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les presses du réel

DanseA Catalogue

Danse  - Danse
Un ensemble de conversations et d'essais inédits de danseurs, de chorégraphes, d'écrivains et de commissaires qui permet de réévaluer les influences mutuelles entre les cultures chorégraphiques française et américaine, et l'importance de la danse dans un champ contemporain de plus en plus globalisé.
“While some French contemporary dance drew from the dawn of postmodern American dance, very few publications bear witness to the considerable vitality of more current French-American encounters. This catalogue reveals that these exchanges, far from having ceased, have persisted and become gestures in a school of thought rooted in the present. There is audacity in these words, they are pertinent, and—moreover—they speak to the urgent necessity of opening up dance beyond its geographic and aesthetic boundaries.”
— Mathilde Monnier, choreographer, director of Centre National de la Danse

“With such a stunning array of interviews and essays covering every conceivable aspect of dance theory, history, scholarship, practice, personal experience, and analysis, what more is there to say?”
Yvonne Rainer, choreographer and filmmaker, author of Feelings Are Facts (The MIT Press, 2006)
Le livre s'inscrit dans la collection New York series, publiée avec les services culturels de l'Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis.

Voir aussi Danse – An Anthology.
Edité par Noémie Solomon.
Textes de Bojana Bauer, Boris Charmatz, Douglas Dunn, Adrian Heathfield, Judy Hussie-Taylor, Emmanuelle Huynh, Ana Janevski, Latifa Laâbissi, Claudia La Rocco, Thomas J. Lax, Xavier Le Roy, Boyan Manchev, Felicia McCarren, Catherine Perret, Julie Perrin, Peggy Phelan, Will Rawls, Noémie Solomon, Christophe Wavelet.

Conception graphique : M/M (Paris).
paru en mai 2015
édition anglaise
16,5 x 21 cm (broché)
216 pages
ISBN : 978-2-84066-790-2
EAN : 9782840667902
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Danse Danse Danse
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