Anne Dressen talks about her
curatorial practice (and more broadly about the world in which it takes place); Nick Mauss, with whom the curator exchanges regularly, intervenes in her text, by insertions and echoes.
Published in the
Before publication series, which gathers the pre-publications of authors' texts or artists' inserts, as a preview before their final publication in
L'Effet papillon II (second volume of
L'Effet papillon, 1989-2007, catalogue of the Centre d'édition contemporaine published in 2008).
Anne Dressen (born 1976 in Paris) is curator at the Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris.
The diverse artistic practice of Nick Mauss (born 1980 in New York, lives and works in New York and Berlin) encompasses
sculpture and
performance along with some
curatorial projects that he initiated in the last years. Mauss' oeuvre is characterized by a perpetual state of indeterminacy, in a need of thinking about drawing and painting in an expansive sense. His work is a premeditated confusion where definitive shapes and forms are overlooked in favor of ambiguous semblances.
Edited by Eveline Notter.
Graphic design: Niels Wehrspann, Lausanne.
published in February 2021
bilingual edition (English / French)
17,2 x 23,5 cm (stapled binding)
36 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-9701369-2-7
EAN : 9782970136927
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