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Nina Dragičević

Nina Dragičević (born 1984) is a Slovenian poet, a writer, a sound artist and a sociologist. She is the author of the books Kdo ima druge skrbi (2014; Who has Other Worries), Slavne neznane: Zvočne umetnice v konstrukciji družbe (2016; Famous Unknowns: Women sound artists in construction of society), Med njima je glasba: Glasba v konstrukciji lezbične scene (2017; The Music Between Them: Music in construction of lesbian communities), Ljubav reče greva (2019; Lover Says Let's Go), To telo, pokončno (2021; This Body, Standing), Kako zveni oblast? (2022; Sound of Power), and Ampak, kdo? (2023; But Who?), and numerous electroacoustic compositions and sound installations.

(external link : ninadragicevic.com)
Nina Dragičević - Auditory Poverty and its Discontents - An Essay
English edition
Errant Bodies
Where sounding is understood as an exhibition of activity, vitality, and power, Nina Dragičević proposes that we analyse sonic phenomena in econo-political terms.

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