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Item Guillaume Belhomme, Guillaume Tarche - Item
A short retrospective of the blog Au grisli clandestin (augrisliclandestin.tumblr.com), a visual annex of the musical website Le son du grisli (www.lesondugrisli.com).
“You can't just have a picture of one item and know much about it.”
Derek Bailey
With John Butcher, Phil Minton, Joe Colley, Talweg, John Zorn, Paul Flaherty, Chris Corsano, Pauline Oliveros, AMM, Merzbow, Mats Gustafsson, Jim O'Rourke, Nick Cave, Radu Malfatti, Body/Head, Moondog, Otomo Yoshihide, Charlemagne Palestine, Sonic Youth, Toshimaru Nakamura, Alvin Curran, Thelonious Monk, Lol Coxhill, Steve Lacy, John Tilbury, Evan Parker, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Jason Kahn...

See also volume 2 (Time).
French writer, musician and publisher Guillaume Belhomme (born 1976) runs Lenka lente editions.
A specialist of improvised music, Guillaume Tarche (born 1973) is a saxophonist, writer and music journalist (Le son du grisli, Improjazz...) and translator (of Evan Parker).
published in January 2014
French edition
10 x 15 cm (sioftcover)
72 pages (68 b/w ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-9545845-2-2
EAN : 9782954584522
in stock
(last copies available!)
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