
 Claire Fontaine - A User\'s Manual to Claire Fontaine
English edition
Lenz Press
In the first monograph on the feminist conceptual artist collective Claire Fontaine, political theorist and somatic practitioner Anita Chari explores the artist's theoretical and political innovations to illuminate a more haptic, embodied approach to the practice of critical theory.
Servin Bergeret - Iris Clert - singulièrement galeriste
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fama
This monographic essay explores Iris Clert, an unclassifiable and emblematic figure of the 1960s artistic avant-garde.
Armelle Talbot - Variations Fassbinder - Images d\'Allemagne, désirs de cinéma
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
A philosophico-cinematographic journey through Fassbinder's filmic oeuvre, from the avant-garde daring of 1968 to the fallout of the leaden years ten years later.
Sophie Orlando - La Part affective
French edition
Paraguay Press - Essays
A chronicle of the recent transformations of art schools, from the point of view of a teacher, at a time when these spaces are both threatened by increasingly fragile and uncertain public policy management, and at the same time more than ever spaces where the word opens up, practices change and art finds itself in direct contact with the most avant-garde movements in society.
Michel Guérin - Aménager l\'espace, orner les lieux
French edition
Three texts by Michel Guérin on the notions of ornament and decoration, at the crossroads of theological, anthropological, aesthetic and philosophical considerations.
Akasegawa Genpei - Anatomie du Tomason
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Délashiné!
The first French translation of the texts of the Japanese artist and writer Akasegawa Genpei (Katsuhiko Akasegawa, aka Otsuji Katsuhiko, 1937-2014), a figure of the Tokyo avant-garde of the 1960s, on the concept of Tomason, with a rich iconography.
Anne-Marie Minella - Les artistes et le textile
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
An overview of the use of textile in contemporary visual arts around the world.
Edward J. Sullivan - Modernités américaines (1910-1960)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An audacious account of the ways in which the arts in the Americas were modernized during the first half of the 20th century.
Nina Dragičević - Auditory Poverty and its Discontents - An Essay
English edition
Errant Bodies
Where sounding is understood as an exhibition of activity, vitality, and power, Nina Dragičević proposes that we analyse sonic phenomena in econo-political terms.
Reiner Schürmann - Ways of Releasement - Writings on God, Eckhart, and Zen
English edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
A collection of early texts by Reiner Schürmann, on religion, Zen, language, Eckhart and Heidegger.
Jamie Allen - Infrastructures critiques
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – ArTeC
How do we perceive and think about the infrastructures that condition the ways in which we perceive, think and experience our world? Four essays by Jamie Allen, whose experiments as artist and researcher cross media, disciplines and borders, that invite us to make visible the backstage work of the digitized world, and to think (post)critically about the very notion of critique.
Chantal Guillaume - Fourier ou l\'utopie en réel
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Paperback
Charles Fourier or utopia as reality.
Matthieu Renault - Maîtres et esclaves - Archives du Laboratoire d\'analyse des Mythologiques de la modernité
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Second reading
An experimental fictional ("post-apocalyptic") anthropology of philosophy, focusing on the dialectic of master and slave, itself understood as myth.
Valentina Tanni - Memesthetics - The Eternal September of Art
English edition
The first book to draw a comprehensive cartography of the relationship between visual arts and digital culture since the early 2000s, tracing the history of memes "from Duchamp to TikTok."
Agnès Violeau - Pratiquer l\'exposition - Une écologie
French edition
(last copies available!)
An essay on the new challenges facing exhibition curators.
Rachel Whiteread - The Mark of Trauma
English edition
Lenz Press
currently out of stock
Two essays by psychoanalysts Angelo Antonio Moroni and Pietro Roberto Goisis on Rachel Whiteread's singular project and experience in Bergamo, Italia.
Serge Guilbaut - Ping-pong culturel existentiel - France – États-Unis (1944-1947)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A genuine investigation, in the opposite direction to the narrative imposed by art historians, of artistic, cultural and political developments in the Western world after the Second World War, between Paris and New York.
Ingo Niermann - The Monadic Age - Notes on the Coming Social Order
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The Monadic Age unfolds in thirty-three autonomous—monadic—essays on topics as diverse as environmentalism, terrorism, geopolitics, housing, the metaverse, nonbinarism, language, charity, euthanasia, identity politics, tattoos, ableism, AI, birthrates, war, religion, sex, and art.
Dennis Pohl - Building Carbon Europe - Critical Spatial Practice 13
English edition
Sternberg Press - Critical Spatial Practice
How architecture powered European energy politics in the postwar era and paved the way for today's dependency on coal, steel, and nuclear power.
Ana Vujanović - Toward a Transindividual Self
English edition
Archive Books
currently out of stock
Toward a Transindividual Self examines the process of performing the self, distinctive for the formation of the self in Western neoliberal societies in the 21st century. It approaches the self from a transdisciplinary angle where political and cultural anthropology, performance studies, and dramaturgy intersect.
Jesús María Aparicio Guisado - Le mur - Concept essentiel dans le projet architectonique : la matérialisation de l\'idée et l\'idéalisation de la matière
French edition
Caryatide / Cosa Mentale - Opus
Jesús María Aparicio Guisado expounds here his conception of architecture by exploring the notion of the wall in four major buildings through drawing and words.
François Salmeron - Itinérances écologiques - Art, éthique et environnement
French edition
Caza d'Oro
A critical and ethical reflection on contemporary art and ecology, based on long-term research into the work of some twenty international artists committed to environmental issues.
Andrew Barker - La typographie des Penguin Classics
French edition
Bureau Brut
The most comprehensive case study ever written on the crucial subject of text typography, by one of the major representatives of this discipline.
Vanessa Theodoropoulou - Le Monde en situation - La révolte sensible de l\'Internationale situationniste
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An in-depth historical study of the artistic and political project of the Situationist International (1952-1972).
Esther Meunier Corfdyr - Corps endormis corps affranchis
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts – Gestes
Dancer and playwright Esther Meunier Corfdyr ventures into sleeping territories.
Maurice Fréchuret - Respirer - La puissance créatrice du souffle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
From the negative hands on the walls of the Chauvet caves (minus 30,000 years ago) to the most recent experiments of a number of contemporary artists, an entire history of art can be written under the prism of breathing. Between these two milestones, this study attempts to highlight the innovative force of breath and the importance accorded to breathing as a creative gesture and artwork on its own.
Chus Martínez - The Complex Answer - On Art as a Nonbinary Intelligence
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The Complex Answer presents the reader with a selection of texts—from 2010 to 2021—that introduce an exercise in how a practice of art and exhibition making has been influenced by philosophical thinking.
Samuel Clowes Huneke - A Queer Theory of the State
English edition
Floating Opera Press
How queer theory can wed its critically anti-normative impulses to the empirical need for a state.
Philippe Despoix - K. B. W. - La bibliothèque Warburg, laboratoire de pensée intermédiale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
The challenges of the library and the photographic collection founded by Aby Warburg in the 1920s, as a "laboratory" for collective research on the forms of transmission of images since Antiquity, and an intermedial device of knowledge. An exceptional case study, driven by the question: what was the impact of photography in Warburg's turning point in the history of art and culture?
Jonas Ekeberg - Post-Nordic - The Rise and Fall of a Nordic Art Scene 1986–2006
English edition
The first extensive survey of Nordic art during the transition from postmodernism to what might be called "the period of contemporary art".
Robert Linhart - The Sugar and the Hunger
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
The first English language translation of Robert Linhart's The Sugar and the Hunger, originally published in 1980. Includes afterword by Luiz Renato Martins, and other materials.
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux - LCDB (Le Culte Des Banni.e.s)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A trans-theoretical essay: Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux explores the arcana of artists' cult status through a kaleidoscopic series of portraits of "banished" visual artists, filmmakers, writers, musicians and architects, from William S. Burroughs to Jean-Luc Godard via John Cage.
Antoine Bonnet - Poétique de la décroissance
French edition
Contemporary art and degrowth.
Jean-Baptiste Carobolante - L\'image spectrale - Allégorie du cinéma de spectre
French edition
A study of "spectral" (rather than ghostly) cinema, starting with the film Ringu by Hideo Nakata, as well as a philosophical essay on the haunting of images.
Fabien Vallos - Vues & données (essai)
French edition
A reflection on the notions of catch and data.
Bruno Fernandès - Dadakan ! - Nu intègre descendant les préjugés
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Délashiné!
The life and work of the precursor of happening and streaking in Japan, Itoi Kanji (aka Dadakan, 1920-2021): the first comprehensive chrono-biographical study in Western language on the great Japanese Dadaist nudist ascetic, with a rare iconography.
Christine Bergé - L\'image en cours - Tarkovski Ristelhueber
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A parallel dive into the images of filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky and photographer Sophie Ristelhueber.
Philippe Despoix - K. B. W. - La bibliothèque Warburg, laboratoire de pensée intermédiale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
The challenges of the library and the photographic collection founded by Aby Warburg in the 1920s, as a "laboratory" for collective research on the forms of transmission of images since Antiquity, and an intermedial device of knowledge. An exceptional case study, driven by the question: what was the impact of photography in Warburg's turning point in the history of art and culture?
Mieke Bal - Concepts itinérants - Comment se déplacer dans les sciences humaines
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – esthétique:critique
Attempting to bridge the gap between specialised scholarship in the humanistic disciplines and an interdisciplinary project of cultural analysis, Mieke Bal has written an intellectual travel guide that charts the course "beyond" cultural studies.
Roberto Barbanti - Les sonorités du monde - De l\'écologie sonore à l\'écosophie sonore
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Misceallenous
A vast research on the notion of acoustic and sound ecology and its transition to a new sound ecosophy, integrating the multidimensionality of listening to propose to hear differently.
Robert Bonaccorsi - La Bataille du riz de Gilles Aillaud  et la « Salle rouge pour Le Vietnam » - Itinéraire d\'un tableau singulier
French edition
An essay by Robert Bonaccorsi on Gilles Aillaud's highly unusual painting "La bataille du riz", illustrated by a portfolio containing the historical documents mentioned in the text, from museum archives or the author's own collection.
Marie Preston - Inventer l\'école, penser la co-création
French edition
Tombolo Presses
A publication by artist and teacher-researcher Marie Preston on the alternative pedagogies developed in France during the 1970s-1990s in "open" schools working on the question of the relationship between co-creation and co-education.
Ciarán Finlayson - Perpetual Slavery
English edition
Floating Opera Press
In Perpetual Slavery, Ciarán Finlayson investigates the relationship of art to freedom in the work of Cameron Rowland and Ralph Lemon, who both utilize imagery of labor haunted and structured by the historical experience of slavery.
Juliette Evezard - « Un Art Autre » - Le rêve de Michel Tapié
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An analysis of the true theoretical and commercial system developed by Michel Tapié de Céleyran (1909-1987), who invented his profession of art entrepreneur by combining several activities—art critic, editor, artistic advisor, broker and collector—, contributed to the international destiny of some 200 artists (including Dubuffet, Mathieu, Pollock, Tapiès, Saura, Fontana, and De Kooning) and was at the origin of "Informal Art".
Laurent Buffet - Captation et subversion - L\'art à l\'épreuve du capitalisme tardif
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – esthétique:critique
Suspected of having been completely assimilated by the commercial industries, it is not so much against these that art must be defended as against a simplistic narrative imposed by a certain sociology of art. When one is finally interested in the artistic practices themselves, it becomes obvious that the art continues to resist: by its politics of the forms.
Jean-Paul Fourmentraux - Sousveillance - L\'œil du contre-pouvoir
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – esthétique:critique
On the border between arts and surveillance studies, this book analyzes the technopolitical role of new "machines vision" and considers sousveillance as a democratic counter-power.
Sébastien Miravete - Bergson structuraliste - L\'aube d\'une autre anthropologie structurale et cognitive
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
What does Bergson bring to the history of the concept of "structure" even before the advent of structuralism? Why is his approach still relevant today? Sébastien Miravete proposes a rereading of Bergsonian philosophy to show how it outlines an other structuralist metaphysics, which can inspire all 21st century thought.

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