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Homecomings1, 2, 3, etc.

 - Homecomings
S'inspirant de l'ouvrage de Georges Perec, Espèces d'espaces, et de l'œuvre de l'artiste Hreinn Friðfinnsson, House Project, ce catalogue rassemble un collège d'artistes internationaux pour interroger les différentes significations du retour à la maison.
What is lost and what is found in the process of returning home? Homecomings revisits, through varying means of translation, spatial and conceptual loci of homecoming within artistic practice. The exhibition and symposium series, from which this publication stems, draws its principle inspiration from the architectural and linguistic returns and repetitions punctuating artist Hreinn Friðfinnsson's House Project (1974–) and author Georges Perec's Espèces d'espaces (Species of Spaces, 1974).
In 1974, through an ephemeral gesture, Friðfinnsson claimed the whole universe within the site of a small house, turned inside-out, in the middle of an Icelandic lava field. Encountered only through happenstance or hearsay, a timeless lore grew around the house.
House Project became a resonating series of works, appearing in multiple iterations, inversions, and reductions in form. Also in 1974, Georges Perec set out to approach the topic of space, creating a telescopic "journal of a user of space" by layering deliberate and protracted observation with writing constraints and wordplay. Perec starts with the page and zooms outward to space itself, always mirroring and reflecting the influx of the everyday in his call to read and reread surrounding spaces.
Testing the concept of "homecomings" against a number of artistic practices, this volume grows out of an imperative to act according to the referentiality hallmarked in the conceptually rigorous works of Friðfinnsson and Perec.
Homecomings 1, 2, 3, etc. opens a flood of personal wellsprings, where no two connotations align perfectly. The collected contributions oscillate between self-referential modes—creating full-circle loops within singular practices—and far-reaching trajectories, gaining momentum and associations upon every rereading. Like Perec, many works call for an attuned presence, and in so doing, proffer a homecoming at the very site of reading.
Publié suite à l'exposition « Homecomings » au HORSE | GRÜNDERZEIT, Berlin, du 19 septembre au 27 octobre 2013.
Edité par Cassandra Edlefsen Lasch et Annabelle von Girsewald.
Contributions de Øystein Aasan, Saâdane Afif, Kirsty Bell, benandsebastian, Luis Berríos-Negrón, Bettina Buck, Adam Budak, Anton Burdakov, Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Valérie Chartrain, Rhea Dall, Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, Samuel Dowd, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Eric Ellingsen, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Melanie Franke, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Hadley+Maxwell, Elín Hansdóttir, Lasse Schmidt Hansen, Karl Holmqvist, Emma Waltraud Howes, Hervé Humbert, Susanne Kriemann, LEEP (Lynn Peemoeller & Eric Ellingsen), Tanaz Modabber, Florian Neufeldt, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Kirsten Palz, Norbert Palz, Sophia Pompéry, Cia Rinne, Dieter Roelstraete, Kristine Siegel, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Tomás Saraceno, Ursula Ströbele, Loïc Verdier, Marco Thiella, Álvaro Urbano, Katharina Wendler, Florian Wüst, Chiara Zanella.

Conception graphique : Archive Appendix.
paru en novembre 2019
édition anglaise
17 x 24 cm (broché)
336 pages (ill. coul.)
ISBN : 978-3-943620-73-3
EAN : 9783943620733
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