
Erwan Venn - Kouroupolis
French edition
Observatoire de l'Espace / CNES - Books
A series of watercolors created by the artist Erwan Venn around the construction of the Guiana Space Center, in the 1960s.
Saâdane Afif - The Heptahedron - Complete Series of Side Magazine (box set)
bilingual edition (English / Norwegian)
Wirklichkeit Books
70.00 63.00 €
The 8 volumes of the publication conceived by Saâdane Afif for the Bergen Assembly triennial, gathered in a box set.
Saâdane Afif - Side Magazine - Yasmine and the Seven Faces of the Heptahedron
bilingual edition (English / Norwegian)
Wirklichkeit Books
The special 8th edition concluding the editorial discursive space for the Bergen Assembly triennial, conceived by Saâdane Afif, constitutes the real catalogue of the exhibitions, with extensive visual documentation and texts by different authors, on some 300 pages.
Anne-Valérie Gasc - Machines Aveugles
French edition
This edition, at the crossroads of the exhibition catalogue and the critical essay, abundantly illustrated, gathers the contributions of about fifteen invited authors around Anne-Valérie Gasc's experiments on the architectural disappearance.
 Hippolyte Hentgen - Fabules
French edition
Walden n
A "small portable zoology": a book combining 50 animal poems by Christian Bernard and 50 collages by Hippolyte Hentgen.
Anne-James Chaton - I have the solution for the planet
texts in English and French
Daisy editions
The first publication dedicated to the visual work of writer and performer Anne-James Chaton.
 eRikm - Échoplasme - Paréidolie – Encres & Scanographies de eRikm (book + CD)
bilingual edition (French / Japanese)
Bisou Records
A series of ghostly ink drawings and scanographs by eRikm, accompanied by a mixed sound piece, with sound texts freely inspired by fragments of stories about the universe of the Yokai, these ghosts and supernatural creatures that inhabit Japanese mythology, between hypnotizing soundscapes and bewitching instrumental devices.
591 - Les idiotes
no text
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
Special issue dedicated to the simple and spectacular actions of the group of women artists "Les idiotes" (Hélène Defilippi and Sarah Cassenti): "the most raw and naked materiality of the body, which objectifies itself in act and concretizes itself as form."
Matali Crasset - Matrices
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Design – Misceallenous
Faced with the ecological peril, what can design and archarchitecture itecture do but encourage and accompany modes and ways of living that maintain a renewed relationship with nature? Based on realizations and projects, Matali Crasset and David Bihanic share the writing of this book, seeking together, between testimony and analysis, to characterize a design of matrices.
bilingual edition (English / French)
Palais de Tokyo - Palais magazine
This issue 34 of the Palais magazine accompanies and echoes the exhibition Scheherazade, at night presented at the Palais de Tokyo from October 2022 until January 2023, bringing together six international artists whose practice summons the tumult of the contemporary world through the political power of narrative and the imaginary.
Robert Milin - Le Jardin aux habitant·es
bilingual edition (English / French)
Palais de Tokyo - Catalogues & artist's books
Publication dedicated to the Jardin aux habitant·es, a work by the artist Robert Milin produced in collaboration with volunteers for the opening of the Palais de Tokyo, a community garden that brings together, since 2002, amateur gardeners, who are members of an association.
Julien Audebert -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An overview of the French mixed media artist's work, engaged with historical and found imagery.
Pierre-Olivier Arnaud - Dans l\'espace : poussières, points, trames et chatoiements - L\'image prototype, restes et promesses
bilingual edition (English / French)
Tombolo Presses
Under a title in the form of an inventory that could list as many photographic subjects, this book exhaustively documents Pierre-Olivier Arnaud's work since the early 2000s.
Roméo Poirier - Living Room (vinyl LP)
The French musician and producer transforms the layering of different times into a free-flowing pulse that sounds both nostalgic and mysteriously ahistorical.
Vincent Corpet - Tarot game - Cards by Vincent Corpet
French edition
MASC (Musée de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix)
Tarot deck of 78 cards drawn by Vincent Corpet from a series of paintings made in 2010.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Planet B - Climate Change and the New Sublime
English edition
Nicolas Bourriaud invites artists from all around the world to question the contemporaneity of the romantic concept of the sublime, at the age of the anthropocene.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Planète B - Le sublime et la crise climatique
French edition
Nicolas Bourriaud invites artists from all around the world to question the contemporaneity of the romantic concept of the sublime, at the age of the anthropocene.
Daniel Nadaud - La Gricole et ses dérives
bilingual edition (English / French)
A retrospective monograph, La Gricole et ses dérives brings together fifty years (1970-2020) of Daniel Nadaud's pathways, loops, advances, drawings, sculptures, installations and notebooks, shaped by the presence of the agricultural world, by history and fragments of childhood.
Marc Décimo - Étant donné Marcel Duchamp - Palimpseste d\'une œuvre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An erudite investigation into the enigma of Marcel Duchamp's great testamentary work Étant donnés, an installation conceived for twenty years in the greatest secrecy before being unveiled to the public a year after the death of the inventor of the readymade, which gives the viewer new keys to interpretation, by examining both what the work concludes and what it opens.
René Schérer - Utopies nomades
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Second reading
An essay on the concept of utopia today, more relevant than ever at the time of the economic, social, ecological and intellectual crisis.
Éric Alliez - Duchamp avec (et contre) Lacan - Essai de mutologie queer
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Miscellaneous
Philosopher Éric Alliez rethinks Marcel Duchamp's legacy in relation to contemporary art and the image, psychoanalysis and gender.
Henri Lefebvre - Malo suivie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
In 132 fragments, Malo suivie publishes the desire of a man, the viewer-perceiver, for a woman known as Malo, formulating the lack and the attraction by means of the sketch.
Lionel Marchetti - Le livre des falaises
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Misceallenous
A book of poems by the composer of musique concrète.
Generator - 2014-2020
French edition
A perspective on the challenges related to training, professionalization, social rights and aesthetic and theoretical concerns of young artists, through the assessment of the activities of GENERATOR, a unique program of experimentation, professional training and international residency for curators.
Valérie du Chéné - Le Piège
French edition
Captures - Artist's books
A series of drawings by Valérie du Chéné inspired by press articles, to which Arlette Farge's texts respond.
Alessandro de Francesco - And Agglomerations, of Trees or E agglomerati, degli alberi o
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A bilingual text by Alessandro De Francesco that blurs the boundaries between art and poetry.
 Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni - The Unmanned
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni echo the fictional world of their films and the real world of their objects and sculptures, at the end of an exhibition-series developed over a decade.
 Fabien Giraud & Raphaël Siboni - The Unmanned
French edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni echo the fictional world of their films and the real world of their objects and sculptures, at the end of an exhibition-series developed over a decade.
Stephen Loye - Le Ventre de la Montagne
French edition
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
Publication based on a film by Stephen Loye about the micro-stories that emanate from the territory where the Germanwings A320 crash took place on March 24, 2015.
Dominique De Beir - Ruminatio
French edition
A collective work resulting from an exhibition of Dominique De Beir at the ADAC Amiens which explores the notion of piercing, digging the matter.
Julien Perez - Vert Vert (vinyl LP)
A project of Angélique Buisson after a poem of Jean-Baptiste Gresset, published in 1734, composed and interpreted by PEREZ.
Éric Pessan - Le Centre spatial de Toulouse - Traversée culturelle dans les archives de l\'Espace #3
French edition
Observatoire de l'Espace / CNES - Books
The contributors of this book invite readers into a cultural journey at the crossroad of multiple disciplines, allowing them to rediscover the history of this administration from a sensible, intimate point of view.
Saâdane Afif - Side Magazine - Acrobats
English edition
Wirklichkeit Books
The seventh and last issue of the editorial discursive space for the Bergen Assembly triennial, conceived by Saâdane Afif is dedicated to the character of an Acrobats ("who are two but together as one," as Thomas Clerc says in his play, The Heptahedron).
Michel Mazzoni - Rien, presque
bilingual edition (English / French)
A body of fragmented images and views that draw their iconography from public spaces or from motifs specific to modernity.
Bertrand Gauguet - Miroir (CD)
Akousis Records
A dialogue between the saxophone and the viola.
Nicolas Richard - Commentaires - Un coup de tête jamais n\'abolira le hasard
French edition
Vroum - Editions
A "football-oratorio" that replays the 2006 World Cup final match between France and Italy.
Luc Ferrari - Solitude Transit - Bandes magnétiques inédites (1989-1990) (vinyl LP)
Transversales Disques
currently out of stock
Unpublished and outstanding archival recordings by electroacoustic music pioneer Luc Ferrari: a piece in three acts composed in 1989 for contemporary dance, choreographed by Anne-Marie Reynaud.
Jérôme Noetinger - Sur quelques mondes étranges (2 vinyl LP)
Gagarin Records
The music on this long-awaited solo vinyl album by legendary tape artist Jérome Noetinger was recorded live in the studio with no overdubs. Signals were sent through tube broadcast monitors and picked up with room microphones.
Patrick Cariou - Works 1985-2005
English edition
Damiani - Photography
74.00 60.00 €
Far from modernity: the first overview of the French photographer famed for his portraits of marginal cultures, in acclaimed photobooks such as Surfers and Yes Rasta.
Pierre Fatumbi Verger - United States of America - 1934 & 1937
English edition
Damiani - Photography
68.00 55.00 €
Unseen images of the Great Depression from the famed chronicler of the African diaspora.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Formes et trajets - Tome 1 : Hétérochronies
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A collection of texts about time and artists working with it.
Nicolas Bourriaud - Formes et trajets - Tome 2 : Topologies
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A collection of texts about space and artists working with it.
Jean-Marie Gleize - Dans le style de l\'attente
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
An exploration in thirteen chapters of the question of the name, in a poetic ensemble crossed by childhood, memory, and the obsession of the return.
F.J. Ossang - Génération Néant
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Reissue of the cult punk book by the transgender artist (filmmaker, musician, poet, writer...) Ossang, written in 1980 and first published in 1993, now impossible to find.
Frédéric Cousinié - Paysage du paysage - Nicolas Poussin, Claude Le Lorrain, Sébastien Bourdon
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The various dimensions of the landscape—mental, cultural and ideological, real and pictorial—in the emblematic works of Poussin, Le Lorrain, Bourdon and their contemporaries of the 17th century.
Frédéric Acquaviva - Enquête de flagrance pour musique létale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Al Dante
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Frédéric Acquaviva, as Mozart of the assize court, questions, in this only known example of judicial sound art, justice and its functioning, but especially insists on the fragile barrier which separates criminals from honest composers.
Raoul Ruiz - Notes, Recollections and Sequences of Things Seen
English edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Fictions
Meditations on cinema and method.

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