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Rois de la forêtMythologie et rites d'une tribu de l'underground des années 1980

Alain Garlan - Rois de la forêt
In the intimacy of France's 1980s underground: the life and time of art collective Frigo.
Alain Garlan (born in Paris, lives and works in Villeurbanne, France) is an artist en cultural entrepreneur. In 1978, along with Gérard Bourgey and Gérard Couty, he founds the art collective Frigo.
published in March 2017
French edition
14 x 21 cm (softcover)
176 pages (ill.)
13.50 6.75
(special offer)
ISBN : 978-10-96911-00-4
EAN : 9781096911004
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