historicize the question of the medium. Reaching back to the earliest theoretical and institutional definitions of painting, this book—based on a conference at Harvard University in 2013—focuses on the changing role of materiality in establishing painting as the privileged practice, discourse, and institution of modernity. Myriad conceptions of the medium and its specificity are explored by an international group of scholars, critics, and artists. Painting beyond Itself is a forum for rich historical, theoretical, and practice-grounded conversation.
Edité par Isabelle Graw et Ewa Lajer-Burcharth.
Contributions de Carol Armstrong, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Sabeth Buchmann, René Démoris, Isabelle Graw, David Joselit, Jutta Koether, Ewa Lajer-Burcharth, Jacqueline Lichtenstein, Julie Mehretu, Matt Saunders, Amy Sillman.

Conception graphique : Surface.
paru en juillet 2016
édition anglaise
12 x 19 cm (broché, sous jaquette)
292 pages (51 ill. n&b)
ISBN : 978-3-95679-007-2
EAN : 9783956790072
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Painting beyond Itself Painting beyond Itself Painting beyond Itself
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