we are closed for a few days, from May 8 to 12—many thanks for your patience!

Le Chant du Moineau / Casta

Le Chant du Moineau carries out various artistic projects and creations, from sound arts and experimental and improvised music to visual arts, related to the broad notion of landscape, inviting musicians, artists, composers, poets, dancers, historians and writers to produce creative residencies, concerts, exhibitions, workshops and editions.
Lionel Marchetti - Le Diable ermite - Augiéras (CD)
Compositions and epistolary improvisations, in tribute to the writer François Augiéras.
Jean-Yves Bosseur - Ville sauvage (2 CD)
Vast cross-composition by Jean-Yves Bosseur and Benjamin Bondonneau created for the Bordeaux ensemble le Un. A wild thought towards Claude Lévi-Strauss and his notion of "bricolage".
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Comité Zaoum - Épisode 1 (CD)
Concert by the improviser quartet recorded in public on September 22, 2018 at the Romanesque church in Vézac (France).
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Voltes (CD)
An improvised piano solo, dense and furious.
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Le mont Olympe - Alpha
French edition
A series of plays (independent of each other) that all refer to a scene from Greek mythology.
Benjamin Bondonneau - Phonolithes - Autour de Roger Caillois 2014-2015 (CD)
Performances of clarinet solo around the work of Roger Caillois & graphic scores (with Maurice Benhamou, Jean-Yves Bosseur, Michel Doneda, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Jonas Kocher, Ly Than Tien, Christian Rosset, and Matthieu Saladin).
Olivier Toulemonde - RadioDordogne#2 - Créations sonores, 2015 (CD)
In 2015, the web radio RadioDordogne offers five carte blanche to sound artists and composers. They each deliver a piece, born from what the territory evokes to them.
Raphaël Saint-Remy - Des espèces en voie d\'apparition (book / CD)
French edition
currently out of stock
A literary and sound dive into a fantastic and whimsical bestiary (with Benjamin Bondonneau, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Géraldine Keller and Michel Mathieu).
Wilfried Deurre - RadioDordogne#1 - Prises de son, 2014 (CD)
RadioDordogne#1 is a vast montage of sound recordings made by the sound cartographers in 2014 for the web radio RadioDordogne. Sound heritage, readings, landscapes, archives, musical creations are intertwined to propose six radio pieces for listening.
Michel Doneda - Arr Suite - Avec Jean Degottex, 2012-2013 (booklet + CD)
The series of "Papiers Ouverts" by Jean Degottex (1918-1978) created in 1974 and poems by Maurice Benhamou fed the improvisations of the two musicians. Ghosts, ruins, stars, rubble ... punctuate this work recorded in Belgium, Monos gallery.
 Quatuor Cassini - Géographie utopique - Créations Musique - Peinture - Cinéma au Domaine de Certes, Audenge, Gironde, 2010-2011 (CD / DVD)
A musical, pictorial and cinematographic journey, as many sensitive interpretations of the domain of Certes in Gironde. Through the prism of Ernest Valeton de Boissière, inventor of the place and transmitter of the social utopias of the 19th century.
Daunik Lazro - L\'arbre ouvert - Portraits picturaux et sonores d\'arbres de Dordogne, hiver 2009-2010 (booklet + CD)
Free improvisations and phonographies in the forest, bundles of sounds, armfuls of dead leaves, arboreal rhythms, chestnut blasts.
 Quatuor Cassini - Le peuple des falaises (CD)
A musical project recorded in in multi-track in different places of the Vézère valley (France), caves and troglodytic sites.
Laurent Sassi - Humus (CD)
An improvised performance with Benjamin Bondonneau (clarinet), David Chiesa (double bass), Didier Lasserre (drums), Daunik Lazro (baritone saxophone) and Laurent Sassi (sound).
Fabrice Charles - Dordogne (2 CD)
A sound navigation along the entire Dordogne river, from the Mont Dore to the Bec d'Ambès.
Benjamin Bondonneau - La dentelle des dents (CD)
Free improvisations in solo clarinet.

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