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Mettent une ambiance de malade ! (CD)

Kim Giani, Quentin Rollet - Mettent une ambiance de malade ! (CD)
Quentin Rollet lays his mini tape synthesizer and saxophones on drum tracks recorded by Kim Giani in 2015, that is to say in the world before confinement. A humorous and energetic project, realized in a period of global boredom.
Quentin blows into pipes, turns some knobs and Kim bangs on things.
They were preparing a nice spinach soufflet when they decided to replicate these gestures and moves on their instruments.
Suddenly, a mondial lockdown forced them to cook their own dishes, separately.
Kim Giani: drums.
Quentin Rollet: sopranino & alto saxes, Korg Monotron.

Kim Giani (Kim Stanislas Giani, known as Kim and many other aliases, born 1977 in Cannes) is a prolific singer and multi-instrumentalist, author of several dozen albums, navigating between pop, punk, free jazz, folk and experimental music.
Quentin Rollet (born 1974) started playing the alto saxophone at the age of 11 and the sopranino saxophone at 37. After a few years spent unlearning the teaching of the conservatory, he devoted himself solely to free improvisation. This led him to play on record or on stage with groups as varied as Nurse With Wound, Prohibition, The Red Krayola, Mendelson, David Grubbs, Herman Dune, Akosh S. Unit, Thierry Müller, Rubin Steiner, eRikm, Jac Berrocal, Andrew Liles, Bästard, Ulan Bator, Costes, Red, Melmac, Dragibus, Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws, Jérôme Lorichon, Charlie O, Dan-Charles Dahan, Zsolt Söres, Pal Toth, Jean-Noël Cognard, Jean-Pierre Barja, Rivkah, Benoît de Villeneuve...... He is a member of Pointe du Lac, and the co-founder of the labels Rectangle (with Noël Akchoté), reQords and Bisou Records.
Mixed and mastered by Patrick Müller.
Photo by Kim Giani.
Layout by Jean-Louis Chapuis / Warmgrey.
published in October 2020
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