search results for "forde"
Forde 1994-2009
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
30.00 17.00 €
Fifteen years of curatorial experiment on 550 pages.
Forde/A4 - Production 2002-2004
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
sold out
Original invitation cards of the independent contemporary art space based in the cultural alternative center Usine in Geneva.
Objets d\'hier et d\'aujourd\'hui - Forde 2004-2006 / 2006-2007
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
12.00 8.00 €
This publication presents the 2004-2006 program of Forde independent contemporary art space (with John Baldessari, Philippe Decrauzat, Scott King, Wade Guyton, Mathieu Mercier, Mai-Thu Perret, Seth Price...).
Everything you ever wanted to know about Jeff Koons. Just kidding. It\'s a book of interviews with nine really great artists
bilingual edition (English / French)
Nine interviews with the artists exhibited in the Geneva art space Forde between 2018 and 2020.
Tom Humphreys - Plates
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Artist's book documenting works produced by Tom Humphrey between 2009 and 2016 using industrially manufactured ceramic plates as a support medium. This extensive volume reproduces four hundred and twenty works from this series at a one-to-one scale, in precisely rendered photographs.
Lucas Cantori - Loops - The future is wild / To loop the loop
French edition
This collective publication questions the literary strategies at stake in the work of visual artist Yoan Mudry.
Sylvain Menétrey - Semiospace - A Spaced Out Artistic Experiment
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication is part of an artistic and performative project conceived by artist Raphaële Bidault-Waddington and critic Sylvain Menétrey. Part poetic neologism, part scientific concept, the semiospace, as a linguistic creation, seems to mirror Bidault-Waddington's practice—the creation of hybrid objects at once cognitive models borrowed from science, and exuberant fictions.
Donatella Bernardi - Into Your Solar Plexus
English edition
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
This artist's book presents the sum of a multitude of journeys, people and stories collected and edited by Donatella Bernardi and stemming from her own family archives. The artist connects this whole documentation with works by Lebanese artist Saloua Raouda Choucair and her daughter Hala Schoukair, as well as with the Swiss Confederation Fine Art Collection.
Tina Braegger - The Grateful Dead
English edition
sold out
This publication results from Braegger's “The Grateful Dead” paintings series, ink jet prints of colorful psychedelic marching bears on canvas. These bears were used as a logo by San Francisco Sixties rock band The Grateful Dead.
Tiphanie Mall - Ramsdorf
no text
Artist's book featuring a selection of photographic archive from the European Organization for Nuclear Research: without the context of the archive or explanatory legends, the content becomes abstract and hypothetical, and plays with the representational capacity of the image and with the reception of information.
Johanna Viprey - The Artist As A Cabdriver - A Methodological Journey with Jeff Perkins, Professional Outsider
English edition
A research project in progress developed by the artist Johanna Viprey: the book narrates the encounter that has led the artist to investigate the personal history of Jeff Perkins, American performer painter and documentary filmmaker, from an anthropological perspective.
Donatella Bernardi - In pursuit of unlimited hospitality
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph, with an essay by Jacqueline Burckhardt.
Donatella Bernardi - The Hacker Grail
bilingual edition (English / French)
A modern reinterpretation of the subject of the Holy Grail (artist's book).
texts in English and French
Alex Israel, Rem Koolhaas, Bertrand Lavier, Rosemarie Trockel, 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, Documenta 13, Jeff Koons, Pierre Huyghe, Ed Ruscha, Bret Easton Ellis, Melanie Griffith, Joseph Logan, Alan Vega...
French edition
Allen Ruppersberg, Guy de Cointet, Ugo Rondinone, John Baldessari, Pierre Huyghe, Mathieu Mercier, Christopher Williams, Angela Bulloch, Philippe Parreno, Amy O'Neill...

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